Gab account: realburningbush @realburningbush
2021-09-07 00:33:56
the metaphysis of being
2021-09-07 00:42:04
@paulf The Big Event already happened in 2015 and no one knows about it except the Top Brass, a few hundred witnesses ( who have signed nondisclosure agreements ) Donald Trump and someone biologically different from the rest of you.
You were all saved, a hybrid human prevented it for us all.
There is a "family" of hybrids who have saved your asses from nuclear war a few times. You are alive because of them. Be grateful
The event was in California. It was a completely supernatural and spectacular show of hybrid magic and strength.
BDA has never mentioned this, therefore he is a probable larp, but he's a blast to read so it's okay.
@Block89 @paulf Suspect he is not a larp but what do I know.
2021-09-07 00:43:25
#BigDickAnon Update: Six Weeks Edition.
OP asks which anons are hoping for a world-changing event in their lifetimes. BDA says it's going to be much closer than that. Checked.
"Actually I suspect about six weeks maybe less. Depends on how long the evacuations take."
I was in this thread and asked him whether he meant the evacuations from Afghanistan but got no reply before the thread was archived. I presume so. My current personal geopolitical sequence-fagging looks like this:
Afghanistan -> Maricopa -> Maxwell -> ??? -> ??? -> supernatural event that will shock and rock the world. Better predictions very welcome!
@paulf Wonder who is BDA in this picture. Maybe the young one.
2021-09-07 01:28:37
@realburningbush How lucky we are to have you with us, Sir!
2021-09-07 01:30:41
I so enjoy my little pleasures.
2021-09-07 01:39:07
@realburningbush Woukd you recommend not traveling to Yellowstone in the near future ?
@JoeAllgood We will see.
2021-09-07 01:41:52
@realburningbush I have so many questions, but would love to know your favorite memory.
@DC_Cesspool I do not have memories. It all just is. Creation makes the present. I am not perfect. Do like good movies though.
2021-09-07 01:56:33
@realburningbush Well, you are perfect in my eyes. None of us is truly perfect, but that is what we strive for. It's no wonder most of us have had had so many incarnations. We can't seem to get it right and come back to learn to be better.
Is Casablanca your favorite?
@DC_Cesspool Well I was in it. It must be a great movie. The stage in ancient Greece was a favorite. Beautiful people. Sparta was fun.
2021-09-07 01:58:27
@realburningbush So how u feelin ? Happy Rosh Hashanah!
@Ballerinaluv Feelings. I feel too much sadly enough. An awful lot in the mix. Right now I am balanced.
2021-09-07 02:07:16
@realburningbush You were Claude Rains? Wow! Actors today don't come close to those in older movies. Truly classics.
(I've been trying to piece together how that all works the past few years.) Mary is buried here. Another great movie.
2021-09-07 02:23:59
@realburningbush I'll make a point to watch the whole movie this week. Is Shangri La symbolic of the Valley of the Blue Moon?
@DC_Cesspool Yes and a lot more. Enjoy.
2021-09-07 02:28:37
Have to run. Say your prayers.
2021-09-08 01:36:52
I do so love this job. Mary`s cat is awesome. Will have to save her.
2021-09-08 03:00:08
An aside. For what it is worth there are over a million inhabited worlds and keeping up with them is a hoot. Had to stop planting seeds everywhere. Too many trees and you lose sight of the forest. And there is a outpost on Titan and yes folks have traveled through black holes. Thought black holes were a nice touch and having them come back younger is a lot of fun. Area 51 is full of many species. Some are my invitees and others just wander in looking for their lost space ship. The card games are by invitation only and the military gets no invitation. They can just sit outside in their doomsday plane and kiss my confederate ass. Always liked Gone with the Wind, Great picture. Have places to go and things to do. We really need to do a survey on the future of mankind and is it worth saving.. Sleep well. This may be a bit much but you willl get over it. The world depends on it.
2021-09-08 03:04:50
@realburningbush Noticed your penchant for 30s movies. Wizard of Oz a favourite from 1939? Follow the Yellow Brick Road...
@_G9_ Interesting on how the mind works. I just posted a comment on Gone With the Wind. The Wizard of Oz and the Wind were made in the same year by the same Director. And the winner is. Talking and words are such a trip. Giving logos to humans was a big deal. And the eyes. The gateway to the human soul. Guess I could have hid it somewhere else. Look if it all comes to and end the next time around will be a winner. I have a lot of material here.
2021-09-08 10:40:39
2021-09-08 22:59:23
Been very sick with Covid for about 2 weeks now. I'm run through an ivermectin protocol and have all the pills and supplements and accouterments but tbph, it was like Ivermectin did nothing for me. This has been one of the most brutal sicknesses I've had to endure - and even worse than the first time I caught covid, waaaaay back when no one knew what we were dealing with.
Anyway, prayers are always appreciated. I'm looking forward to having this out of my system, soon.
@NeonRevolt take some aspirin and pray for help, you will be fine.
2021-09-08 23:16:57
Yellowstone is so much fun to piddle with. Think I will run the cat nuts. One night the cat hid under the bed and Mary could not get the poor thing out. Maybe a 4?
You folks need a miracle. It will be obvious. The folks in Los Angeles were pretty blase about my previous efforts. Something impressive. I liked the fireballs. Maybe something like this.
2021-09-09 11:11:27
2021-09-09 11:42:44
Ease his pain.
2021-09-09 18:32:11
@paulf I'm not what the point is to post this Doom and Gloom? The Three Gorges Dam was supposed to go a long time ago. What happened to you going to the Valley of the Blue Moon and where is this miraculous vax that actually helps people from the Valley of the Blue Moon? Sounds like BS to me all the way around
@JAC6789 @paulf three gorges dam did go last year. You are just in a different time line. But do not worry it is on my to do list.
2021-09-09 18:33:54
@JAC6789 @paulf
Seems to me that the miraculous VBM vaxx (if it even exists) would interfere with the higher one up's plans. It is allowed to move pebbles, changing the course of the river is not allowed. Sad!
@Lady_Slipper @JAC6789 @paulf It does exist and we will see what happens to it. next time tom will drop a sample off with Mr. Fuber. He will be in the Valley soon.
2021-09-09 18:35:07
@realburningbush BB - I love that song. Thank you for the reassurance. Never doubted for a second.
p.s. Did you or one of your Angels visit Shenyang, China yesterday, Sept 8th at 7:45 am in the morning? 😇
@DC_Cesspool maybe I don`t keep a close watch on them. Freedom and all of that. Think I will do some more earthquakes. Like to see the cat jump.
2021-09-09 18:36:07
@_G9_ @realburningbush @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44
Benjamin, a surrogate son.
edit: source
@Lady_Slipper @_G9_ @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44 You folks are good. Another reason to just let you work it out.
2021-09-09 18:37:54
21-9-9 Uncharted Waters. Part 4 of x.
Soooooo. We have @realburningbush gracing us with his perfecting spirit. We have tom gone but not forgotten. Tons of good stuff from tom. We have the new and improved BD back from the "Heisenberg" demise to pretty much end up where he was when he left a year ago.
Here goes my best @paulf summary of where we are now.
BB is full on a movie, music, margarita, and cat lover. Probably right out of the comms manual but hey. Known knows? BB has directly pointed at BD as his son imo. Many ways not the least of pushing around a shopping cart with BD holding on to it. The ease his pain comment in relation to the BD post last night as well I think. tom gave us a picture of Helena. Previously there was a pic of Lotta by BD? Figure Helena was tom's great great grandma. BD was in No. Cal. when Helena came. We do not know how the pebbles moved when Annie got there recently but highly suspect she is now Lotta? So tom has two great grandmas. Could have that the wrong way around but...
Constant rolling 3s this week in Yellowstone. BB doing his best Bowling for Dollars. Loud but just knocking down pins in the alley.
World is screwed. Latest clif videos are basically confirmed by the latest BD. Going to hell in a hand basket. A billion dead. Economy gone. Now recurring theme is the evacuations. I believe BD is a returned Noah. VBM his ark. Evac to the ark. Also have a feeling the ark is inner earth. Agartha. BB posted the Shangri-la movie. Inner earth evacs whilst BB remodels the surface? then we all move to 5d/6d with Earth/GAIA. Pretty dang special place this. Yes BB can make it more perfect and I think that is what this all is. Bad Guys are pretty rooted and embedded so it will take a big operation to excise them.
BB for the W. If I sound crazier than normal, ya, it feels that way. Die is cast. The last fork in the road taken. We have been given a glimpse to help us get through it. Lots will not. Enjoy the heck out of it because the opposite is probably harmful to the outcome.
@American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44 @Ballerinaluv @Lady_Slipper et al. Hope to see ya on the ark and then on the other side.
@_G9_ @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44 @Lady_Slipper Yes the inner earth can be called an ark. And there is an entrance in the Valley.
2021-09-09 18:39:32
@realburningbush I think if nothing else the human race has a great sense of humour. I’m endlessly entertained by it.
@Dudders100000RPM yes it does and one of its most beautiful traits. Something missing in most in the galaxy.
2021-09-09 18:40:31
@realburningbush Someone seems to love music...It figures, right, BB?
This is a beautiful version of a beautiful song. Thank You.
@WatershipDown Music is important to a balanced life and a balanced soul.
2021-09-09 18:41:17
@realburningbush BD's latest post last night does not offer a lot of encouragement....
"Doesn`t matter if you are vaccinated or not. This shit fest will just get darker and darker. The pandemic of the vaccinated is just kicking in and with a few more variants from the Chinese inventory today will be seen as paradise. The Great Depression is right around the corner and with a pandemic and loss of the american dollar as the world`s reserve currency. The deal has already been made and the Israelis are going to move on Iran and Taiwan will nuke Beijing by Christmas when the invasion of Taiwan gets to the capital and Joe is hidden in the basement. On the positive side evacuations are on going."
Could you expand on the 6 weeks of evacuations BD is talking about please. The rest sounds like the Apocalypse. 7.4 quake in Acapulco a pointer?
I always stay positive. BB for the W. Your symphony. John Williams? Everybody loves his music...
@paulf @blackrow @DC_Cesspool @Ballerinaluv @American50 @4rjh
@_G9_ @paulf @blackrow @DC_Cesspool @Ballerinaluv @American50 @4rjh Well he has seen a lot.
2021-09-09 18:43:59
@realburningbush Methinks the bush just forecast an EMP attack on lipstick city. Wowzzz. Also sounds like a major warning shot that the CA election be fair. Or else. BRING IT BUSH BABY!!
@pogue44 I like the way you think.
2021-09-09 22:48:08
@realburningbush Either this is a typo (which brings up a lot of questions) or there's a joke in there somewhere about atheists having rickets.
@8chanon I am not perfect never claimed to be. I drink too much also, but I am complete and do have other talents. Mankind is in quite the shit show right now. Really is funny.
2021-09-09 23:02:09
@realburningbush Wonder if you ever saw my responses to BD in his threads from 2019 and 2020. I think I badgered him too much and he stopped doing long threads because mankind went off the deep end. Wonder if you guys will ever be willing to meet with people who are following during and after these years of tribulations.
@JamesKaufman880804 There are a few tasks that need to be wrapped up first. Last year a dear soul lost his life reaching out and not being properly protected. Evil does exist and is quite active in the world and understand I have nothing to do with evil. That is a whole different dialogue. Evil comes from the same madness I do so you get the good with the bad. I am working it and yes sooner than later all will be known. That is if the world continues the way it does today. That is an open question and the main reason I am here. Is mankind still on the road to perfection or is mankind permanently damaged? I really do not know yet what to create. Odd don`t you think?
2021-09-09 23:41:24
@realburningbush @_G9_ @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44
Thank you. Steve is the best. Tom promised some more family stories but then he disappeared instead. We are still a bit confused about all the mothers though!
@Lady_Slipper @_G9_ @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44 My fault. He has other things needing doing. When I attended the family reunion I heard some good ones. The Etowah river is important and the family has origins that go beyond this planet. I will leave that alone for now but one day not only will you meet these folks but the stories they share will as they say light your fire. Have BD Anon share with you the one about the critter on Titan that almost ate him. It left a few eggs in a pocket of his suit that made it into a building and well quite the show. Not sure what the attraction was but oh well.
2021-09-09 23:46:29
@_G9_ @realburningbush @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44 @Lady_Slipper @Ballerinaluv I have to admit, I sometimes think you get a bit "carried away with the fairies" as my mother might have said, 😃 but this time I reckon you have nailed it Steve. Right down the middle of the fairway. Finally a whole lot of disparate bits and pieces are gelling together.
@MrBlueSkies @_G9_ @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44 @Lady_Slipper fairies are quite real and they visit a lot of folks in their sleep. They are quite active and have an affection for mankind that goes back a long, long way. Their homeland is middle earth and they travel a lot. There is more in heaven and earth than you can imagine. But maybe you can. Funny sometimes in the Valley they congregate and leave at night and the sky looks like a fireworks show as they set out.
2021-09-09 23:48:10
@realburningbush We absolutely do need a miracle. I pray for one, for forgiveness of my many sins and everyone else’s that they may all awaken and right their wrongs & that we may be able to correct all that has gone wrong. I pray for salvation of myself my family and all people, and that I may be able to put on the armor of God.
I pray for wisdom, guidance, understanding and that I may have the Lord speak through me.
I pray for forgiveness for my part in L.A.’s blasé and doing so little to help the plight of these folks.
Regardless, I thank God everyday for this incredible garden planet we have been blessed with.
@AgentOrangeMan Live a life of action governed by virtue and love your self. A beautiful soul is the ultimate gift to mankind.
2021-09-09 23:49:15
@realburningbush I love you🙏❤️
@csgp Love yourself and love the ones around you and you love me. Take Care.
2021-09-10 00:30:18
@realburningbush @Lady_Slipper @_G9_ @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44 Tom once mentioned your fondness for the “Cherokee” people. Does this have to do w/ their origins? Apparently, people are rather confused regarding the real Cherokee Native Americans & Europeans- namely Irish who are really Egyptian who are really Atlantan….? Help me out here, pretty please BB 💞
@Ballerinaluv @Lady_Slipper @_G9_ @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44 The Cherokees were visited many, many years ago by a race of beautiful entites that left them gifts. Gifts that carried forward even till today. Those gifts included how do I say this children. Children that carried both blood lines.
2021-09-10 00:35:29
@realburningbush @Lady_Slipper @_G9_ @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44 ahhh curiouser & curiouser . Is that what gives some of us “interesting communication skills” and more? Thnx BB! 💞
@Ballerinaluv @Lady_Slipper @_G9_ @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44 yes
2021-09-10 01:02:56
@realburningbush I have a good friend Brian who is a healer. I wanted to pose a question on his behalf, as he is wondering what he must gear up to contend with. "Are we dealing with demons, aliens, or gods?" "Are these guys playing the people?" Thank You.
@WLinvestment Good question. You need to understand when the universe came into being as a result of yours truly other entities escaped from the madness that existed before the universe. Yes things came through that you refer to as demons and such. Some are harmless and just want to be left along to wander the galaxy others are less so. When the madness cease to exist they hated the loss and carry that hate to this galaxy. And some have a real problem with my fondness for mankind. Sorry. This is why time travelers fascinate me because they have the knack to go there for themselves. BD Anon went there once and I had to pull him back. The darkness can consume your soul.
2021-09-10 01:04:29
@realburningbush You can ease my pain helping me understand what caused the “mud flood”? How many times has Earth been reset? 🙏
@chopper755 suggest you leave that alone. Things will work out.
2021-09-10 01:16:35
@realburningbush @JamesKaufman880804 Follow the yellow brick road to perfection?
@MrBlueSkies @JamesKaufman880804 The road to perfection is implanted into your soul. It is always close to you and is like a nagging itch that simply calls you to find yourself.
2021-09-10 01:20:38
@realburningbush @Ballerinaluv @Lady_Slipper @_G9_ @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow @pogue44 Are there other bloodlines of "mixed races" similar to Cherokee currently in this world? ie descendants with more than solely human lineage?
@MrBlueSkies @Ballerinaluv @Lady_Slipper @_G9_ @paulf @American50 @4rjh @blackrow yes, quite the circus out there. A damn mess. Well to each its own.
2021-09-10 02:52:11
Well I promised a 4. This is fun.
2021-09-10 03:42:45
@realburningbush tell me, I have been watching USGS most of the day for months now....what is the deal at Mina NV and near Walker CA .....rumbles of magma? Or just regular plate movement. Is that you? or some "earthquake machine"
@AncientofSouls Can`t be everywhere, well I can be, but sometimes things just happen. Not me.
2021-09-10 03:43:12
@realburningbush “And the ripples will circle the globe instantaneously.”
@CockatriceDen Thanks for the suggestion.
2021-09-10 05:51:30
@realburningbush @JamesKaufman880804
BB, has mankind truly a chance for perfection? Are we created to reach perfection? Love, kindness and compassion.. yes 🙏 Perfection would mean no mistakes and no faults... I don’t know whether this is doable. The evilness however is difficult to bear. 💔
@Matrixtruth @JamesKaufman880804 Yes. Perfection is a part of your soul. It only has to be awakened.
2021-09-10 12:04:06
2021-09-10 12:21:17
When I first met Peggy she lived in an abandoned home in a small town in Florida. She was in a drug induced stupor and was passed out on a bug infested couch in what was once a beautiful and vibrant home. Her physical appearance was that of someone who`s life had taken them down trails most could barely imagine. Her teeth were gone and when I touched her the experience of her life flooded in like a cancer. Her husband had died in Afghanistan, the loss was more than she could bear. She lost her children and now lay in front of me as a tribute to the stupidity of man. I made her whole and when she awoke she begged me to take her some place she could forget. I took her to the Valley of the Blue Moon and gave her to others who took this beautiful human being and kept her safe. You see miracles are all around you just have to look, And if you do not see them make them. That is your journey.
2021-09-10 20:28:18
I need to say something. Some of you have questions that the answer is more painful than the question. When that happens I prefer to work it in my own way and help bring a goodness in your life that will help you in your journey. Remember I am on my own journey and perfection is a ways off for me also. I feel your pain and sometimes it is unbearable and yet we get though and at the end of the day we abide. I only wish the best for each of you and remember coincidences are the footprints of well you know. You know I do not prefer that name. Stay safe.
2021-09-11 01:25:45
After all these years going back to where it started. Will be having dinner this weekend with the Anti-Christ in Washington D.C. She is everything you believe her to be. And she is very very close to power in Washington. She prefers the darkness till she can be revealed as the lady in the White Dress. She thinks her time is soon. We will see. You see she is the White Rabbit.
2021-09-11 01:51:00
The anti-Christ is a woman? Lilith?
@JulianMoore Good question. For now.
2021-09-11 01:52:12
@realburningbush thanks, mate. When will she be revealed? Is this based on an event, or a timeline, or a certain action?
@Cazza01 An event that will cause great chaos and the plan is to surface a leader from the shadows that can unite. The greatest scams and hidden in the open.
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