If you can really make earthquakes, hit ME with one right meow!!!
Expensive stuff. If you are in California you will get one naturally soon enough.
You mentioned the second space force is to 'deal with' whatever that sent the asteroid. Does that mean we already have the capability for armed manned spaceflight that reaches other quadrants of the milky way galaxy?
How fast can we get to other parts of the milky way galaxy from earth, rough ball park figure. Less then a day?
What do our space weaponry currently look like?
Yea, some of that stuff is in the middle east if needed. Yep we are armed and out there. We can get to Jupiter in less than 4 hours. We can get back even quicker. Think of it this way. There and back at the same moment. You can bend the same time line to literally get back before you started. The problem is getting back, way, way back is tricky. Weaponry. A lot like what you see in the movies. Some of it is really weird shit. The matter shredder is fascinating. The target just never existed.
>China and Russia are on board with Trump behind the curtains.
russians are good folks, but the chinks?
Did xi and his ilk have an idea of our above stated capabilities when they were fucking around in alaska talking abou taking it?
Is the space force and leverage it represents one of the reasons why chinese were cooperative (or appeared to be, like with the auto reg thing/chungking Q messages) in the beginning?
Have they rapidly developed their own leverage since then (through theft mainly)? How close is it to ours in capability?
>Good to see Pence`s wife push away from the table a bit. She has lost a lot of weigh.
So it wasn't him, but his wife. Supposedly.
Or she was just a massively neurotic and unhelpful to the situation.
Which does more damage in reality? World ponders the ever lasting eternal question.
Nope they don`t. Think I mentioned a while back we had a wire on XI`s plane and he really would like to have Alaska. Little does he know we are very close to getting Greenland too. The Chinese are aware of these posts and just say these are gentile reminders to play nice. The Pence`s are just good people. No more no less.
this is one of the gayest recurring larps ever to grace 4chan. it seems like this guy has 'fluffers' who agree in advance to show up in his threads.
No I don`t know anyone here, and honestly my posts are not for anyone here. I enjoy some of the discussions and share what I can. Nothing more and nothing less. Just a foot soldier.
>Europe needs to figure it out.
I will not say any more on what this kind of flippant disregard has done to our women and children.
you mentioned many things yes. The patents came out earlier this year and I am just catching up. All are coming out in coordination with chinese 'we have it too' act.
Of course media all claims it is a catching up on OUR end. fake news, yes?
>anti`gravity devices
powered by compact fusion reactors?
>No real sense of speed or movement. You are just well there.
Alright that's some pretty gay shit like cumming with no actual fucking.
>Still believe those boys did a very bad day and hearing they are going to rebuild the base.
Good for them rebuilding the base.
Yea, I don't blame them for having any bad days.
Is our 'two space forces' the only ones in operation (under US control, US personnel, no globalist tendrils)?
Why are we allowing them/chinese to go to space if we are still dealing with them on lethal level here on this earth? What kind of leverage do the chinese have?
Before I talked about the existence of two space forces. The one in the works now and the one that has been around for a number of years. Just us for now. They are sending another group out soon to go threw a black hole. God bless them. Know they think they have this shit figured out, but oh well god bless them all.
there was a base in yellowstone? how do i get a job in this field
Imagine a background in Nukes and a bit crazy. They recruit a lot at Georgia Tech and MIT.
Right now it is better to get those folks in the fold. We have enough stuff behind the curtains to deal with them. Lets all make a buck and be friends. The experimentation thing is bad because they fucked up a while back and released a virus in one of their facilities in Central China that killed over 5000 people. Really bad shit. They stopped it but close. Real close.
also interesting with the timing on "black israelite" thing in NYC. fucking scum flaunting our gun laws they selected to take away our arms in our faces.
No news of arrests yet.
>The Chinese are in a hard place because of the pork problem and their economy.
I loved the timing on the 'unfortunate' swine ebola.
>Behind the doors, Trump is laughing his ass off about Hong Kong. He wants to drop Nancy and her coke problem off in the city.
Can we expect more retaliation to come to the filthy fucking CCP scum? Ones more closer to home that is.
Time to play nice with China. Lets just split the world up and everybody make money. And here we make our own Gold. That is funny. A lot of gold flowing out of Area 51. Suggested to Trump maybe bring the Chinese and Russians in on the scam. Oh well who knows.
They are supposedly signing phase 1, so maybe they'll stop trying to win and play nice. Amazing what happens when US leadership doesnt need to make money on geopolitical decisions
Yea good point. Most of these criminals come to Washington to make money. The Biden`s are just low rate thugs like Pelosi. Fuck all of them.Curious to see how N. Korea goes. Trump had that sealed and delivered and Bolton tried to fuck it up. He is another one that well it does not matter.
just like the ones we struck in 2018 in northern syria I guess.
Is pence clean and not compromised? Heard a lot of pedo/pedo involvement rumors about him.
What are your insights into kushner as an individual and his family history? connection to chabad/zionist elements? Useful asset and/or traitor?
Kushner and Pence and fine. Good to see Pence`s wife push away from the table a bit. She has lost a lot of weigh. Pence is a good man.
>destruction of iranian nuclear capabilities is linked to venezuela? Does the iranian element provide cover and support to cartels that back maduro?
opium/drugs of afghanistan flow through iran to venezuela/central america, not just local drugs?
is china connected to the scheme?
lol. Do you even Iran-Contra?
China and Russia are on board with Trump behind the curtains. We will see. Hopefully we will see Russia, China, and the U.S. slice up the world and each be responsible for the peace and working together. Yep Trump is pushing hard to stop the drugs.
Happy new river holidays BD, grab a beer more
Any updates on Yellowstone?
Good question. The magma is still moving and everyone is covering it up and really that is ok. The two resurgent domes under Yellowstone Lake are quiet. Still believe those boys did a very bad day and hearing they are going to rebuild the base. Guess losing those nuclear weapons did not scrae anyone. Crazy.
How significant will oil be in the future in general? Do you see us still majority riding petroleum based combustible engine vehicles in 10 years?
how much do saudis know about higher up stuff and how is AMARCO significant to what they want to do?
Oil will be around for a long time. Wish the stuff at Area 51 and other places would get out there. Do we need oil. Not for transportation. Simple anti`gravity devices scaled down could easily be used in cars. I have seen a few at area 51. No pollution and really neat to tool around in. No real sense of speed or movement. You are just well there.
will europe be demographically saved from (((soros))) invasions and its muslim invaders sent back/put down largely? Are there plans in place for this? Is this connected to part of what is going on in northern syria?
Will the media and NGOs that sponsor shills, including those inside israel pushing anti-white/pro-rape schemes and themes be brought down?
A lot going on in your post. Europe needs to figure it out. The Russians are not the problem. Soros needs a trial and a good hanging. He is just a psychopath that fits in well with the Democrat Party.
...wait so the USA bomb Iraq and they fight back now the iranians are at fault hahahahahahaha
Yea, we should not be here. This shit is Mad Max on steroids. Prefer to be on the Etowah River panning for Gold and sitting naked in the son with my partner.
how deeply located was the actual nuc facility in either places? 38km seems too deep in the crust, even 10km.
Can you describe any of these facilities and their structures in detail (how deep, complexity and scale, constructed using what method)?
Our team caused a pretty massive explosion and the earthquake was handled by others. Remember causing an earthquake at depth covers our actions and smothers the movements. Yea the technology is there. Same was used in North Korea. Except that was a lot nastier. Can`t be more specific.
So is China just gonna forget about US Hong Kong interference?
Hard to say. The Chinese are in a hard place because of the pork problem and their economy. Unless Hong Kong blows straight up they will leave it alone. Behind the doors, Trump is laughing his ass off about Hong Kong. He wants to drop Nancy and her coke problem off in the city.
a facility in western or south east we don't know publicly about?
Happy New years, BD. Some questions will be incoming.
happy new years to you. the second one we took out was not on any maps.
In before shills. Happy New Year BD. God’s many blessings upon you.
Same to you and have a great new year`s.
>These two strategic programs are linked.
destruction of iranian nuclear capabilities is linked to venezuela? Does the iranian element provide cover and support to cartels that back maduro?
opium/drugs of afghanistan flow through iran to venezuela/central america, not just local drugs?
is china connected to the scheme?
>The nuclear weapons they bought from the Ukraine had markers that identified them as Russian. In the event one is used they get the Big Dick. My Russian friend is coming along for round three. He has a grudge with a particular Iranian scientist to settle. A lot of Saudi money flowing in here.
so iran wanted to use russians and cause ww3.
>Maybe the Iranians will have their own shit fest. Happy New Year.
they fucked with our embassy again.
What happened in benghazi to steve?
Why did we let that happen?
Make em pay this time.
The embassy situation is a trap for the Iranians. Just let it play out. We have had folks in Venezuela for a while making deals behind the curtain. Madura is thug but we can work with him. He just wants to survive. Venezuela will come out of this ok. Well the Iranians bought the nukes from folks in the Ukraine when the Soviet Union collapsed. The Russians found out and wanted them back. Believe I spoke to this a while back. The Iranians should have just given them back. Bengazi was a shit show and Hillary should have been hanged for that. Maybe her private server in the toilet that caused a lot of folks to get killed will be her undoing. Damn flares going off. Oh well buckle up maybe soon. Trump will level parts of Baghdad and Tehran if this goes south.
glad you aren't the casualty POTUS posted about
Happy New Year fren
Not me. Thanks. I am sure there are folks working that.
12/31/19(Tue)12:13Iran and WW3 Part Deux237830843
Are we having fun yet? The excitement here is well overwhelming. "All real Americans love the sting of battle". What a great line. Let`s see two down one to go. Afterwards we have a few scores to settle and then a well earned holiday on a beautiful little place on the Etowah River. No one should confuse this shit show with the fake news interpretation. Two things are occurring. The Iranians are chimping out because their nuclear weapons program, funded by Obama is being destroyed, Next Trump is working behind the curtain to secure things in Venezuela that will benefit America for generations to come. These two strategic programs are linked. Trump could care less that the folks are killing each other. China and Russia will be looking out for things here and we will focus on Saudi Arabia and Israel. Trump believes in great power politics and letting the Chinese and Russians share a piece of the pie is just business, plus if we get Venezuela in the mix. Behind the doors a lot of deals are being made and the Mullahs are on the short end of that stick. That is the ones that survive. The Iranians were a day late and a dollar short on their attack of the American Base. Well back to work. These boys are good. So many terrorists and so few barrels. My lady friend took out several by herself. The dogs grabbed the arms and she took the rest. Quite the carver. Keep in mind the Russians have an axe to grind with the Iranians. The nuclear weapons they bought from the Ukraine had markers that identified them as Russian. In the event one is used they get the Big Dick. My Russian friend is coming along for round three. He has a grudge with a particular Iranian scientist to settle. A lot of Saudi money flowing in here. Maybe the Iranians will have their own shit fest. Happy New Year.
Didn’t realize WW3 had kicked off or that the entire world had changed. Keep me posted
>Didn’t realize WW3 had kicked off or that the entire world had changed
Are you expecting a larp not to larp?
Jooz could be the ones trying to trick USA into another war...something is not right about any of these factors leading up to this bullshit
>Jooz could be the ones trying to trick USA into another war
When are they not?
Post source, you retarded fuck
BWCAnon is a larp, you fucktard
Learn to read, fucktard
>> 237816990
He has been spot on a lot!
Yes, in particular with several ME events.
I have been thinking to volunteer to Iranian side if USA or Israel attack to Iran.
sounds like a smart plan.
you go first, I'm right behind you.
Reminder: BD Anon is a Mossad larper shill
definitely. but he still called the timing of the strikes right on the money.
and he was entertaining. personally, I'll miss him if he's gone.
Iran just can't fucking help itself, can it?
>let's attack what's technically US soil. That's a good trick!!
No, they can't help themselves. Painted themselves into a corner with zero way to save face. The end is nigh.
Adding BD anon pic for image hash ...
Good evening folks.
If it's him his info just got emailed to someone who's already admitted to killing multiple people. This faggot is the same person who did the FBIAnon threads on cripchan to deflect from Purple last Feb. Purple already has a bounty out on any personal details for this cunt along with moarpheus who I'm pretty sure Purple already got to.
nah but we will see.
Can you tell us anything about what we have in store for south america/central america? plans to go after cartels very hard in conjunction with local military/trusted LE? Resolution to venezuelan situation?
Is bolsonaro secure and firm in his resolve to make brazil stable and great again? Can we count on hard, well earned relationships between both nations to improve our future prospects in the western hemisphere?
Not really close to that. Hands full over here right now. Know Trump and Bolsonaro are working on something big. Shipped a lot of gold to Brazil not long ago.
Shit was making dinner and here you are.
Happy pre-new years, BD.
If you are still up for it, do send the ring to my name (minus the diamond if you want) to the place we talked about last thread - the place I last picked up my packages of cigars in. proofs would go a long way to giving people hope.
Are you talking about the ring on the finger the dogs ate? Let me see if I can find out where that is.
>Your predictions are NEVER correct. You are a total LARP.
Wrong. If you actually bothered to do even a cursory dig now & then, you'd realize that there's never been a BD thread where at least one topic BD's discussed eventually makes it into the news within a few days after he's brought it to our attention. Like THIS for instance:
Perhaps you recall us being told a few threads back about a space rock (or object of some kind) that may have been deliberately steered our way in order to take out the Earth sometime during the decade ahead? No. Of course you don't. KYS.
Yep. Wish folks would take the time to understand. Instead of spending so much time not thinking.
You're a lying kike who is going to be disembowled and hung with your own entrails. Purple is coming hope you're ready to die traitor.
That is impressive.
Fuck off gay kike LARP nigger
Not really but if it turns you on go for it. Folks over here are at least a lot more involved in the real world.
Fucking faggot larper
Hang in there John. Not much longer.
Why was Bolton made so powerful if he is a known idiot?
Trump was trying to placate a certain element in the Republican Party.
speaking of, what's the status of RBG?
Well I missed that one. The cancer is everywhere and she should already be dead. Can`t see that going much longer than January. Trump already has her replacement picked. Can`t remember her name. A catholic lady.
That is really fascinating. Oh well and a bit funny.
Any chance you know of any public figures that are suspected DNA clones? How do you know you're not barrelling their clone?
Don`t really. That would be a hoot. Need several barrels.
Gina, the torture Gina is a white hat?
For real?
Nobody is really a white hat. Just who gets caught being bad. Yet the sick bastards that ran the FBI and CIA were just fucking depraved. Obama was just simply a thug, born in Germany, and got his marching papers in the Chicago trash he ran with. Fuck him.
You know I gave you the chance to be legit. Nothing you have said has happened. What happened to the Arrest at Christmas you talked about? You’re a joke. Peripheral guy at most. What happened to that press conference that Barr was supposed to have a couple weeks ago?
Well Barr has given a number of interviews. He is making the effort. Most of what I have said has happened. I told you what I was up to over here and well it just started. I was very specific the type of facility we would be working on.
Why are Western government's trying to kill off white people? Why isn't anything being done about George Soros?
Something is. Not my shop. Western governments in general are run by globalist scum.
One down?
I do not know about something?
Two to go.
>Just a comment on Brennan. Gina Haspel never knew what Brennan was up to. As head of the London CIA group Brennan never brought her into the plot. This was basically Strozk and Brennan. Barr and Durham just brought Gina up to speed and she is pissed. John, the walls are closing in on your friends. But you know that since you have already flipped. Funny.
Ya ya, Haspell won't do shit. She's compromised. Never would have gotten the job if she wasn't. I wish it wasn't true.
What are your predictions for the stock market?
Not in the market. I am into antiques. Basically gold coins. Something you can pack quickly and hit the road. Mostly rare gold coins from the charlotte and dahlonega mints.
>It should be clear we are coming back and either light things up or try to go for peace. Their choice.
Howdy BD.
If they can’t secure the facility(ies), why would the not opt for the peaceful option?
Well like a gambler why no go for the gold? This whole shit is so crazy, who knows.
So Brennan you are back.
Paul go fuck yourself you LARPing nigger faggot
You really do need to up your game. This is not California and you are not Antifa.
well i hope the nigger comes back tomorrow this might just have been a 1 post notice drop.
iranian mullahs are not really going to go down without being killed I think.
Well tomorrow is another day. More work needs doing. Anticipate there maybe a number of American Air strikes tonight. We will see.
>Same strategy worked out in N.Korea a while back.
Were their nuclear armaments totally wiped out or just majority of it? We know that kim doesn't have full control of their military and intelligence elements and there are hidden underground/mountain facilities all over the place.
A lot was destroyed. More importantly a lot of top scientists and Iranians were killed.
Saw that, the earthquake that took out some niggers in south west iran.
Did you post the 'california going down the sea' pic yesterday or was that just another anon spamming?
few things:
NASA’s X-59 Quiet Supersonic Research Aircraft Cleared for Final Assembly
Thoughts? Can we expect hypersonic civillian transportation (big and small) to become common in public in decade to come? Does the technology gen. kwast mentioned also there for public unveiling?
middle east affairs: have saudis calmed down enough not to nuke iran so far for the weapon smuggled into mecca? I can definitely give them a lot of credit for now blowing the lid whole lot sooner. What do you assess as a chance of iranian mullahs taking left side exit off stage within 3 years? have the elements in iran military really begun to realize mullahs are liabilities out for solely their own power?
I have been busy. The tecnology in the black box projects can do about anything. Still hope Trump opens up soon on some stuff. Saudi Arabia, Iran who knows. Would be nice if people could get along. Don`t see it. Believe Tehran is on the verged of getting glassed.
What about the noko Christmas gift? shot it down right?
Iran doesn't want peace either, them doing naval drills with china russia confirms that.
Well the last I heard there will be a peace agreement signed between Trump and Kim in the first quarter, unless the idiots like Bolton have not fucked things up.
Whats wrong "Big Dick Larper?"
Don't like being called out by name?
Are you really John Brennan?
>muh happening by christmas
worst larp ever
Well you should just put together what is going on over here and in the U.S. it is all on the table if you can see it.
This loser is "Big Dick Anon." Former board owner of /cbts/ on 8ch
Nope. That is funny. Don`t know the Gentleman. You need to develop critical thinking skills.
Stop trying to be like Q. Your posts contradict each other and nothing you said would happen has happened. You should be blocked from this board.
Fuck off loser.
Well here is a real winner. Must be a reporter for CNN. Most of what I have talked about has happened or is in the work.
The game is over. I have already won.
Hey Paul, hows Australia?
Not sure who that is but not me. Does he have a Big Dick?
hey what kind of muslim is brennan?
shia? sunni? sufi?
Believe he is Sunni. He kept a prayer rug at the CIA.
Well if it isn’t Mr. 3rd Degree Mason LARPing as the NWO’s top hit man. How’s your imaginary Mossad girlfriend doing?
Well things are going well. How is the night shift at Walmart?
Just wait until a rabid neckbeard finds his LARPing ass
Well many have tried and I am still here with my barrels. And the pups are well fed.
I was worried about you. I hope you're safe.
Well for the moment. We will see. Iran is using their proxy groups to shake things up now.
Your predictions are NEVER correct. You are a total LARP.
Well most of my predictions I control directly are pretty much right on. Take the time and research.
>Same strategy worked out in N.Korea a while back
Rods of God?
Well both worked the same way. Simply hide other things that are going on.
drunk boomer in georgia. admit you lie for attention
Nope not my idea, sometimes I am just delivering messages.. Went to Georgia Tech and family all over N.Georgia, Attention is not my thing.
kys kike lover
Well she is beautiful. What can I say she can also cook and she is quite the fighter.
12/27/19(Fri)17:05Iran and John Brennan237471457
Well that went well. One down two to go. Amazing how this work can be described as earthquakes. Same strategy worked out in N.Korea a while back. A lot of damage was done to two levels of the facility dedicated to their nuclear armaments program. Well we will see over the next week or so. The Iranians have flipped out trying to figure out how their security set up was breached. It should be clear we are coming back and either light things up or try to go for peace. Their choice.
You knew we were coming. Now is the time to back down.
Just a comment on Brennan. Gina Haspel never knew what Brennan was up to. As head of the London CIA group Brennan never brought her into the plot. This was basically Strozk and Brennan. Barr and Durham just brought Gina up to speed and she is pissed. John, the walls are closing in on your friends. But you know that since you have already flipped. Funny.
Just an update. Have to run. This is glorious. The SOB`s The Israeli`s nailed are high ranking members of the IRG. At least one General and several top folks, who are responsible for a lot of of rocket fire into Israel. These SOB`s were planning rocket attacks on Israel. That piece of shit Khamenei will be pulling rockets out of his ass if this goes much further. Fuck him. Good job by Mossad and the Israeli military. By the way you ladies need to get the squirrels out of your ass regarding Mossad. They are the ones who tipped us off to the location of the piece of shit who killed Rich, and Epstein. Remember I told you he had a house in Israel. Well those boys got in there and were able to piece together where he would be. Well Merry Christmas again, work calls and we go in very soon. My Saudi friends are jealous. They wanted to get their target before the Israelis nailed theirs. Oh well the hounds will eat well.
#BREAKING: Ali Akbar Velayati, Senior adviser to Iran's Khamenei: "Israel will regret its airstrike in Syria, there will be a response from Syria or Lebanon 'to these crimes'"
Have work to do. My Saudi friends need help. Merry Christmas and all that.
You might be able to have a couple of those made into nice pendants for your lovely wife. They're probably a little too heavy for earrings. Might think about that for Hanukkah next year.
The only Yellow Jacket this Dawg has ever liked.
In a war like this, Red & Black and Old Gold & White set aside rivalry for the greater good.
Cheers, my brother.
P.S. - Do either Hattiesburg, MS or Oregon mean anything to you?
Well hello there. Good points. Go Dawgs, except when you play Tech. By the way is there still a Varsity in Athens? Sorry Ms. and Oregon are not on my radar.
And the US is the only one that has access to this tech?
Thanks for the instructions on finding the Area 51 tunnel entrance in Goldfield last thread.
Keep up the good work BD
Well be careful. Who knows what you will run into down there.
Where are you getting intel on Hillary? Is this stuff well known?
Any thoughts on bitcoin or crypto?
Merry Christmas BD, been a hell of a year!
Merry Christmas. Hillary`s lines have been tapped for a while and she is just stupid. Not really. You can lay out a lot of truth here and no one pays attention except those it is aimed out. Bill is about dead anyway. Maybe that will slow her down.
Water is the last thing you would want to pump into a magma chamber to prevent an eruption. 1000% guaranteed to actually cause the eruption if enough makes it in. Besides the fact our earths core is becoming less and less fluid from heat loss. The priceless magnetic field will one day collapse and we WILL all die.
I would tend to agree with that. The problem at Yellowstone is the lakes and rivers. A lot of water is getting into those faults and fractures. When the military installation blew they literally lost a few nukes. Do not know whether to laugh or cry. This was supposed to be serious and is has turned into Dr. Stangelove.
Haven't you been putting together a little gold stash yourself?
I collect rare gold coins from the South. Primarily from the Dahlonega and Chalotte mints, a few Carson City Gold coins too. They are beautiful and rare.
>It might not have been such a great place to put a base with so much experimental stuff.
uh no BD mentioned it before it's there on purpose right by the faultline.
Well if we can slide about 20 million shits along CA coast into the ocean ain't nobody going to complain.
Everyone thought of that one.
muh poa poa nigga sensibilities and psyop'd nigga pop throwing a bitch fit though in reality if done right it will actually discredit the entire fake narrative fed to blacks for years and put em all on the right track (new beginning), by 'crushing' their optics.
Sometimes brute force works, because people follow POWER.
Exercise POWER.
If you care about somebody's optics, care about those who are fully willing to give their own for America instead of anyone else, even the 'vulnerable'.
Because we WILL lose more if POWER and VISCIOUS STRENGTH is not applied in full view of the people.
Those who object will be SILENCED by the knowledge they are powerless against the good people. We are at war.
WAR = whoever fucks harder wins.
Fucking captcha's being a fucking nigger with 10 repeats of disappearing fire hydrants YOU FUCKING NIIGGGER
Great post. I need to laugh more. Thanks. Could you use a ring? Once we clean it up. Nice diamond.
Good evening, BD. It sounds like you're having lots of fun.
What are your thoughts concerning this business with Erdogan and the Tripoli Libyans vs. Greece, Israel, Egypt? It appears that it is related to Israel's (and our) desire to get non-Russian gas into Europe, but blowing up the Libyan situation doesn't seem like a very good way of going about it. Thoughts?
Smoke and mirrors behind the doors everyone is taking their cuts and life moves on. Over here most of it is just bullshit and bribes. Nah they are just figuring out who gets the most in the steal.
how are they not going to get Obongo when he directed the whole operation as found in FBI Page Strzok FBI texts
First black president.
>Gold production is going on now 24/7 with massive amounts being shipped to New York. Something is up and a lot of Gold is going to be available soon. Indications are we going back to a Gold Standard and the government will redeem our Fiat Currency at $2000.00 an ounce. This will be the greatest bank robbery of all time. Scheduled roll out for the first quarter of 2020. Believe this is unsound but what the hell clown world.
Who knew. Guess someone had to put flesh on the bones.
Hi BD, thanks for the update. Glad gold has a higher target.
Had a good time at your favorite bar in goldfield...
Good for you. Stay hard.
Israel good.
Iran bad.
Sounds like the record's stuck.
actually the mullahs are nazi`s. I would like to barrel the whole crowd.
5 earthquakes in less than a day rattle secretive Navy base in Mojave Desert, USGS says
Read more here: https://www.fresnobee.com/news/california/article238580988.html#storylink=cpy
What the fuck are they up to now, doing this close to the garlock fault line. BD mentioned this before.
Maybe he could chime in a bit.
Not sure what is going on there. But if Yellowstone blows even just a bit I think the whole thing in California can just blow. The faults there are charged up there anyway. Geologist friend just moved his family to Illinois from the west coast. The Yellowstone mess and California has scared the shit out of him. But he was involved in the military operation at Yellowstone so he knows a lot more than me. Good guy.
well I guess I can throw in one last question in case BD shows back up.
Will it be ever revealed conclusively in public that gold manufacturing is real?
Well that was a point I made. If the world finds out about this things could go off the rails pretty quick. Seems to me you make a quick score and shut it down and hide it for later. Not my call.
You and the other glowies are the only reason I keep coming back to this shithole lmao
Welcome back glowfren, did your waifu have fun @ Ayy51?
> Gold production is going on now 24/7 with massive amounts being shipped to New York. Something is up and a lot of Gold is going to be available soon. Indications are we going back to a Gold Standard and the government will redeem our Fiat Currency at $2000.00 an ounce. This will be the greatest bank robbery of all time. Scheduled roll out for the first quarter of 2020.
>Yellowstone is rumbling .Seems the two resurgent domes under Yellowstone lake have risen about 20 feet and one is leaking lava into the lake. The calculations indicate if the second dome is breached things will get interesting. Understand most Scientists believe lava is not closer to the surface than about 3 miles.
Yellowstone gives me the MonkaS desu
>The N.Korean christmas present to the U.S. was a visit by Kim to the White House in the first quarter of next year to sign a peace treaty.
I had a feeling that was the case. Kim Jung Un is kawaii
>Fuck Bolton
Fuck that swamp nigger
>Good to see Barr doing the public sit downs he promised. Didn`t think he would go after Soros but good for him.
Barr is based
>We are getting from phone intercepts that Hillary has changed her plans from jumping in now and destroying Warren till jumping in at the convention. Seems she is convinced Warren is going to blow her own brains out.
Seriously, why hasn't she been arrested or GITMO'd? Is that thing walking around a body double? She's unironic illuminati witch and I have no idea how she's allowed to walk in broad daylight still.
>Brennan is the source of the entire Russia gate nonsense and Stozk was his bitch in the set ups.
We knew this. When are they getting their indictments unsealed?
>The only way to describe this situation here is we are sitting on the edge of the abyss and staring in.
well she hasn`t made it there yet. if we all survive this i am looking forward to the tour. She is a fine lady. Yea Barr is a good man. A little slow for my tastes, reminds me a bit of turtle. Good question on the indictments and I raised that a while back in a talk with him and he just smiled and started talking about fucking all the cows and you walk down a hill slowly and not run. He is pretty salty.
OP isnt the real BDanon
hope you fags realize this
Well yes I am. But what the hell.
Let me hear an amen.
This is as bad as QAnon Trust The Plan bullshit.
actually I would not trust anybody. just follow the flow and maybe the river will empty out somewhere that makes sense. I have tried to tell folks focus on direction, the details will take care of themselves and sometimes trail the comments.
When everything else is failing and you really need a distraction, summon Yellowstone.
At least he spared us of his romantic Israeli relationship this time though.
Actually she went back to Israel for a few days to spend time with family before the big show. Beautiful lady and well deadly. Quite the killer and intellectual.
Gold would have to be set a whole lot higher than $2000/oz if this country were to go back to a gold standard. Jim Rickards has suggested that $10,000/oz would be the optimal level for a gold
Keep in mind the production costs at Area 51 are about 5 bucks an ounce and really they can just keep making it.
>new young wild jewish wife certainly not trying to get to US secrets through BD
>horny skilled young jewish girl claims she also works for 'higher power'
Where have we heard this line before lol
>literally the first thing of import she wants to do in US is visit the king's shekelz factory
I sincerely hope BD sees the supreme mockery and hialrity in all this.
What makes BDanon so sure we are all on the same page? Is US and American interests subordinate/lesser than that of a secret group based out of South Africa who really could not give a fuck about our reality/security and future if it meant their goals are successful?
Or is that the job of the 'second foundation', and both groups and allies have vetted this girl before and she is onboard not for the benefit of her blood at our expense (or anyone else's)?
How about the fact that this is EXACTLY how subversives from jewry works to take advantage and gain access?
Grey is grey, but maybe BD can shed some light on whether people can actually believe him and their group are working with/for us instead of considering us cattle just like how your friend and her subhuman lying fucks like to think of other peoples.
I am sure she will deny it all and shuck and jive all the way to the gold factory. What the fuck, man.
Look have a sense of humor. This whole world is fucking blowing up and we are just trying to nudge things from going off the edge. Folks have to believe what they believe. Use your brain and if this is not your cup of tea fine. Look right now I am in a residence in Iran and a dog just threw up part of a finger and a well nice ring.
>>Agent(s) of gov post anon, but not too anon, to hint gold scarcity is no longer a thing, flirting with letting the cat out of the bag.
>>da fuk?
I'm guessing this is some independent nobody who thinks he can indirectly start a rumor via 4chan that will sink the price of AU enough that he can load up.
Hell I have enough gold and am now focused on gold coins as a store of value. A few things fell off the table that were given to me. My Dahlonega Gold Coin collection came from Hussein`s collection via a Russian intelligence officer.
There will be no arrests, nothing will change. We won’t be going back to the gold standard the Jews won’t have it. The deep state runs the country and that will never change. Idiots and Q followers alike eat this shit up but us old fags know nothing ever changes. Dumb fucks.
Well stay hard. Who knows maybe it will and soon.
He also said Justin Trudeau would not be reflected. This guy drops nothing but bullshit yet still has a loyal following here. Probably boomers.
Yep the Trudeau thing was a surprise. The Q folks had that rigged. Not sure how they fucked up.
I have one important question in regards to "elite families". Considering how far the fucking msm and world wide media is still ongoing in its shilling against POTUS, are we still in a situation where the said elite families are not suppressed, but fighting with us hard?
What do you see is their current outlook in terms of their survival/chances of winning over us?
What is their current sentiment/mood in regards to the ongoing war?
I have one important question in regards to "elite families". Considering how far the fucking msm and world wide media is still ongoing in its shilling against POTUS, are we still in a situation where the said elite families are not suppressed, but fighting with us hard?
What do you see is their current outlook in terms of their survival/chances of winning over us?
What is their current sentiment/mood in regards to the ongoing war?
Good questions. Things are changing. The Brexit vote and Johnson`s victory are swinging a lot of folks Trumps way. Plus the Democrats are just fucking idiots.
South Africa group = allied with DJT and US government/military Patriots to the core?
I mentioned triads and tiandihui (the parent organization pre cursor) before. How do they fit into this picture of ongoing events in east asia and how significant are they in terms of power base and influence?
Are there allied elements in east asia working hard to ensure bad actors are eliminated?
Well it is a big world and my efforts and in America and here for now. Not close to the stuff you are zeroed in on.
> Scheduled roll out for the first quarter of 2020.
> Strzok inidictment announces in early September 2019
>the conservative will become Canada’s Prime Minister in 2019
>Hillary will announce run in November 2019
Adding to this larping faggot’s growing list of prophecies that turned out to be bullshit. This faggot has not said anything of value.
Well you can lead them to water but whatever. Like I said about 80% and growing. Spend some time on the Steele Dossier. See what you can find.
I have very little reason to doubt the yellowstone story, nor our people rigging other fail safe systems across the globe from what I heard.
It is necessary as far as I am concerned considering the situations.
Yep it is a real shit show. Never seen so much craziness at one time. Actually this is relaxing after my recent exploits.
>Pirate flag =
concealing that he lives in US ET zone and larps from his m0m`s basement.
Nah. Mother has been dead for a long time. Where I am at right now you don`t want to be. The dog is getting better. He passed the ring. Real mess.
Shit's about to go sideways, Turkey is now building a navy base in northern Cyprus.
But watch Yellowstone, right BD, don't pay attention to the obvious.
Look Erdogen is a fucking criminal. This will all work out. I have been dealing with his kind over here for a long time. It is all about money. Yellowstone is about something else.
>people know to about the nearest ton how much gold exists
People know what (((the banksters))) have told them.
There has never been an audit of (((the Fed)))
Yep and when the Federal Reserve Bank in New York is the dealer, no one suspects the shit going on.
Also, people know to about the nearest ton how much gold exists in circulation, if the value of US currency in circulation ($1.5 trillion) suddenly appeared in gold - 30,000 metric tonnes - people would notice.
Not if the Gold was sent to the Federal Reserve in New York and then funneled into the world system. This scam has been going on for years. There is a lot of new Gold out there. Folks just have not figured it out yet.
>gold wrapped tungsten
>I have silver but should I be buying more?
Yes, goy, visit our (((merchants)))
Yea this whole business of making gold is a license to steal. Can they make silver? Probably. Maybe the only thing of value is a can of beans and a good woman.
>until they actually deliver on arrests, nobody is going to care about your threads anymore BD
Oh well it is what it is. My audience goes to well a lot of people and I know for a fact it has helped a bit calm a few people in the middle east down. Yea arrests would be nice. Also I see Pelosi is staying coked up. I don`t know how she ingest so much cocaine and stays a bit conscience. Saw a picture that her nose is messed up. Not sure what that means.
Gold production... Youve mentioned this before. Is this gold wrapped tungsten or alchemy actually making gold?
I have silver but should I be buying more?
The process is just lead to gold and they have also figured out how to simply rearrange basic elements. This technology still has a long way to go. Gold was a good starting point.
Maybe, this pic hash got hijacked before.
Maybe BD can post another verified pic to confirm.
>If nothing happens in 2019, 2020 starts with a bang.
>don't forget the warning.
Remind us all what you 'warned' about, so we can all keep up to date?
Well for what it is worth it is me. A rambling wreck and all that.
>Bad larp
More (((pilpul))) goalpost shifting.
Here`s a pic of BDanon with his "beautiful Mossad girlfriend" in foreground. Note the screen layout.
Man you have to upgrade. She is beautiful and well I am not to bad either. That is just sad.
Got to ask something else: what the fuck is erdogan the isis supporting scum doing interfering in libya with general haftar's efforts? We need that port closed to prevent further soros invasions.
Look Erdogen is just a fucking criminal like Hussein was. You can work with him because he is nothing but a thief. Imagine they will work the Libya thing out. He really is a limp dick. The CIA should have finished the job and taken him out a few years. They had a missile lock on his plane during the last overthrow attempt and pussyed out.
if you are real bdanon, don't forget the warning.
Tell your bosses.
If nothing happens in 2019, 2020 starts with a bang.
Yea, there are a lot of crazies out there and you cannot keep up with everything.
> the government will redeem our Fiat Currency at $2000.00 an ounce
You still think we have a 'free market' lol
No. And we have not had an honest election in over 50 years. There was enough shit that went on in 2016 to put a hundred folks in jail. Some of the shit was just funny. Hell the CIA got AOC elected and she is their girl.
>Good to see Barr doing the public sit downs he promised. Didn`t think he would go after Soros but good for him.
Saw that article with him, boris, and et al all going after soros and his slimy hands in brexit. Now the real question is, why hasn't that fucker been taken the fuck out like you people apparently did to certain elite family members? Too high profile, low chance of success at being captured alive?
Think about the damage that fucker is doing every moment he still breathes on this earth.
>Gold production is going on now 24/7 with massive amounts being shipped to New York. Something is up and a lot of Gold is going to be available soon. Indications are we going back to a Gold Standard and the government will redeem our Fiat Currency at $2000.00 an ounce. This will be the greatest bank robbery of all time. Scheduled roll out for the first quarter of 2020.
We have the gold, now it's time to reveal our real stockpile - probably in excess of 100k tons at least?
Well as Bill Barr said these things take time. In terms of the Gold they can make about a ton a day and now with more focused production who knows. They can make as much as they can sell for now.
>1 post by this ID
Nah just had to take care of a thing with my Saudi friends. One of the hounds is sick and trying to get him back. Guy seems to have swallowed a ring. The finger is passing it seems.
If a lot of gold is "available soon" then the price would go down not up.
The price will stay stable until someone puts together the massive amount of Gold entering the market. I am not sure what happens then particularly if a new currency comes in place also. If I bought a lot of Gold and then realized it was been manufactured I would be pretty pissed.
>meme fag
>Hillary announcing in Nov
>McCabe will be arrested
>black holes turn people into literal physical babies
>nuclear war with Iran happening
>Gold being made from lead in area 51
>barrels bad people no one ever heard about
still absolutely no proof you are anyone other than an anon. Put up or shut up.
I took a look at what I have been talking too and I am about 80% on. A lot of what I have mentioned is in the works and not in my shop. Not your cup of tea go to CNN. The Clinton business has changed a bit since Warren is blowing herself up. Clinton can`t really handle a campaign so she sits tight for now and get in at the Convention. She is fucking nuts. I think before this is over she will either be arrested or in the run. At least her phone intercepts suggest this.
>Yellowstone is rumbling .Seems the two resurgent domes under Yellowstone lake have risen about 20 feet and one is leaking lava into the lake. The calculations indicate if the second dome is breached things will get interesting. Understand most Scientists believe lava is not closer to the surface than about 3 miles.
You mentioned they are pumping water into yellowstone. What chance do you current assess as us stopping this shit vs blowing it up currently (update from last week)? 60/40 in our favor?
>The N.Korean christmas present to the U.S. was a visit by Kim to the White House in the first quarter of next year to sign a peace treaty. That is unless recent events have fucked that up. Fuck Bolton.
Perhaps most of it is optics play by both sides to satiate the psych'd out elements of NK and SK/jap government hindering our progress?
Here's the deal: people understand where those like bolton come from, the real question is how is he influencing this thing? He's out, but is he moving behind the scenes for some reason? Is is actually an out right compromised (out of frustration) element? What's his story with being witness to the impeachment trial and all?
He can't be stupid enough to not see the big picture and try to sabotage DJT is he? Somebody ought to calm him down a little and talk things over. He's a bondafide America first guy (regardless of his stupid love for zionists, or is that a factor because he is fully swindled into their narrative)?
I have to say it is just day to day. The installation was destroyed and most of the weaponry just sank into the floor from the heat. They opened up some stuff and the lava is flowing. I think the two resurgent domes movement is not a good sign. This thing is huge. Most super volcanos only have one resurgent dome Yellowstone has two. I hope a lot of what is going on with North Korea is posturing, we will see. Bolton did a lot of damage to the negotiations. But he hates the fucking Democrats for the shit they have pulled, so will he turn on the President. No. Bolton is just old guard with a lot of squirrels up his ass.
3+ years (not just BD) of not delivering on promises, but all that doubt him after such a long time are shills
kys brainlet
Actually just posting for a few months and my goals have been pretty much accomplished. I try to explain what I can but a lot of what you see is for other folks. The Iranians and others follow this.
Besides Brennan, Soros is REALLY good news.
Gold Standard, eh? Does this mean The Fed's days are now numbered? Will be also get a reset...as in, all debts zeroed out?
Long-suffering minds want to know. Think of it this way: we all know that we won't be seeing ALL treasonous parties go down. Perhaps as a way to temper our frustrations/rage/etc., zeroing out debt would be 'something' to ease our years of unrequited politically-driven tom-fukery, pain & anxiety.
I've spent this entire holiday season listening to liars and traitors attack my President non-stop, instead o smiling and dancing while singing Christmas tunes as I was decorating and wrapping gifts.
My dismay and anger of the deep state has grown expotentially, into sheer hatred. After months of hearing nothing but lies from these lying-liar's mouths, I think I have imagined just about EVERY means of torture most suitable for each of them. (God help me, and forgive me.)
All that said...I want to see as much blood as Barr will allow. And, if he won't give us Obama...there'll needfully need to be *something* else given to us in return to allay all we've had to suffer. And...more.
What say you? :-)
Barr is like a honey badger. He is pissed and will not let go. Durham has gone absolutely nuts with what he has found and the stuff Rogers is giving him is not to be believed. They have enough shit on Obama to take him down but I do not believe they will get him. This gold thing is a bit strange. They have had a nice scam going for years and why escalate it now is puzzling. But I understand another part of this is the issuance of a new currency is in the works so to flush out the Billions of Dollars hidden overseas. How will people react when they realize Gold is not that valuable. Oh well not my shop.
Saw the two pic posts Wednesday night, one was probably a bunk, california dreaming caught my eyes.
mullahs are all of a sudden making overtures via japan in regards to 'negotiations'. After previous posts about situation in the middle east, stories come out saying saudis have been involved in ongoing talks to 'defuse tensions'.
Some very interesting coincidences, including the compromised judge in flynn case trying to fuck with the good general yet again.
We understand what's in BD's shop and what's not.
In other stories we got that russian ship off of NC coast named after an interesting guy doing "strange things" and of course strangely enough soon after we get the attack on FSB HQ in Moscow killing 3 russians.
Not a coincidence. Putin must have his hands full. He sent a clear message via open talks about our situation state side, fully onboard.
Russians have thus far been taking a lot of hits like us, losing 14 men on the sub plus the apocalyptic explosions in siberia and sabotages in their labs (last one against our enemies?).
Good points. The Mullahs are not stupid. They see the force build up and understand the situation. Having said this the situation over here is over the edge. Just day to day, barreling and other such deprivations. The Flynn situation is perplexing. The end goal is his exoneration as Barr declares all the FISA Warrants invalid and suspect just a timing issue. A lot going on.
>Update from /pol/.
>OP is legit.
>Shills out in full-force.
>Heavy shill presence at the outset of thread confirms!
>Shills on suicide watch.
In other words:
>Situation Normal, All Fucked Up.
>Based BD thread is GO!
Happy Solstice BD. Here's to hoping you have a drink in hand & all is well (as well as can be expected, that is). Welcome back!
Thanks I just had a few thoughts and wanted to share. After Christmas a lot will be clearer. Stay hard. My Saudi friends had a busy night. They were after an Iranian and simply let their hounds jump in both of his open front windows and do the deed. The folks in the bar went nuts. Pieces flew everywhere. The visual was quite funny actually.
12/21/19(Sat)18:36Burning Down the House236955710
Update from Area 51 . Gold production is going on now 24/7 with massive amounts being shipped to New York. Something is up and a lot of Gold is going to be available soon. Indications are we going back to a Gold Standard and the government will redeem our Fiat Currency at $2000.00 an ounce. This will be the greatest bank robbery of all time. Scheduled roll out for the first quarter of 2020. Believe this is unsound but what the hell clown world. Yellowstone is rumbling .Seems the two resurgent domes under Yellowstone lake have risen about 20 feet and one is leaking lava into the lake. The calculations indicate if the second dome is breached things will get interesting. Understand most Scientists believe lava is not closer to the surface than about 3 miles. The N.Korean christmas present to the U.S. was a visit by Kim to the White House in the first quarter of next year to sign a peace treaty. That is unless recent events have fucked that up. Fuck Bolton. Good to see Barr doing the public sit downs he promised. Didn`t think he would go after Soros but good for him. We are getting from phone intercepts that Hillary has changed her plans from jumping in now and destroying Warren till jumping in at the convention. Seems she is convinced Warren is going to blow her own brains out. Now to John Brennan. Brennan is the source of the entire Russia gate nonsense and Stozk was his bitch in the set ups. Was talking to my Russian friend in Syria who indicated the two Russian spies that Putin dropped out of helicopter left a code in the Steele Dossier indicating the names of the 4 folks who created the document and one of the names is Brennan. Now that would be a hoot. The only way to describe this situation here is we are sitting on the edge of the abyss and staring in. Shit happens. As far as impeachment. Remember this was always a Trump trap and well I should know.
BDanon is a MOSSAD loving NIGGER
who is that?
12/18/19(Wed)23:33It is over.236672657
Yes. And the transportation technology the General speaks to is already in use.
After Christmas. Got to go.
Are they pumping water in yellowstone?
Yes. And the transportation technology the General speaks to is already in use.
An associate just shared this with me. You folks might enjoy. We have work to do.
Man BD there’s some angry assholes around today ehh??
Yep. Have to run. Wanted to do this session to open up a few avenues and looks into the future. Stay safe. Hopefully back after Christmas. A lot of things will be clear by then. Will be spending a few days in Israel. Need to lay some flowers. A friend passed there many years ago protecting The United States. And yes he is Jewish. If Yellowstone gets ready to go expect a number of magnitude 4 quakes on a line from the lake north for several days.
I hope that Iran/Iraq at least waits until after Christmas. Last night there was an ib4source thread talking about that IRGC general moving into southern Iraq. Related?
Yes. A lot.
Best to you and your new wife, BDanon.
Seeing friends' photos of their children graduating at commencement at Georgia Tech yesterday, buddy.
Such smart kids, so young, such a lot of life still in front of them.
Please be safe and do what you can. And thank you.
Thank you. Eat a hotdog and have onion rings and a frosted orange for me. Plan on taking my wife there. She likes dogs with onions.
Why won't you respond to this anon >>236319824
Believe I have. When you look at this side of the street it looks back and that is not a place to be.
Answer me faggot
Nah I just work the street. And that street is no where you can imagine.
>She and I also work for another organization that is trying to guide the world to a better place.
>Asimov knew of this group and if you read some of his works with emphasis on the Foundation trilogy and the groups that transmuted elements you will understand
Ok BD, gotta ask: Are you referring to ACIO?
>Advanced (or Alien) Contact Intelligence Organization.
Pic related.
Which begs the question: Is Maj_12 merely an American section/division of ACIO?
sorry, i have to leave this alone.
Can you give any SPECIFIC infos about the alien craft.
What do they look like?
How does the propulsion system work?
Weight and size?
Tell you what. If things go well I will create a whole thread on that, and answer all I can. Maybe a few pictures would help. That subject is too deep for this thread. Will say this. Whoever did this can take all elementary particles apart and build whatever they want.
What are you opinions/knowledge on barreling racially motivated/psych'd out criminals of non-western-origin domestically (muzzies, errant chink or nip, poos, etc) who are ready to act against our women and children?
Especially paki gangs in UK and muzzies in US and EU, but you know the brainwashing and devolvement in the last 20 years was specifically designed to trigger mass epstein/rotherham wannabe actions among zombie population.
Imminent threat considering how hard they are demoralizing our peoples.
Would give people hope.
Nah barrels are for everyone who needs it. Funny craft. Stay safe.
Of the concerns you've outlined today, Yellowstone, asteroid or Iran/Iraq, which do you think has the higher probability of happening?
Iran/Iraq is already happening. Yellowstone is next and is totally fucked up. Those boys did some bad things. Hope mother nature cuts us some slack.
You’re right an anon on 8kun came out last night saying there are two IG reports, many more you’re right on
Yea there are two reports. My batting average is pretty good, just some stuff is a little slow coming out. And now I am a bit busy.
You have no source just
>dude believe me
We will see. Want some proof just go to a certain bar in Goldfield. The Bar tender may surprise you. Who knows where he came from.
BD what are your thoughts on Giuliani’s Twitter today? Are they going to kill him?
Rudy is a fucking hoot. Had drinks with him one night. He is mad and he will fuck the Biden`s. Hell before this is over Joe and Hunter will be doing coke together.
Now we are getting to the great part.
Yes, did some 'reading' on the asimov writings. Your 'foundation' wishes to oppose those devolving this world into sheer degeneracy and ensure that all have the necessary means free from outside interference to pursue our individual objectives. You will eliminate those who do bad, but cannot make people do good (because by definition you cannot MAKE good happen, it must be by free will alone).
You do realize the biggest impediment to the vision in question is lack of people who are willing to pull a jesus on street level day to day to ensure many are on board as possible?
Can you understand the despair and rage that rests with those who have been demonized, victimized, and made to be silenced and die in the dark while they keep devolving and being kicked around while taking all the blame day to day as they are living on this perverted, subverted world?
Why is it it is proving so hard to move them in the right direction?
People need fundamentals to survive, to thrive. Those fundamentals are being ignored by those who do not have the reach/unwilling to make the reach in that direction that will change their lives for the better.
Hell POTUS is trying God bless him for this sacrifices, but we need more.
White/western/russian nations and people can no longer suffer abandonement, contempt, and derision from those who purport to 'help' but either are unwilling or unable to do so in ways that does.
I hope more than yourself are listening and come to terms with the fact that those who let this go have as much of a part in the way things currently are as any of our enemies or those who actively do harm.
Is it any wonder those in yellowstone did what they did? I don't blame the colonels or those people one bit.
Walk with the people.
Good luck on your mission,survive, and you can just drag michelle to the blackhole portal and to before when she had her bad experience. Second chance.
Blackhole threesome sounds envious.
Good points. You do appreciate there was a second foundation? Thanks.
Yes fuck Brennan and all the other assholes that allowed a distraction instead of planning for shit like this.
Bd I’m asking again will you please fucking drag one of them out screaming and crying in public. Brennan would be a good start or Sorors, hang him or prosecute the shits in public, no private shit
Well if I don`t make it. Maybe you will take the lead. Good Man. Woman?
What is your purpose with these threads?
Good question. Many, and really this is not my thing. Just following a way,
Praying for you and your wife, and all of us brother. Put on the full armor of God.
Thank you. Stay hard.
Are you a Freemason?
Nope. this is a lot higher than that. and a lot older. back to the well a lot older.
Breaking News: BD Anon gets USS Liberty'd by his Israeli girlfren. It's over.
Nah. She works for Mossad and the same group I do on a different level. Think Heinlein. Why do you think I trust her with everything?
>Seems marrying my Israeli Mossad friend
Wonderful lady. We both work for a higher power. Does that help?
Hey BD! Thanks for coming back. So, a lot of my MAGA friends are beginning to think that Trump doesn't want another 4 years - after all the hit he takes daily, it's not surprising.
What can you tell us about this?
Nah. Trump is having a lot of fun. He enjoys this shit and he wants to bury the bastards. He will be fine. Last time I spoke with him he was just laughing and celebrating breaking the big dick off in Graham`s ass. Can`t imagine what he will do with Kerry. This whole thing has been planned for a long long time.
>One to deal with what is coming another already in place to deal with what sent it.
Think I have answered that.
If we’re all gong to die because of Yellowstone and they know it why are we worried about an asteroid in 2030
still an open question. Who knows maybe Yellowstone will just move laterally for a while. Maybe not.
>The folks I work for are a lot higher up the food chain that all of that.
Now there's an actual answer.
>south africa
connected with the group that got troves from AZ revealing the parts of history of this world.
What else can you tell us about this particular group and their activities you don't mind disclosing?
Also, can you disclose or talk about other such similar groups and factions in this world? numbers, inclinations, goals, what their involvement with freemasonry or 'triad' type of organizations and such.
For instance, it is obvious the origin of the triads (it's parent org) wasn't chinese - tianhudi or however it was said was creation by another I believe.
Shedding some light here would be nice.
If you 'die' out there, perhaps that will give both of you a nice way to make an exit and fly to a beach in south america.
Never thought folks would put that together. Outstanding. Great catch. If it gets to that point everyone is on their own.
>Who knows maybe this is the real deal. At least the Iranians know it is.
Paste from yesterday:
Funny how that thread got glossed over. I think many people paying deep attention were off the board.
mullahs seems to be desperate as fuck for cash, demanding SK pay up the 7 billion still stuck in the bank. SK basically told em lol no go beg uncle sam. The rep from iran seems intent as fuck on talking to somehow buy time so they can once again put one over everyone.
Not going to work this time, no?
Either they agree to remove themselves quietly and shut the fuck up/fade, or it's lethal check out time for all the mullahs.
Especially considering what they tried to pull in mecca.
Meanwhile, lindsey at least seems to be playing his part in finally not being a complete fucking pussy faggot and no amount of shootings organized by dems will deter what is coming to the public.
Meanwhile, AWOL saudis are still missing. Any word on that? Would be REALLY fucking bad right now if they pulled some shit with emboldened muzzy pop in US. ALERT.
What's the situation like, BDanon?
I am a bit sleepy and not sure if I am following you completely. Yeas Lindsey got caught with his cookies in the jar and is beginning his redemption arc. Remember Strozk is a Iranian spy and I hope his is being watched.
Yellowstone earthquake this morning
Yea. There are a lot of quakes there. What is different now is the intensity is going up and the swarms are in areas that in the past were fairly quite. There is a lady out there who monitors all of this that is honest. She is a nice person and tells the truth. Forget her name right now. I would read her stuff on you tube.
How about one of your buddies? Travel booked.
Well just visit. Who knows who you will find. Just ask for Heisenberg. That will get their attention.
Psyops gon psyop
Nah. I just think sane folks should stop fucking with Yellowstone. There are somethings we just need to leave alone. Acquaint yourself with what is going on at Yellowstone. The recent earthquake swam is directly related to the site that was abandoned. In fact they go right across it.
So what has been sent in our direction will be neutralized per your knowledge. This thing was supposed to affect us right at the beginning of height of predicted grand solar minimum. No coincidence, yes?
You mentioned that there are measures being put in place to 'alleviate' the effects of the grand solar minimum. Does this include adjusting solar lunimosity hitting parts of the earth to compensate for reduced solar activity, and also trying to prevent whole ice sheets and biomes from moving down 10-15 degrees latitude?
Believe the asteroid will be destroyed. If not about 50% of the planet goes up. If Yellowstone goes at least 75% goes. If that doesn`t get us the Solar Minimun will just maybe finish us off. Have to say maybe God does have a sense of humor. I am not close to the folks that are working on that but seems that are trying do something to slow things down at the Canadian border. Russia and most of Europe are toast.
Nice blog faggot
Well my mossad wife would beg to differ. Not a Democrat.
>The people that are going to destroy the earth want to make it look like an accident.
Now I’ve heard it all.
Just said sign of intentionally. Who knows what motives really mean. What did that strange shit that escaped from Area 51 thinks about.
I hope that I never see that picture.
That group is certainly ecumenical. Any Europeans involved or are they sitting on the sidelines?
Nah these are people I just prefer. 35 good, good people willing to do the job.
We have zero evidence for intelligent life outside earth
Well considering the three alien craft at Area 51 and the remains will dispute that with you.
Did Carter do anything else aside from let the Shah in here for medical treatment? I thought at the time that it would have been much better if we had arranged for the Shah to go to Switzerland or Sweden and send US specialists if absolutely necessary.
Carter facilitated the Mullahs coming to power. Just a stupid piece of shit.
Is it time to use the alien technology you talked about in the middle east?
I would just to stop the carnage that is coming.
Is Ginsberg dead yet? Haven't heard much of her lately.
Have to give her credit. Most of her body is just a big cancer now. I thought she would be dead by the 15th. Guess a normal person would be. Fuck her too.
Get you and your lovely wife’s (congrats!) hearts right with the Messiah, Yeshua Emmanuel, bdanon. Everything will work out.
Thanks. If it does not work out we are going to be buried at a family plot in N.Georgia. Beautiful plot overlooking the Etowah River. Where I first panned Gold many years. Now that is funny considering we now make it at area 51.
Kinda have to press this issue.
Suppose it's your business who you fuck and marry, but consider what you know, what her affiliations/background are, and what her aim is in getting close to those with your level of knowledge.
she represents herself, her people, not ours or yours.
Kinda really hard to believe you have been in this game long enough to be fooled by this, broken into holding your own in such contempt that you justify consorting with an agent of hostile, subversive foreign agency?
what 'epstein doesn't represent all jews, neither does I don't know 80% of kike criminality against whites and world'.
The first sign of broken, corrupt, and compromised individuals are preferences for foreign population/personnel and contempt he/she holds to those most similar to them.
Any thoughts along these lines since you are talented, skilled and surely these thoughts have crossed your mind.
What the hell. She works for Mossad and I have been assigned to various projects for years. She and I also work for another organization that is trying to guide the world to a better place. Asimov knew of this group and if you read some of his works with emphasis on the Foundation trilogy and the groups that transmuted elements you will understand
is this what the jesuit owned LUCIFER telescope is about?
i can't put my finger on it, but there is an evil entity controlling this planet & everything on it that beyond comprehension.
can it be vanquished?
You mean Hillary
this is another larper
reddit spacing
Really can`t make this shit up. Too much going on and that is the danger.
Can we send the mass thru a black hole?
Not sure I follow. If you are talking about the asteroid better just to destroy it. By the way the Russians and Chinese are working with us behind the curtain on the destruction of the asteroid. The math is compelling. A lot they do not know though.
So we have ability to detect hints of life in other sectors ('quadrants'?) of our milky way galaxy already.
Have we already settlted/established manned presence outside of our solar system?
Compare hubble telescope to classified means pertaining interstellar/space force matters. Would it be like comparing cave drawings to modern PC?
>The lady here wants to visit Area 51.
Most certainly not to benefit her blood at the expense of our secrets, because you firmly believe and hold her in higher regard than Americans?
Unless we are talking bigger codes, your actions are strangely duplicitous when it comes to this obvious honey pot girl. Hell who cares if she is honest? Others around her are not.
Look there are three alien craft in Area 51. Bodies, if you call them that were found. And one of the missions back from a black hole has some really strange stuff that just scampered off and nobody knows where that stuff ended up. Flew out the fucking window. We are just piddling around out there now. That is why I keep arguing to release the information. All of these wars are just bull shit.
Nah my wife and I have done terrible things for each other. This is a lot more fundamental than that. No worry. This is safe. Hell Michelle is a damn democrat so I guess nothing is safe.
I suppose in many ways once you get to the role like yours and that deep, it's entirely your personal discretion whether you want to sleep with enemy agent attached to an intelligence organization of hostile, subversive racial/national origin. Of course she is not a honey pot at all and wants nothing to do with treasure trove of information exclusive to America which the jews would love to gain access to.
same jews who conduct white slavery, rape of our nations in cooperation with globalist elements, and 'elite' families.
How can others be sure you are aware of what you are doing?
Well I love her, she saved my life and there are good and bad people everywhere. The folks I work for are a lot higher up the food chain that all of that. This group at the top has 5 folks and fascinating enough 3 come from South Africa. Strange times. I well move around.
Another fake and gay LARP by /pol/, this is really getting boring now.
With all the bullshit I can understand where you come from. Who knows maybe this is the real deal. At least the Iranians know it is.
Also, if the yellowstone leverage is no longer operable, do we have other failsafe mechanisms for MAD scenario in place as substitute?
How much of you /x-tier communications are outright codes (aliens, area 51, gold maybe) and some just double meanings (yellostone being yellowstone AND tel aviv?)
No Yellowstone is just Yellowstone. Sometimes I use codes because the audience is different. Not this time. Too dangerous. Have some family in N.Georgia near Dahlonega and Helen. They are good people. Country folks who have farms. God bless all of them
What is your no bullshit assessment of the possibility of success in resolving yellowstone without blowing it up for/against?
>something that is coming our way.
Any hints about what this is? Some details would be nice.
>what sent it.
'what', not 'who'. Again, some hints as to the nature of the adversary?
Considering the site has been evacuated, all depends if the lava spreads out evenly or comes up. The rocks there are pretty brittle and some serious damage has been done there. There are some nuclear weaponary there that has just disappeared into the Caldera. Imagine that will not go off. Imagine about 80% chance it will go up in next 4 months.
What is coming our way is an asteroid that somehow was well shoved in our direction. And there are signs it was done intentionally and there are marks pointing to this. Not sure who we pissed off out there. Whatever did this is pretty advanced and wants to make it appear it was just fate. Suspect they know we are out there. What it is who knows.
BDAnon you are acting as a brave man expecting his imminent death. Congratulations on your marriage. I pray you both make it through this unscathed and a miracle saves Earth. Take care fren. Heavenly Father, protect these two brave souls.
Thanks for the comments. Don`t really believe we are getting out of this, but at least I will be with folks well why not i love and we all have pain from the past will be gone. This is not the kind of work to get into if you want to die in a nursing home.
>Strozk indicted in September
>Conservative will become PM of Canada
>Hillary will announce run for presidency in November
Everything you say is bullshit, you Israel-loving LARP
Not really. Hillary is still plotting. Canada well my opinion was wrong, and Strozk has been indicted just not out yet. You do know he is an Iranian Spy? Page CIA spy, and all four Fisa Warrants were illegal. Overall my read of events are accurate. I speak pretty directly and I want to see these bastards hang, and tend to get well excited.
Mazel Tov to both of you! May you have many happy years together!
She is a beautiful lady. If the picture gets posted you will see. Interestingly our operation is made up of American`s, Saudi`s, Israeli`s, and a long time friend from India. We will be a mess to deal with. Thanks.
>Seems Iraq and Iran will be just one big battlefield
kys greater israel zionist shill
Look that shit gets old after a while. These folks just want to be left along. And they will or the whole place will go up. Tehran is the first to go.
In short, all hell is about to break loose, possibly beginning in North America.
Yellowstone is the wild card. This stuff over here is already off the edge. Keep in mind so much of this is tribal and the blood lettings are getting out of hand. Of course fuck Jimmy Carter for this shit and the leadership of Iran is a bunch of fucking Nazi`s.
The End is very close.
It will not go as men have planned.
The Bible refers to what is coming as the Great Tribulation for a reason.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus. (Matthew 4:17; Romans 2:4, 3:10, 6:23; Acts 3:19)
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work. (Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Ephesians 2:8-9)
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord. (Romans 10:9-10, 10:13,14:10-11; Philippians 2:10)
Nah. Get a good women, a few drinks and go down swinging. And by the way fuck John Brennan.
If yellowstone goes off there won't be a country left to institute martial law within. The ash cloud would cause crop failures and famine, not to speak of the millions who would be instantly vaporized or the tens or hundreds of millions who would die from ash inhalation.
Houses would not be able to support the weight of the ash.
It would quite literally be game over not just for the US but the entire northern hemisphere.
So my question is this: how do you plan to fight a ground and space war without any food or soldiers? Are DUMBs real and populated well enough to sustain such things? If so, how does one gain entry? Alternatively, what signs should one be looking for to put bug out plans into motion?
Well it just depends on the size of the eruption. This thing is huge and if it goes full born, then we are looking at a dead earth level event.
See you in goldfield middle of next week, BD.
Sorry I have another engagement over here. If things work out maybe in a month or so. The lady here wants to visit Area 51.
Is the SF able to handle it or is this more like a rohan last stand type of thing? Any chance it's related to the great conjunction in 2020?
Unless this thing picks up speed, Things should work out. What is a bit scary is not what we know but what we do not.
On the real, I've heard from people I trust that Yellowstone is gonna happen within the next 6 months. The government is already preparing for martial law and all that stuff.
Afraid it could come a lot quicker. The shit that these folks were involved with has done a lot of damage to the Caldera. We are to the point a major earthquake just about anywhere near the Caldera can set it off.
fuck you
Hillary is that you.
Oh well. What can I say I love her and some how we will get through this shit. I have made arrangements that if we do not make it to have our picture posted here. Think is important you folks know there is a real world out there and people are dying for things that are important. Her family is the best. So well fuck you.
so.... a larp of a larp (of a larp?) is the only goddamn thread talking about Iran tanks and armored convoys crossing into Iraq? Muqtada al Sadr shutting down his offices for one year (after backing Iran protesters in Iraq).... see this twat thread....
Yea there is a lot of good information out there of what is going on. Iraq and Iran will be just one battlefield. Odd seeing the Iranian shites turning on Iran. Bush was a fucking idiot creating this mess. Hussein was a fucking criminal but he was our criminal. That piece of shit cause over a million deaths over here.
Well things are heating up over here as you can see. Barrels are filling up, the hounds are eating well, and the Saudi`s are hellbent on taking out some folks in the Military leadership of Iran. My love and I were out last night having a busy evening.
God speed BD! Really hope you and the misses don't bite the big one, you'll be missed.
Also, what more can you say about the space force and what's coming? Are we all going to see what's happening?
Had to break. The original space force has been out there for sometime. An object was detected in the last few years heading for earth that must be destroyed. The decision was made to create a space force using technology that is known that can destroy the object and keep the other technology hidden. The object right now will hit earth in the 2027-2030 time frame, giving enough time to deal with it. What was also discovered was the object was from a part of the galaxy that was suspected of having life. This area is being examined as we speak. It does seem certain this object was diverted by something and sent here.
12/15/19(Sun)11:46Yellowstone uplift caused by military operations.236302698
Site has been evacuated.
Seems marrying my Israeli Mossad friend was the best thing I have done in a long, long time. Beauty, terror, love in one incredible package. And she loves me. She is coming along for our last round up. Seems Iraq and Iran will be just one big battlefield.. So be it.
One last thing. The Space Force is being prepared for something that is coming our way. And there are two space forces. One to deal with what is coming another already in place to deal with what sent it.
12/13/19(Fri)16:47Yellowstone uplift caused by military operations.236128209
Later folks. Work to do.
Intel Fag here
The Dems do not give a fuck about muh spying and shit, they wouldnt give 2 shits if Obama was spying on people and weaponized the Intel and LE agencies to do it. Even if the bad actors, Clapper, Yates, Lynch Brennan etc admitted and started squealing eachother on live TV and twitter, tye average tap water drinker doesnt care beyond Orange Man Bad. We need to expose EVERYTHING theyve done. Nat Sec Be damned. We need to expose it all, Pedo Shit, Traficking, war machine involvlement. they need to hang from street lights
You are right. Have to say I am wearing out. Believe this will be my last round up. This business with Graham was the last straw. If I survive this believe I will give my Israeli friend a break and marry her and head for a beach.
A good number of people from Barry's White House need to be brought down, like Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Ben Rhodes, and from State, Samantha Power, Lurch, Nuland, Pyatt and Tony Blinken.
Agree. I have a few I would gladly walk to the gallows.
So is there a way to avoid all this shit in the ME, or is this shit show inevitable? In Israel proper, is there an actual safe place to be, or is the whole country basically fucked?
I know Trump is working this hard. He does not want war. Remarkable man. The Democrats are just a fucking bunch of traitors. I fear it is all over. This shit has been building for years and I do not see a lot of wisdom. Who knows maybe a Christmas miracle.
You are in the middle of where the End begins.
If you haven't already, get right with Jesus.
Remember, America is conspicuously absent from biblical prophecy.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus. (Matthew 4:17; Romans 2:4, 3:10, 6:23; Acts 3:19)
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work. (Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Ephesians 2:8-9)
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord. (Romans 10:9-10, 10:13,14:10-11; Philippians 2:10)
Well with my list of sins it is better to just leave this alone and hope for just a few more nights with my friend. Lay beside her in bed and wonder how so much beauty can be so deadly. Strange times.
Iran had the same goals as hitler and natsoc germany. Fuck off JIDF. EXPEL THE KIKES INTO THE AFTERLIFE.
Oh well stay hard. Iran is going to get smoked no matter what happens.
Did they stabilize the situation in yellowstone yet?
Do we have actual ayyyyy lmaos living on/in earth like the 'vrils' adolf talked about so much?
Do you know anything about what's on sirus, centauri, or Ur and Saahald?
Yellowstone is still code red. The magma is still moving and hopefully the major mass does not go upward. These folks are seriously fucked up for messing with this.
what crimes has assange committed compared to the DS
Look the shithead caused a few folks i know get killed. For me it is that simple.
I'll miss you
Well I will miss me too. If this goes south a lot of folks will end up missing. Sometimes this reminds me of the final scene in the Wild Bunch.
That's pretty cool for you to do that, especially being in the middle east, riding along to the President rallies, vacationing in Monaco and all. I think I saw you on 90 day fiance...
nice pictures. Reminds me of someone. In a galaxy a long time ago.
Im not even shure is this regular schizoposting or are we so deep into shit that this is real
Nah this shit is real. Stay safe.
hey bd:
contingencies being made for possibility of cocaine mitch setting up potus for a fucking once shit move from house to senate?
Jim stone and sundance both have him and rest of subversive republicucks in senate pegged as suspicious and likely to allow schumer to hold a vote on impeachment while the majority is away for holiday. plz tell me shit is handled
Yea. This shit is handled. These fucks will destroy the country if they try shit like this. Then the gloves would really come off.
Is McCain really dead?
And what was his dark secret?
McCain is dead. That SOB had a lot of secrets. Mainly being a worthless piece of shit that sold his country out whenever he could. Fuck him.
Like Hunter Biden, right?
There's still time if Hunter did it RIGHT NOW
He'd be a National Hero
Hunter Biden is just like his dad. Just a couple of low life crooks. Joe would fuck his mother for money.
This is 100% Bullshit.
I'm going to keep calling bullshit on you disinfo glow in the dark AMI shills everytime you make this thread.
Many of these newfags have no idea what it is you people are trying to do but some of us aren't stupid.
You need to fucking suck in some zyklon schlomo.
Well that is ok. Stay safe and try to one day escape your echo chamber. Big world out there and most people are quite reasonable and good.
InB4 175 posts
Huh. Do not understand.
Since Iran will do shit here in the U.S., what are we looking at? General, bio, chem, or will they be satisfied with shooting a nuke off at one of our CBGs? What should those of us stateside be doing to keep our own selves safe?
Don`t want to go there. Sorry.
Have you done work for the majestic 12?
Nope these folks are higher up the food chain.
Wray a good guy or deep state?
Wray is just well a pussy. He is scared of his own shadow and his balls are stored somewhere in the Justice Department. Sad.
Can you comment on the misspellings in the Horowitz reports? James B. Comey has been showing up in scanned documents as "James 8. Corney." But it's always "Corney" and it's been showing up in documents for decades. There are misspellings of other names as well including "Obarna" and "Hurna"
Which part of the text is even legally binding? The superficial characters or the optically recognized transcription? Are they trying to dodge FOIA? Taint the docs so they're unusable?
No, don`t think so. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Stay with Barr and Durham. On an aside. Got a neat ride yesterday on one of the well star wars vehicles last night. We flew over Tehran and located a number of sites to be destroyed if this kicks off. Amazing we came close to a commercial air liner and I caught a view of folks inside. They did not see a thing.
It'd be nice to see Assange get a redemption arc, rather than be hanged desu. He's been more of a pain for the corrupt elements than the average person. Unless you know something I don't.
Yeah, Kim never struck me as a genocidal maniac, just a megalomaniac that probably plays too much counter strike.
Here's to hoping you and your fine team can keep a lid on things.
Well thanks. Kim seems quite the hoot. Him and Rodman were lovers for a while but what the hell to each his own.
>give him a fair trial and hang him
What's in his closet?
Nothing really. He should have come forward a long time ago about the Seth Rich business. Would be more understanding if he had. Having said that the shit they are putting him through in England is barbaric. He should have escaped from the embassy when he had a chance.
He should receive a knighthood.
Yea but his shit resulted in a number of U.S. deaths. So fuck him. Hell Hillary got over 50 U.S. folks killed from the shit that was harvested by foreign governments off her server.
>I told him to fuck all of them and bend the whole bunch over the table
Please let this livestream - everything else is boring.
Well may happen. Pelosi is staying coked up 24/7 now and I can`t see her lasting long. She is not even eating and her staff spends most days keeping her conscience. Seems she is throwing up a lot in her office and they have a lot to do to keep the office clean. Strange times.
Welcome back to the internet's greatest shit show. Are the Iranians crazy enough to launch anything our way or are they totally focused on Israel? How are the Turks going to be mixed up in all of this?
The Iranians are really fucked up and who knows. They will do shit in the U.S. Just hope Strozk gets exposed in the public one day for being an Iranian spy. Turks will sit this out and figure out a way to make a buck.
The Big Boipussy anon is always right.
Well stay safe at Christmas. Was involved in a mission recently that really help rid Brazil of some bad folks. A lot of Gold saved a lot of lives.
Are we getting Indictments by years end?
Where are the barrels you promised us?
I got the bloodlust
Well my barrels are getting full and the hounds are eating well. I will be busy soon and well could be my last mission. This is some serious shit and the Iranians are not complete fucking idiots. Believe from the intelligence intercepts we are getting that the Iranians may very well sink and american ship to kick things off.
Thanks for dropping by BD. The hearings have been Savage, FBI dun fucked up. Can't believe they won't ascribe motivation for anything tho. Will druham find stuff that proves that so we can see them hang? Seems like always 'oh they didn't follow rules but can't establish intent' and nooen ever gets the big d
Durham and Barr have found enough to lock up half of the FBI and Justice Department senior leadership and throw in a number of CIA folks also and well it will be massive. If you pay attention to what Barr is saying he is pissed. And what came out in Horowitz`s reports leads logically to what Durham in working on. Horowitz`s report is the predicate for what will come. Wish Barry would go to jail. He is a fucking punk thug from Chicago.
How will this affect the average person stateside? There's been chatter from a few news sources about whats going on over there, but otherwise quiet relative to impeachment and other domestic issues.
Depends on how crazy things get. Obviously a major war here can have a lot of consequence. Having said that the Chinese agreement today and the N.Korean thing wrapping up. Will help a lot. Hell Kim just wants to have a good time and he does have a man crush on Trump. He is really hot for Melania. Funny in a way.
>Those bastards all need to be given fair trails and hung.
Thanks for that. A bit sleepy here and not enough beer on hand.
Where is Assange, and is he or is he not best buds with soros?
Seems Julian maybe playing a role in this. Efforts being made to get him to Washington. He can tie the Wikileaks actions back to Seth Rich. Nah he has nothing to do with Soros. My opinion is Julian should tell the truth and we should then give him a fair trial and hang him.
Nothing ever happens
Have to say I wish you were right. Hopefully folks back home are beginning to understand the magnitude of what Barr and Durham are up to. What Barr and Durham found in Italy will shake up things for years. Just think Brennan was working with Russian Intelligence rogue elements and using Strozk to recruit foreign intelligence folks to trigger the Russian Investigation. Real scumbags.
Be careful out there, fren.
Will do. Seems folks are just testing a few things. Our canine friends have lost their minds. We did pick up and few Iranians recently and the dogs had a good time as the Saudi`s spoke with them about their crimes. Barrels are filling up.
Well that is interesting. We have explosions outside. Need to see what is up.
12/12/19(Thu)20:02Christmas edition236025265
Things over here are locked and loaded. The Iranians have biological and chemical weapons stashed in both Iraq and Syria. The Israelis have their target lists ready and the Saudi`s are flooding Iran with millions of dollars to pay for a general uprising scheduled to start in the next few week. My Israeli friend and I are spending time together and preparing as best we can. Seems I will be heading up a group of about 35 folks who will be working in Iran once this starts. As far as the Horowitz report, Barr and Durham investigations things are moving about as I expected. Page has been revealed as a CIA Agent but what has not yet been revealed is Page was a CIA plant in the campaign. Durham is aware of this and using it to move upstream in the CIA and corral the bad folks who were involved in this. Graham has started his redemption cycle now Trump has made him aware his treason is known. The China trade agreement that was announced today is just part of Trump`s third act. An agreement was made over a month ago but Trump wanted to announce this during the silliness of the impeachment process. Expect Kim to be in the U.S. in the first quarter of next year to sign an agreement. And never forget Trump is out to destroy the Democrats for a generation. Trump is now debating whether to have the shit show of all shit shows in the Senate or simply let the Senate wrap this up quickly. I told him to fuck all of them and bend the whole bunch over the table. Those bastards all need to be given fair trails and hung.
Summoning BD/Ghostanon, my friend and I were just talking about you
Posting the pulp_fiction fgif so anons/BD can find your thread.
Have to go. Good day folks.
Okay 1st you call us ladies and ask us to call you big dick
And this is the 2nd time you've typed out a fantasy of bending Lindsey over.
This is starting to sound super gay
Well the ladies comment was what my first mentor used a lot. It means nothing wrong. Just upset with Graham.
Are Patriots in Northern CA safe?
I don't wanna move.
Stay out of San Francisco. But yes.
Has Trump ordered any sort of precautions or hardening of targets? Will the problems include cyber attacks, perhaps on our electric grid?
> Russian Intelligence Agents, who have since been murdered
Why? And by whom? And wouldn't this cause trouble with Russia?
Nope when Putin found out he threw them out of helicopters and sent pictures to Brennan.
Yep. OP is a faggot once again. Hope you are having fun and getting high from the yous.
Nah never went in that direction. Women keep me busy enough.
Been thinking about it for a long time. Need to serve something bigger than a stupid computer screen. Any other pointers? Goldfield has many bars. Ready to make the jump, everything else is worked out- just need an interview/contact.
The Bar near the two hills. Cannot miss it. If you go to Jarbridge, Nevada everyone there is a spook. Have some good friends there.
Hey BDAnon, if you're ever on this side of the planet, pop by, I'll buy you a whiskey or beverage of your choosing!
Sounds good. If if make it out alive my friend and I will take a vacation. That is a pretty place I understand. Bad Snakes?
How public will the events be when these sick pedophiles/murderers are caught and trialed? Will this be a moment of "Biblical proportions"?
Also when will the tension in the middle east be picked up on MSM and normie level social circles? Or will it simmer for a while?
yea too big not to cover. I still get upset this shit is not already out there. But the group I am in seems to view it a bit different. They are big on nudging people in the right way. Foundation trilogy to understand.
Are the Saudis threatening to pull out of our economy if we don't support them in their jihad against Iran? Does the Saudi Aramco public offering play into this?
The Saudi`s are just scared. And this all goes back to the Sunni/Shia split. Interestingly a lot of folks in Iran could care less about politics.
Chief Justice Roberts is supposed to run the thing, but I recall you said that he has been compromised.
yea in many ways Roberts is sad.
You were completely and utterly right about Carter Page, BD. Today, Zerohedge had a story about things getting really tense among Israel, Iran and Syria. It sounds bad, and you were right again. I've been on the fence with you, but I'm about ready to jump off. Thanks for what you're doing here.
Glad to help. Complicated world. Things over here are on the edge. And Page is a deep state thug. Just a stupid one.
Best info sites that give real world happenings?
I like Intel Crab. They have sources out there that are pretty much on the ground level.
Meg was a larp and I and other anons broke her down almost 24 months ago. Same will happen to this faggot(s).
Sorry I have a job over here. And no I will not be around that much longer. Sure that makes your day.
The OP just found this article from 2016 saying the Josh Duggar was a distraction from the Epstein story. I know you don't have time to read the article but here it is for others to see.
And you confirm that Epstein is 100% dead?
Yep. He is on the other side with little girls I guess.
So neither is dead then
Both Rich and Epstein is dead. And the fellow that killed him is also. He had a nice home in Israel and spent a lot of time in Japan.
>Just a foot soldier but let me talk about cosmology and QM unification theory
Well a foot soldier can think. Guess I am just a deplorable.
FBI anon was true.
Meganon was true, even going to lengths to apologise to Q for thinking Q was a LARP.
Q continues on with 3 more proofs toward legitimacy today.
Yep the Q group is real, but unsound but since their finances have been solved who knows. I enjoy their efforts but beware.
No one is holding the CIA Accountable.
If treason was involved, this is a DoD problem, nothing DoJ or any other department matter at all.
The backdoor software and hardware installed on all modern phones is a scam you disingenuous fuck.
Thanks AT&T "intercept" they hand it to you for $ asshole
Fan service
Our problem is we didn't let the sand niggers figure out they needed to exterminate the jews soon enough
eg: you
Even though you were to stupid to figure out the FTL surly you figured out enough of the advanced propulsion to make it to asteroids in the solar system. If yo aren't full of shit--which you are.
They're in it together. He spent years in TV learning how to be the "bad guy"
He's the best democrat since JFK and the Republicans will cheer his liberal policies into office 2020 thinking they've won.
I told you to leave asshole and take your Discord with you.
Interesting. Well good luck in your rabbit hole. Not sure you will find any rabbits.
It’s not black holes it’s worm holes. Big difference.
To each his own. Can only speak to what I have seen. Why not?
Here ya go, BDanon. Some of us round these parts have our ears to the ground with respect to these matters.
Yep, this is some crazy stuff. And one of my tasks is to start to get this stuff out behind the door. Before it all comes out. The craft here that will be used in a war is not to be believed.
Scuttlebutt on Durham timing?
God I have been wrong on dates regarding this mess I will just defer. But it will happen.
So you don't know as much as you think you do.
Who knows maybe you are right. A lot of this I would just as soon not know. Just work the street.
Lindsey is currently dancing for POTUS right now on Hannity.
Yep Trump has made him aware of what is expected. Hope he bent him over a desk and made it clear. Really want that piece of shit Page to be exposed.
A gentleman never dimes out a woman he's fucking.
Why are you not just a filthy leaker [assuming you were real there George]?
Well that is an interesting point. Beautiful lady and honored to be with her. Well what I am doing here is well ordered.
Post proof of being in middle east. You wont.
Not sure my friends here would see that as appropriate. Would not want a missile up our ass. There will be plenty to see soon enough. You should have been around for what happened in Syria that was fun. That mutt is a fucking national hero.
You are all fucking stupid as I was believing in Meganon. Shameful. I feel so sorry for you guys.
Can understand your feelings. Have to say the Gold we shipped out to Brazil did a lot of good though. Got a lot of bad guys. It was in the news.
is there anything that could have this NOT go according to plan? any way for this to backfire on POTUS et al?
If we blow the world up over here that will be a real problem. Although it will get the alien technology out there quckly. Had a chance to ride on one of the aircraft that was developed from the tech, and it something. Anti-gravity drive does not begin to explain it.
What "role' exactly is he playing?
Also, Trump made clear today that had he not made a certain move, things would've been "a lot worse if that's even possible".
Is he referring to the missile out West or Vegas?
Ratting out others. Appear in public as a dickhead and round up others. Good plan. Think Trump was talking in code today about Rogers but I missed that.
BD, I’m looking to get out of big tech and into the streets. I don’t want to splash down on Harvard just to be (maybe) recruited. Any other avenues I can peruse to get into a similar line of work? I love me some barrels.
Maybe think a bit about this. I will take a lot away from you and well the impact is immense. I know this sounds crazy but if you are serious about this hang around a certain bar in Goldfield Nevada.u People may find you.
Epstein Didn't Kill Himself
No he did not. And the person that killed him also killed Seth Rich and he is buried now in a barrel in Saudi Arabia.
This is the OP's theory. The Prime Minister of Kazakhstan was also in Arkansas for a meeting with Tyson. What do you think?
Wow, Did not know that. Hopefully someone will work this.
Thanks for the replies. How will the boogaloo pop off in the USA then? And if it does, when?
I think the stuff over here will bleed back to the States. The shit coming out now is terrible. The Horowitz Report is damning take the time to go through it and look at what Barr did with Steele. It points the direction.
You know nothing.
OK. Maybe there is a thin line between wisdom and insanity. Pick which way to go and celebrate your path.
BD is the new Meganon. Every 6-12 months some faggot(s) ropes in the new class of reddit transplants that made their way into /pol/. Nothing you have said has come to pass Small Dickanon, just like FBIanon, Meg, Q, and all the other forgotten larpers. Hopium is the worst drug out there and OP knows it. Sad that you all fall into the addiction so easily.
Not really. Just a street soldier. If you take the time to look back you will see just how accurate things I can control hit on, the other stuff is big but there are other folks involved.
thanks bd. Do you know about the glowing orb pictured with trump and the saudis?
Except you [meaning our govt.] has... why are you lying?
Not at all. Black holes are the only thing now that facilitate travel like that. Maybe there is a way to warp space in a way to create a train track sort of speak.
Where the fuck are the revelations regarding how the Obama DOJ/FBI had FISAs on more than just Trump? That's the single most devastating fact to the traitors' narrative, and it should have been within Horowitz's scope.
Yea they are. But Durham is going there. Remember these sick bastards were listening in on Ivanka`s as she peed in the bathroom and talked to her friends about a baby shower. Comey is a sick bastard.
Hi BDanon. My daughter is a GaTech grad/proud dad. Where is best place to follow info when you are not here? God protect you and thanks for your service.
Good for her. What year did she graduate? If I do not make it out of here someone will appear I have been told. Right now my problems are more immediate. Evil is right across the mountain range.
>Graham Kerry revelations
QRD, please.
Well they are both traitors, and we will see. The thing about Graham broke Trump`s heart. That really hit him hard. Told him fuck Graham and use the piece of shit.
Ummm, this report states all 4 FISA warrants were illegal. This means Flynn, Page, and the rest punished based off of them are now not only free, but free to sue the government for millions. Second, it also means that someone committed numerous crimes, the buck will be passed around for 3-6 months and whoever is left holding it at the end will be arrested, but it will most likely be some lowly peon they'll hang it all on.
All four FISA Warrants were illegal. It will just take time before it sorts out.
Was Kavanaugh selected by Trump because he wrote the Patriot act and thus an expert on enemy combatants and their rights, or lack there of? Has this expertise been put to use yet?
Really Trump picked Kavanaugh was just a good man. Trump works things differently than a lot of folks. He just picks someone like Kavanaugh and lets him go. He is loyal and if he had not stuck by Kavanaugh he would have been fucked.
True about Comey and Brennan, but look at what Comey said today; I think almost everyone can claim that they were duped by Brennan, that he's the only one who knew it was fake. Others knew of course, but may be able to show that they had doubts and that Brennan personally assured them on his credibility that it was real, even Obama can claim that. I'm betting that only Brenna will really be prosecuted in all this, others have already turned on him.
The problem is the whole thing was managed by Brennan, Strozk, and Comey. The breadcrumbs were put out and the lower levels were pointed to them. Brennan is already fucked and he is playing a role til the rest of this shit is sorted out.
>The Democrats were always going to impeach Trump.
Bannon said this too. He blames it on the House going to the democrats. Jw what are you thoughts on him?
Also what do you think about this anon's story
He thinks there's a possible happening in Arkansas.
I know that folks in the FBI have been sniffing around there for a while. My guess is if this is true then it goes back to the Clinton Foundation.
We can go around in circles like this all day but most of Trump's associates are in jail or have been indicted along with having implicated Trump in numerous crimes. How about them apples, faggot? And the right wing ONLY has conspiracy theories by which no court or jury would ever convict an individual.
Good points. Can`t argue with what has happened. But we are in the last quarter of a game that has always been rigged by the left. But we get the final and most important minutes.
have you seen the stargate/looking glass? was that orb trump was touching with saudi's part of a stargate?
Nope, but stuff like that is at Area 51 but no one has figured out how it works. Those folks well creatures have a way of traveling though space that we have not figured out yet.
My sources have confirmed to me big dick anon actually has a small pecker
Well maybe that is what the Steele Dossier says but like everything else in there that is fake news.
Will the plague be a distraction from world events?
No. That is just working its way through the population. If it wasn`t for the mess over here I would say that is by far the biggest problem facing us. Hopefully this will destroy the Democrats in California. They really are dangerous people.
since this was done to the prez, any chance of the ndaa not being renewed since 9/11 was an inside job?
So this impeachment is proof that Trump is playing 4d chess?
Yes it is. The Ukraine problem was a set up by Trump people. I should know I was in the middle of it. The Democrats were always going to impeach Trump. We had phone intercepts from Pelosi`s office one week after she became speaker with the Lawfare group in Washington this was going to happen. The Democrats hired Lawfare Attorneys to guide the whole thing and they are right now writing up the articles of impeachment.
BD what effect will the IG report have on WW3?
None at all. Unless the Iranians perceive we are so fucked up they can get away with their silliness. Then yea we have problem. Also keep in mind that the Saudi`s have enough investment in the American economy to crash the whole thing it they pull out. We need just to get out of here and let them kill each other.
It's a total bust for Trump. He had to get his shine boy Barr out there for a propaganda push against it since there is nothing actionable in it
What is actionable is the Durham Indictments and yes their will be a report.
Please be well, BD. Your ominous post yesterday about being in harms way still concerns me. You have done so much to open our eyes, keeping our eyes locked on valid targets. Thank you for everything - wishing you safety and success if all you are doing.
Funny the stuff over here will probably blow everything up and the stuff in the States is secondary to this nightmare.
And when this double secret probation report 2 comes out and nothing happens what will you say then? Look around you. Comey and McCabe are very free. You know what's in their future? Book deals and lots of them. This just shows that if you work for Trump, you will be targeted and your life will be ruined even when Trump is in power. Pathetic.
Nah the shit is deep and Trump knew that when he was elected President. This was always going to be a fucking war and the craziness in the Ukraine just reflects that but consider the whole Ukraine story is a set up by Trump folks to engage the Democrats on an issue Trump can win on. The Democrats were set up.
Yesterday u said that something was missing to avert ww3 fuck fest. U said it was god. Let me start by saying that i'm glad you get to enjoy prime israeli milkers and that most of us wish we were half the man u are. As for god, I'm sure he knows who had the biggest dick of iteration 934. Don't give up on us.
Things are too serious for that. This stuff is maddening. After the Graham Kerry revelations I just lost it for a few hours. These folks have no integrity.
Barreling iranians with mozzad and saudi "good people" while distributing artificial gold via underground bases of dead alien races.
Close but not quite right. The Gold is still coming hot off the press though. But it is being sent to the Federal Reserve in New York.
Actually I would not trust anything. I don`t unless I can see it.
Israel good guys
Jewess hot girl just like photos JIDF post on pol
Iran bad.
Trust the plan.
Go to reddit bro.Leave us alone.
Iran is the problem whether you like it or not. These guys are crazier than the Democrats and not half as intelligent and that is not saying much.
Confirmed LARP. Here is BDanon with his "beautiful Mossad girlfriend"
Not me but if it turns you on ok. Nah she is beautiful and well deadly.
BD's right about one thing. That bitch is fucking insane and lost all connection with reality. She is not protected nor is she even remotely under any kind of cover.
Exposed, vulnerable, and completely useless now to everyone.
Funny we had a phone intercept that was passed on to me last night that says she still plans to run and announce shortly. She is nuts.
It wasn’t a criminal investigation are you brain dead? That’s Durham’s job Jesus can you even read?
Folks tend to forget that but in reality this report does a lot of good and the FISA Court is just a scam run by the FBI to go after whoever they want.
>Has anything I said be contradicted by the Horowitz Report?
Only everything you ever claimed.
There are no referrals, no indictments, no arrests, no one in jail.
> the Iranians have moved offensive missiles into Syria.
Good. Glassing the whole fucking MidEast will solve most of the world`s problems.
Nope the Horowitz Report contradicts nothing. My efforts have always aimed at understanding what went on upstream of the FBI works and how those actions influenced what we see today. Yes the Iranian missiles are in Syria and the Israelis are on point to take them out soon.
Confirmed LARP.
> All 4 FISA warrants have been determined to be illegal. Numerous criminal referrals.
Good point as I pointed out there are two reports. The one that was issued today points the way, the other justs starts at the conclusions and works its way back. Yes the FISA Warrants are illegal, and yes criminal referrals have been made and more or in the works. These have been folded into the Durham effort and will be forthcoming. Remember this version of the report has the Durham and Barr statements to the effect of what is coming.
>Her new dealer can`t keep enough inventory for her.
NP must have the greatest stamina of all time.
Years ago knew a fellow who was what is called a dry drunk. This she is like this. She will keep going and then one day just drop.
Good afternoon. I'm happy to see D.C. in chaos right now. Which model of missiles did Iran move into Syria, and are any nuclear? Also, what's the most damning thing that Barr has on both Kerry and Graham?
As far as model goes can`t go there, but they are offensive and I am hearing they have biological agents ready to go. Well Kerry`s son is up to his ass with the same shit Hunter is involved in and they both were in contact with the Iranians through a ex-cia agent telling them Trump was going to be found guilty in the Senate. The agent is now in custody.
Regarding NP: I keep looking under her nose but never see any traces...how does she dose herself?
Not into that sort of thing. Never did it. She stays coked up now. Her new dealer can`t keep enough inventory for her.
Howdy BD, was catching up on the oldies. Glad to see you found my ramblin' meme. Thought u might Njoy. Peace and safety to you and yours.
Thanks my friend. Folks just look at what Durham, Barr and most importantly what Trump just said in a sound bite. And look at what I just posted.
BDAnon you have been confirmed with the Carter Page = CIA plant.
Yep I know he is. At one time I managed a project he was involved in. He is not very bright. Even the Russians knew he was dumb as a rock.
12/9/19(Mon)15:19IG Report/Good things come to those who wait.235669899
Well ladies it seem the IG Report is out and folks are losing their minds. Remember what I said there are two reports. Barr and company put report 2 out there and is including the conclusion of report 1 into Durham`s investigation and the effort to tie into exactly what triggered the investigation into the Trump Campaign. Keep in mind it was Brennan who worked with Russian Intelligence Agents, who have since been murdered, to create the Steele Dossier. The Dossier was handed off to Steele and he was the one who inserted the Dossier into the American Political System. Both Barr and Durham know this and know that Comey and Brennan worked the investigation to ensure FBI folks picked up on the trail that Foreign Intelligence Agencies and Strozk laid for them. Keep in mind that Strozk is a Brennan puppet that was used to liaison between the FBI and CIA and manage the process. Also Page is a CIA Asset that was inserted into the Trump Campaign, reported to Comey and was paid from a CIA slush fund maintained in an overseas account. You see none of this was touched on by the Horowitz Report. This report simply discredits much of what the FBI did. Do not underestimate what Barr and Durham just did. They know what Brennan, Comey, and Strozk and others did and that is the end game. Keep your dicks in your hand and stay hard. Not what I would have done but what the hell it is their shop. Also focus on the changes Barr made in the report regarding Steele. Remember what McCabe said the FISA Warrants would never have been issued without the Steele Dossier. What Durham and Barr know is the Steele Dossier was created by U.S. and Russian rogue intelligence operatives under the direction of Brennan. Has anything I said be contradicted by the Horowitz Report? No ladies it hasn`t and once you look into the abyss Durham and Barr are looking into. It looks back. Now I need to get back to preparing for WW3. And the Iranians have moved offensive missiles into Syria.
Have to go folks. My lady friend has needs.
> Sometimes I think I should have just left Harvard and took off for a damn beach somewhere and lived the life of a fucking hermit.
Speaking of Harvard, is there any chance of cleaning up the bullshit? The most prestigious university in the country is being run by clowns and everyone else wants to be like them because they're Harvard.
I suspect that this guy had a bigger influence than it seems, but can't prove anything. https://archive.is/3O59N
Hi Tonopah Faggot.
Ask your Chief of Police about the night he had dinner at his house with a viking looking fellow with very long hair and a long beard.
I was with his Father-In-Law Frank L, posing as an underground miner.
I had a pleasant conversation with his daughter about the best weapons and methods for hunting and killing coyotes for sport.
I was in the area investigating some things, and keeping an eye on the poster of this thread.
The Tunnel Entrance you are looking for over in Goldfield is a mineshaft headframe with 8 guards who rotate 2 x 2 detail.
uh oh.
This won't mean shit because anyone can claim anything but
I worked in intelligence for a bit and everything you're saying is obvious skitzo posting
Go back to your Arma server fag
We will see.
did your group ever work with epstein? like hire him to get you blackmail?
No Epstein was a piece of shit although I did get to know his assassin for a short period of time.
BD, this should be right up your alley if you're a contractor. In 2015 the relationship between NK & Iran was discussed in the national security breifing. Do you know how their relationship was described?
From what I remember in 2015 the relationship was that of a vendor to a customer. Not a contractor though. Just my opinion.
Carter Page is an intelligence community plant in the Trump Campaign. Buckle up.
Will the chemical weapons in Mecca become public info?
I do not know. There is a strong suspicion there are more to be found.
Since you won’t answer questions about aliens. Are you one?
Nope just a rambling wreck from Georgia Tech. Look that stuff is well just is. I am far more interested in black holes and the shit that has come out of there back here.
>Nice bar there
post more detail proof
t.tonopah faggot here
If you live in Tonopah should not be a problem finding it. Ever fly out of the airfield close by. A lot of strange shit goes on there. Was on a plane that landed there once. What we were up to was out of this world.
What can you tell us about the ayy situation? I hear they will harvest us all after ww3. Do you know of a race called the Ur?
Can`t help you there. The only et`s I am aware of are dead.
Where is the tunnel entrance in Goldfield?
Very close to where the sign posts up about entering the no entrances zone to the east of Goldfield. Comes up between two small hills.
Eric Prince...
Good man.
Well, then better get the tree up.
Any chance that our new super-duper weapons won't be necessary? Maybe we/Saudis/Israelis can just rough up the Iranians conventionally?
Maybe. The Iranians are a paper tiger, with a nasty bite. They are afraid if the regime collapses they will all be hung.
What would it take to avert it? That is, what don't you see happening?
God. I suspect I am already dead.
"the bookeepers" or book keepers?
You are right my spelling problems are showing again.
By "there" you mean the Middle East?
yes. getting sleepy.
Any connection to the Iran/US prisoner swap that just happened?
No. Believe Bagdad was hit tonight. Seems the Iranians have missles hidden there.
Ask your lady friend if she'll post her titts.
She is a bit shy for that but imagine something huge, warm and cuddly. Easily hide a 45 there.
You cannot be serious, my BD friend. Are you saying you overheard THAT or...like heard of it?
Nope. Epstein made a video and we got it.
What will trump do? And why do you say it’s gonna be ww3 when China and Russia won’t intervene? Your contradicting yourself
there is ww3 and there is ww3. this shitshow will do the damage but not everyone will jump in. once the technology becomes apparent their involvement would be meaningless and lead to their destruction.
Now you are shitting us
nope. none of these people are sane.
No one engaged in secret ops would spend this much time divulging bullshit on /pol/. Its getting late in georgia, please go to bed
Good point. Maybe it is all true. We will see.
Who is ultimately to blame for this shit show? When the tsunami hits me tomorrow I want to know who killed me.
Our own stupidity. Sometimes I think I should have just left Harvard and took off for a damn beach somewhere and lived the life of a fucking hermit.
Gore real bad shit NYPD found, real?
Do you know much about the AWOL pensacola Saudis? What is their aim?
What I hear the Saudi`s are in the dark as we are. I believe this is some shit the Iranians cooked up.
The stuff of nightmares.
If things blow up as you fear, do we really have to worry about an election next year?
nope. I would be stockpiling beans.
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصْحَابِ الْفِيلِ
أَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ كَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيلٍ
وَأَرْسَلَ عَلَيْهِمْ طَيْرًا أَبَابِيلَ
تَرْمِيهِم بِحِجَارَةٍ مِّن سِجِّيلٍ
فَجَعَلَهُمْ كَعَصْفٍ مَّأْكُولٍ
well shit.
bortnikov is still very much alive no?
what did you mean when you said he was 'taken care of'? He was still giving speeches and announcements recently iirc
The folks in the FSA that worked with Brennan are all dead. Putin found out and dropped them out of helicopters.
>ask her a question
Tits or GTFO
Well she is drop dead beautiful. And well endowed.
>They have assured the Mullahs that Trump will be impeached
Fuck off kike faggot this isn't Qresearch
nope just phone intercepts.
Just came back to this thread
So should I not study for my finals? Might as well not if we're all going to blow up and die.
Nah. Do it for yourself. As Charlotte says tomorrow is another day.
Are you saying we shouldn't waste anymore time buying Christmas presents?
No enjoy the moment. Who knows maybe things will work out. Not for some of us though. Suspect we will not last long over here.
>gold is really worthless.
I'll take those bags off your hands, Goy.
Why not. When there are two warehouses of the stuff here and they can make a ton a day it loses its luster.
Australia - On the Beach
Great movie. I own a place on a beach in Mexico that should be safe if I can get to it. My friend here is helluva a pilot.
What actions do you think will happen to cause ww3. Like russia / china nuke usa? Ground force invasions?
Massive exchange between Israel, Iran with Israel nuking Tehran and at least a dozen other Iranian cities.
So, some call options in major energy companies might be very profitable? Until the entire trading platform collapses?
And the time line?
Next 3 weeks unless something changes and I do not see that happening.
Or percentages. Whats the % chance do you feel there will be ww3/ice age/solar emp.
Ok ok. So what did you see a week ago that makes you think a solar ray between christmas and new years. Also why do you believe ww3 might start/deaths in the US.?
We are not immune to what is happening over there. And too many folks over here with mixed loyalties and remember we have killed a lot of folks over there. Wish we had just got the hell out of there before our sins catch up to us.
Hey BD once the dust settles are we going to see some major constitutional amendment fixes done via convention of states to reduce federal overreach?
Yes once all the killing is over the bookeepers can step in and write it all done and hopefully learn something.
Your a filthy kike. You ignored me cuz I had the swastika. Nice flag jew. Your going down with trumpie
Look I am pretty beat. Easy to miss stuff. Your flag means nothing to me. It is whats inside that matters.
Based on what you've overheard, is she angling for a "muh investigating a political opponent" sort of scheme, or is her plan to announce just pure straight arrogant hubris?
I think she is just fucking crazy, and if she had sex with Bill his problem is now hers. Actually Bill has fucked just about everything imaginable. When Bill was at Epstein`s ranch in New Mexico he bedded Chelsea with Hillary watching.
Also is the impeachment an act to get trump to war with Iran? Wont Iran destroy Israel in the process? This agithole planet needs to be liquidated desu.
The impeachment is just insanity coupled with a dying world order that needs to just go away.
BD how are you able to post without compromising your identity/location?
Pretty simple actually. Let`s just say I post from a network that doesn`t exist in the well grid.
Why are you ignoring my questions??? Seriously, wont China or Russia intervene for Iran? Will this start ww3?
Nope. Neither one wants to get involved in this. And if we reveal the technology we have they will back down real quick. This is going to be a whole new world.
>And we don`t know everything about the other side and what they have stashed in the U.S. This will be bad.
sure we don't I guess.
Who the fuck allowed these sick niggers in in the first place. You know people are 'racist' for a reason.
I think armenians and iranians equally perhaps.
lunev's revelations about suitcase nukes is relevant now.
>Also they have a hidden nuclear fusion program that is already operational
And we do not? Doubtful. I guess it's irrelevant when in fact you are quick to dismiss even the space elevator considering we now have ability to bend time and space to our will (or something close to it).
>don't really follow
I am speaking of past couple posts I made enquiring about japanese involvement in the whole globalist scheme affair and certain clans and families in japan that act as partners with globalist actors. Are they no longer an issue or threat?
Nope the Japanese are not a threat. They hate the Chinese and are trying to acquire nuclear weapons from Trump.
when you say she will run do you for president or to a non extradition country... and if the later where?
Run for President. Bill is dying though, that may slow her down, but her real lover is Huma Abadeen. She Huma and Weiner has had some threesomes. Really disgusting shit.
What about Russians?
Are they the enemy or nah?
Actually the Russians are pretty good folks. I have worked with them off and on for years. A few bad folks worked with Brennan to create the Steele Dossier but they are dead.
He said 2 reports, the real one is damning
We can enjoy the conversation for now. Tomorrow either hit or miss
The other side being the "opposition" of mostly Iran-ish tribes? Maybe it's not a great time to visit DC or NYC for the holidays?
If this shit blows up I do not know where will be safe.
How stupid are you niggers? He's using a memeflag. Not the real BD
nah it is me.
I screenshot this
Good for you. Stay safe. Someone has to survive what is going to happen.
Perhaps I missed it, but what is your estimate of the probability of all hell breaking loose and what is your best guess for the time line?
greater than 80%. this shit show is going to be biblical.
>Foundation trilogy by Asimov
is there already a world government in place? what are the odds of a new currency in the US?
Not a government, just a group of folks trying to nudge things in a certain direction with unlimited funds that come from a huge cache of manufactured gold.
You're a shit LARPer and i can't wait for Iran to bulldoze the jews out of Palestine. Can't wait for the FISA report to fuck ZOG up the ass with a cactus.
A lot of hostility there.
I'm not comfortable with people like you not working for the US government. I'm a firm believer that the people running around the world coming from the US should ultimately be beholden to the elected government and the people who cast the votes. Can you expand on that a little? And how long has this been going on?
I can understand that but it is what it is. I will say being motivated by the Good is not a bad thing and eventually it will work out if we don`t all kill each other. This group has been in place since after WW2. I was recruited at Harvard.
Really gay larp...even for this shithole.
Give it a few days and see what you think. Better yet after Christmas none of us maybe around. Hell maybe the Mexicans will inherit the earth.
Why the hell would china and japan still be around to be 'big boys'? especially japan.
I asked in detail about japanese involvement in this entire affair and how they are corrupt and compromised on many levels, but you haven't answered it in the past - such as questions about their elite families and such.
No comment, because allies now and problem has been taken care of?
Because I certainly do not see this on the public sphere as far as their actions go.
Don`t really follow. The Japanese economy is huge and their lead in robotics is dramatic over the Chinese and us. The are the world leader in AI and manufactoring. Also they have a hidden nuclear fusion program that is already operational and if the world lasts much longer should come out in 2020.
If her insurance tapes are in possession of Trump team, how dare she even try to run?
Hillary is going a bit mad and thinks she is protected but she isn`t anymore. Also her private server in her toilet resulted in the deaths of over 50 intelligence folks over the years. A lot of folks have a bone to pick with the Clintons.
Well now you are actually back. Interesting the thread is still ongoing.
> sound waves that will make targets just turn to mush and explosions of directed partical beams that will kill but not destroy buildings
Does any other nation state or actors have access to these levels of weaponry other than US and white hat elements of our government/military?
>She thinks there is at least a 40% chance of major casualties in Israel with Israel nuking Tehran.
would this be of benefit or detriment to the rothschilds type of "elite families" or do they really not give a shit about the (((number one goyim))) ?
If you were to say yay or nay, would you say such types of people are being backed into a corner aka being BTFO? You said you think they won't survive at all what is coming.
No. The ET stuff comes from 3 vehicles that are stored at area 51. Each one from a difference race of beings. Strange stuff. Yea this is going to be a real killing field over here. And we don`t know everything about the other side and what they have stashed in the U.S. This will be bad.
how big is her hook...
Beautiful lady. And damn smart. Since she saved my life I have become quite fond of her and since Michelle has become a democrat who knows where this will go. Damn good person.
Are you sayn area 51 is a thing. I thought everything was moved out.
Most of the real stuff there is buried beneath the ground and there are tunnels that extend for miles and surface in some very surprising places. The one I use opens up in Goldfield, Nevada. Nice bar there. Good folks.
That was the other anon pretending to be BD, you got larped by a larp larping for a larp
Larps are everywhere but when you see the IG Report tomorrow just maybe this is the real deal.
Nah, not really folks over here have died for us also. Things are not that white and black.
The fakest gayest larp.
Well shit. Who knew.
Hey BD, so will Saudi Arabia and Iran end up attacking each other after the IG Report drops? Not sure I’m following you...
IG Report has nothing to do with what is happening over here. This mess has been triggered by the Iranians putting Chemical weapons in Saudi Arabia. Hell these guys were going to eventually go after each other. Yea, fuck Jimmy Carter.
BD is a larp. 99% bullshit. This is Q tier bullshit.
Well after tomorrow you may think a bit different.
Is it your post?
Yes it is.
Trying to figure out your code
Does Yellowstone = Jerusalem/Israel?
Does Los Angeles = Tehran?
You trying to communicate estimated casualties for attacks in each locale?
ie. Israel would be end of the world? Tehran two or three million?
Cannot go there. Sorry.
what are the odds you wont make it out this time? rooting for ya B.D.!
I would say less than 20%. My target is an Iranian nuclear facility. Oh well I have had a good run.
18 posts of pure horseshit that was apparent in your first post because you are hiding like a massive faggot in 1978 afraid of the faggot bashing you deserve.
You really do need different medications.
what's with Barr/Pompeo's vaticon visit, benedicts abdication & the catholic spring arranged by soros, helliary, obonono & pedoesta in a wikileaks drop?
$15T in $5T tranches laundered to these thieves.
Really can`t help there.
Why the fuck is this President allowing the targeted individual program to continue against his supporters, and what the fuck is going to be done about it and when?
Not close to that. A bit focused right now on WW3.
How do Mossad’s balls taste fren?
Never did that. Not a Democrat.
God fucking damnit I can't believe I caught it late.
I hope BD crew sticks around for a long time. We need some lights shed on things.
I think he's a bit more highly placed then that, anon, street garbage disposal guy though he may be.
Good southerners make good soldiers.
Well I am from the South but my reporting relationship is a bit complicated. Think of the Foundation trilogy by Asimov is a good way to view it.
>They are being prepared to airlift into Tehran.
So they can be in ground zero if this whole things goes off, or just to clean up the mess afterwards and re-organize everything so iran can get back to not being under mullah control?
Clean up the mess afterwards and add some legitimacy to the new political order.
Happy Hanukkah, Frank
We will see soon enough, Tyrone.
And you think they’ll give Bernie the nomination with hillary declared
Biden isn’t even running he’s just holding her place
This whole Hillary thing is wild. We have taps on her phone and she still is planning to announce and has a shit load of crap on Warren and recently was saying Bernie is an old fucking fool.
and of course will blame it on anyone else, preferably US.
we need proofs however. proof that mullahs placed the weapons there to blame it on US while gassing their own believers will ensure their demise.
Can we see this happening? Even with shit optics and psyop'd population i mean.
Well have a good christmas and after that wake up in a new world. It will go down.
literally "soon" shit tier larping
just admit that it's a stall tactic to keep idiots hooked to get trump reelected in 2020
Tell you what after tomorrow you can just kiss my confederate ass.
>Seems John Kerry and Lindsey Graham are working together. They have assured the Mullahs that Trump will be impeached and he will be found guilty in the Senate.
Can we get him, kerry, and romney OUT of the senate and be replaced with MAGA folks?
>My Israeli friend is here if you would like to ask her a question.
what's her take on chances of this succeeding without israel being wiped off the map? Honest no bullshit assessment on her part.
She has moved her family members away from Tel Aviv. She thinks there is at least a 40% chance of major casualties in Israel with Israel nuking Tehran. The political thing is so crazy now that with everything coming apart who really knows. The political elite do not have a clue what is coming.
Alright, so this shit with saudis missing in FL is glow nigger directed crap. Does it have bigger implications to where saudis are heading aka MBS's security of position, or is it a one off thing and a group of infiltrators?
Also, what signs and hints should we look for your 'secret tech' weapon deployment? Lights/phenomena, anything aside form mullahs just disappearing.
The Technology will result in massive black outs in Iran followed by sound waves that will make targets just turn to mush and explosions of directed partical beams that will kill but not destroy buildings. The weapons are tied in to certain signatures of individuals that the weapons zero in on. The shit in Florida is still developing. My bet is the Iranians.
The cheesy Tom Clancy novel LARP is back.
Shit is so cringe.
You must be voting for Biden. Well after tomorrow you may think differently.
Was Kerry pushing the coup in Ukraine or was that strictly a Nuland special? His wife has so much dough that she doesn't know what to do with it. Why did Kerry get himself involved in the stupid Ukrainian adventure.
Kerry is a regular deep state thug and stealing is just something those folks do.
Stay safe. Keep plowing
Will do. You folks stay safe also.
Could you elaborate a bit more?
Well my reporting relationship is to a group above the government and I report to the executive for now. I have known the President for over 20 years.
0/10 Frank.
You mean Frank from Breaking Bad. Surely you have better material.
I wanted to ask both you and your lady friend: What is the funniest thing you two have seen in your line of work?
She said the time she murdered a Hezbollah operative and found out it was a tranny. For me it was the visit to area 51 and finding out gold is really worthless.
Opposition groups from what country? US? Saudi? Israeli? Iranian?
Mainly from Iran. But over here the tribal affiliations are the most important and they cross national borders. Mainly Iran and Iraq, with a few folks from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
is the IG report going to be a happening
Yes it is. The real IG Report will say the four Fisa Warrants were illegal and point to the work Durham is doing.
Fake and gay
Well I have explained that several times but if you wish to stay there fine. Other folks are involved in this and things come to pass just a different pace.
Kerry's been out of the Senate for a while. What pull does he have now? Is he angling for another stint at Foggy Bottom with Biden? What gives with Lurch?
Kerry is scared. He is up to his ass with the shit in the Ukraine and has family ties to Iran. He is a fucking traitor. Sorry folks but we have sirens going off here. We need to re locate.
The DNC will never let Bernie win, where we’re you in 2016
Well Biden is going down, and the crazies are taking over the Democrat Party. The Senate trial will be the shit show for the ages. Clinton is still planning on running.
There’s not gonna be any Iran war, that ship sailed when Trump was elected
Greater Israel is over, no expansion without the US, and we will acknowledge them as enemies when Barr’s investigation is over.
Who, the newfags from q board
Hope you are right, this is going to be bad. Enjoy Christmas.
>Well in my line of work
What is your line of work?
Good question. Just work the streets.
nukes involved?
Depends. Both sides have them now. Iran will be removed from the map if this goes hot.
Saudis are good people? Fuck that place
You’re a fucking glow nigger
Fuck you, faggot
Enjoy your freedom until Sanders comes for you.
Bro why won’t you just fucking go away with this retarded LARP? No one cares
Well the folks who these posts are aimed at care.
I saw your post on another thread about the IC report. You stated that they did a leaker sting and that the leaked report is fake and the leakers have been identified. Is that what I understand correctly.
You post this earlier today?
not me.
why are you in Saudi Arabia? person of interest?
Getting ready for WW3. Iran is going to get smoked. Play close attention to what is being said in the media from opposition groups in regards to Iran. They are being prepared to airlift into Tehran.
Why are you friends with Saudis and Israelis
They’re fucking faggots.
Well in my line of work it is what it is. A lot of the Saudi`s are good people. Both the Saudi`s and Israel live in a tough neighborhood. Israel has stationed 15 nuclear weapons in Saudi in anticipation of the big show.
When are we glassing Mecca?
Interestingly enough that is where the Iranians placed the chemical weapons.
WTF Big Dick, are you saying that President Trump is going to be removed or he is going to give the big dick to Graham and Kerry, These fukken traitors need some reckoning, I have noticed Lindsey looking clammy like he used to with noname as his butt boy. And they are reporting that the IG found adequate predication WTF
Kerry is going to get fucked publicly. Trump will bend Graham over the desk in private and make him his bitch.
Frank you LARP. If there’s no Iran war this month, you have to stop posting
Not Frank, and really have no interest anymore posting. This thing with Kerry though. He needs to know he has been caught.
Who ordered the NAS shooting?
Talked to my Saudi friends on that. Seems this was a pretty bad fuck up. There is a lot more to this than is in the press right now. This may go back to Iran. Or even a crazy group of folks here. Believe folks trying to interfere with what is going on over here. This shit though is too far gone the Saudi`s have found chemical weapons hidden in the country by Iran. Can`t see this calming down.
What's up with Turkey and Greece?
Not close to that. Too involved here. Those folks have been going at it forever.
12/8/19(Sun)19:34WW 3/John Kerry edition235591287
Hello ladies,
Well here we are in Saudi Arabia awaiting the go codes and having a drink, petting a few wonderful canines, and waiting on the green light to let loose the hounds of war. This is really the big one I am afraid. Not sure who will be standing after this shit storm. Interesting we intercepted communications between senior Iranian leadership and American deep state thugs begging them to back down. Seems John Kerry and Lindsey Graham are working together. They have assured the Mullahs that Trump will be impeached and he will be found guilty in the Senate. Seems our deep state folks are busy. Trump is aware of Graham`s treason and we will see where that goes. I posted earlier today of the FISA storm for next week. I have a few minutes. My Israeli friend is here if you would like to ask her a question.
(((Horowitz))) clears everyone and Durham does the same.
Kabuki theatre.
Not really. Just wait. They are all fucked.
Should have said indicted Andy McCabe. Also remember we are a ways away from the Durham Report. Durham has already fucked Comey and Brennan. Brennan set the whole thing up and the only question left to determine how many Tyrone`s will make Brennan their bitches in federal prison.
To understand what is happening next week all you have to do is focus on what the indicated Andy McCabe said about the FISA Warrants. That is none would have been obtained without the fradulant Steele Dossier. Barr has been declassifying material for months and giving it to Durham. That leads to indictments for the remaining deep state thugs whose indictments have not been already finalized yet by a secret Grand Jury. Also keep in mind that Durham knew shit would be leaked so he arranged with Horowitz to create two IG Reports. One that has been leaked to the news media and another that has been hidden until tomorrow. Durham already has the name of 4 individuals in the Justice and FBI who have been leaking information from the false reports. Enjoy.
oh I figured, I am just letting you know... as above so below, or whatever.
Seriously the astrological alignments both in the short and medium term are intense. The Pluto return for USA is especially symbolic... 248 year orbit of Pluto, the planet of Resurrection, in the sign of Capricorn (satan/goatfish/etc)
Not so much into all of that. But it looks impressive. Maybe something does surround us as we got through all of this and predicts what we barely perceive. Good time to wrap up one`s personal affairs. Good luck,
fuuug there are huge astrological alignments both on winter solstice and christmas eve.
fucking spooky!!!!!!
Actually I know it is going to happen.
Enjoy Christmas. soon
An associate forwarded me the picture that someone here created. It is funny. This Bud is for whoever did this. thanks.
12/6/19(Fri)23:44Armageddon Edition235418313
Well here we are. The Middle East is on the verge of a major war, President Trump is getting ready to rape the Democrats, and for short term entertainment the FISA Report will be released next week. On another point a peace deal has been reached between Trump and Kim on N. Korea and Kim will be traveling to Washington in the 1st Quarter of 2020 to sign the agreement. What is happening now is Rocket Man and the Old Doltard are just exchanging greetings. The Middle East is set to blow. And well I am back. staying with my Israeli friend and just sharpening knifes. Shortly will be back in Saudi Arabia to spend a few days with associates to prepare for the big show. Recently I mentioned Trump will be showing off some new alien technology well there is a dark side to that presentation and it is over here. If those weapons are used the Mullahs will simply disappear in a flash with a good portion of the leadership. And well maybe they have earned it. The Iranians have married several missiles with nuclear warheads and I am sure you know where that is going to end up. Trump knew all along that the Democrats in the House would impeach him so has chosen the battlefield and the issue. He is going to destroy the Democrats for a generation. And a few Republicans in the mix. To me the most fascinating thing to look for in the FISA Report next week is whether Carter Page will be revealed as an asset of the CIA. Page was placed in the campaign as a hook to get FISA Warrants and reported to Comey and was paid by Brennan`s CIA. We will see. Once last point. I am hearing so scary stuff coming out of Yellowstone. A system test was made recently there that resulted in a significant explosion in a sensitive zone and has cracked some subsurface areas that magma has now entered and is making its way close to the surface. The area is removed from the main caldera and is pretty hot. Folks are very nervous the tests may have gone too far.
Who are you and why should we believe you?
Believe what you will but stay the hell out of there if you can.
Plague is already in Los Angeles. Over 300 homeless have died of the outbreak and 2 new threads have developed that are not responsive to treatment. The plague is in the process of jumping to the general population and medical officials involved in all of this have panicked. Expect this to become public by year end.
Have to go. The boss is calling.
Georgia Tech women are gross anime nerds. All 3 of them.
not true my friend.
Did Schiff legally subpoena those phone records or was it a trap that has yet to spring?
don`t know. working other stuff right now.
Was poway a sabotage?
How os this coming ice age gonna affect my country?
If gold is worthless is silver a good alternative investment? How is the economy gonna be affected by the new technology?
And do you know whats up with this shit show in Latin America? Is Soros behind the color revolutions? What gives?
Soros is pure evil. I think you folks are probably ok. Imagine higher elevations will have trouble.
Will you stop posting if there’s no alien disclosure this year?
I am about finished with my task here. Thought I was finished but this business in the middle east needs to be communicated to a few folks. Not long and nothing to do with what I have posted. What is scary is about 90% of what I have posted is true.
I'm not exactly sure of this, but I've read a bit that points to civilizations predating recorded history having been nuked. History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes, all that fun stuff. We're at a tipping point. Are we going to rhyme or are we going to reason?
Honestly I think the boys at Yellowstone are going to destroy the whole fucking thing. Someone will get drunk one night and take the whole world out.
Have they been able to decipher the language yet, or is that an unknown still?
That is a great question. To me the language is not really a language more like a song with multiple meanings to the same symbols. Strange stuff.
Is the 9th another let down? Are they trying to push us to grab pitch forks and just do it ourselves?
nope things are coming out. I think you will be happy. i am. Think of the IG Report and Barr.
Why switch your flag to the donkey?
Well she is a democrat and for just this time.
I'm a medic in San Diego. How fucked am I?
I really do not know. I would stay out of Los Angeles.
Good point. Yep what I am talking about happened but my friends in justice just work things different than i would. When you are going to take down so many folks there are other things to work though. But yea I get upset about the pace. A lot more than you do.
was this movie a hint of what you're talking about? ending is unthinkinable until it becomes a reality.
Yep there is shit out there we know about that makes this tame. Sometimes we are just a source of food.
Yep we will see.
And we will see that you were wrong... again
Point well taken. This is in the works. I would have hung her a year ago but we will see.
>several organisms caught a ride and when the ship was opened up they simply escaped and no one has been able to find them.
>Some really wild looking shit.
any descriptions you can share? anything really.
>One odd thing. There is a lot, a lot of Gold going out of Area 51 now headed to the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. Something big is going on out there.
Assuming that it is under now our control more or less, perhaps the gradual approach to taking down (as it functions now) the fed system is underway, which will reshape the entire world. People won't know until they read the history books.
so you mentioned before that "elite families" maynot survive at all what is coming.
In your measure/knowledge what is their current mood?
More specifically this: Have any of these scum actually been terminated/killed by our people world wide? Which "elite family" got hit hard the most if you can share.
Well the ones that ran off remind me of an old movie. The Blob.
Actions have already been taken regarding some folks.
Will they take down the Fed?
Gold will be their downfall?
That is a good question. Once the world figures out the U.S. has been creating Gold for the last 50 years and every ones reserves are useless should be quite the shit show.
How close to our level of technology does this city have? How much does it match the original human civilization on earth?
I would say at least 100 years ahead. I believe this was a colony from somewhere else that just did not work out here. Seems they were destroyed by a virus similar to ebola. Who really knows.
>Would like to see China freeze up
See, if we can somehow mitigate effects of the ice age in western/russia nations that would be perfect. We can't be weakened while those closer to the equator grow bolder.
I imagine india will be eating each other because of weather catastrophes and general chaos.
Next decade better see us and whole of west/russia and even AUS and NZ tightening down on all immigration and such. If we start seeing chaos in the overfilled regions we WILL see invasions and scum trying to take advantage.
We can't let that happen.
What say you to above?
Sometimes my mind is wasted with too many things going on. Hopefully the technology releases will do something positive. My fear is once things get out about the severity of the new Ice Age people are going to go pretty nuts.
Pretty eyes. Perhaps you could reform her.
Guess there is a message here. Everything turns to shit and we should just laugh at the whole show. Beautiful, beautiful person with a wonderful heart. Oh well.
That's because enemy knows and he wants them to know it by heart. For reasons.
What's the consensus at the top, God does exist?
Was Q's [Iron Eagle] messages to the colonels to begin testing the failsafe system in yellowstone? As warning to those watching, of course.
Yep God exists. I talk to him every night. He seems to be very quite.
Your third question. Yes
>This is a full bore attack aimed at decapitating the top leadership and destroying the Iranian nuclear program and is being coordinated with Saudi operatives who will be in Iran to assassinate top government officials. They have a real hard on for the top Iranian General who Israel has had on a hit list for years but Obama would not approve his assassination, but now the White House is under new management.Trump has requested him be given a souvenir of the event.
And you're posting it on here? Are you retarded?
A lot going on. I was told to post it here.
Iran has had thirty years to cook up some nasty germ based weapons. And give them to to sleeper agents.
yes they have. the mullahs are very bad folks and hopefully Jimmy Carter will burn in hell for this shit.
>telling everybody that you plan to attack and when you plan to attack and who your targets are
Well we will see. Sometimes the truth is right in front of you. Actually a good strategy sometimes letting folks know exactly what you are going to do. Helps focus them on different paths.
Good LARP but Jesus I wish this were true
It is true. Enjoy the ride. WW3 and Aliens all in the same week and the release of technology aimed at helping mankind survive the big freeze.
Stop reading at Israeli friend
Oh well she saved my life.
I would start worrying about little green men if we actually manage to preserve our reality here, today. Which so far the knowing fools are failing to do and too many are going off the rails because of despair.
Going to paste this here:
You mentioned mark warner (d-VA) being targeted, and everyone noticed that VA libshits have set up circumstances with the insane gun grab measures to time it just in time with the official date for IG report release. Not a coincidence.
Are they hoping to kick things off with wide spread publication of "red flag incidents" type of schemes targeting certain indivduals in VA that they know they can get violent responses out of so they can stage massive narrative shifts?
We know VA state police is completely lobotomized and compromised to the point they will essentially pull MD red flag incident redux if given the order.
This coupled with many things will inevitably be used to shift the (((msm))) narrative against POTUS with every cunt in msm shilling against so-called "dangerous white supremacists".
What measures are in place to take down VA libshits and prevent this situation from materializing? To the point: What, exactly, are you all doing to prevent people from being further attacked by hostile enemies in the government and compromised elements of law enforcement?
So many in the government don't care who in the public is victimized, they don't give a shit what happens because they are too busy being contemptuous of the public.
Maybe the fact that this is happening right under their noses will get us some answers.
What I worry about is the little green men we do not know about. There is some strange stuff out there and really we know so little. When a ship returned from the other side several organisms caught a ride and when the ship was opened up they simply escaped and no one has been able to find them. Some really wild looking shit. Really not that familiar with Virginia other than Warner is going down. Durham has an indictment already waiting on his ass. The country is a mess and yea most of the government does not really give a shit. One odd thing. There is a lot, a lot of Gold going out of Area 51 now headed to the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. Something big is going on out there.
I'm not tired of winning. President Trump has been winning all along, it's hard to see it when you're reading shill threads on 4chan but it's true. President Trump did better in his first mid term than both Clinton and Obama. Mueller couldn't do anything to him. Most Americans believe that impeachment is a joke. President Trump is polling very well in the battleground states. The future looks good right now.
Have to agree. Trump is the greatest President we have had for over a hundred years. We did some research on him before he agreed to run and his IQ is about 180.
sorry gt got dragged by the facemask into a wall
why did Harris drop now?
Harris is just a fucking Nazi loser. Tech is going to be fucked forever. We are never coming back. Paul Johnson was a great coach this guy from Temple is a total fuck up.
I think it’s Q
Nah the Q group is located in Northern Virginia and is funded by a billionaire. Basically intelligence folks who have a pattern of playing both sides of the street. But given their funding they may stay on the good side now.
I like your larp
Not a larp but quite a new history than some of you have been exposed to. Would like to see China freeze up and Greta spending time there.
Both posts are mine. Merry Christmas.
Brother if this is a LARP which it could be but if this doesn't happen fucking burn in hell.
Well with everything that is going on we may all burn in the next few weeks, but no I am not a larp and my patience with certain things are at an end.
>This is one of the reasons an effort is being made right now to introduce certain technologies that maybe of some help in reducing the effects.
space elevator with infrastructure in place to adjust sun luminosity as well as drawing in vast about of solar power to heat indoor food production capabilities would be a nice start yes? Depending on how china wants to play it all they will either have a chance to benefit from it or be left literally in the dark.
Models project fucking biomes literally moving down and that means anything above 49th parellel in CONUS is either ice or barren tundra. I know it won't shift that quickly over few decades but depending on how fast we can draw up the plans for mitigating the effects it will be brutual for many.
just drag her back to the blackhole machine, and take it all the way back to the 60s. I am sure she will want a second shot at life.
Fuck the niggers and fuck last 70 years.
I have to say I agree with you. A second shot at life is nothing to sneeze at. Have to say all of this has broken what was left of my heart. Man what a bummer. Of course God might have a laugh and bring me back and leave her on the other side.
Any update on SoCal? You’ve said in the past we should be asking more about that. Is it just the plague? Or, Something worse?
plague with several strains that folks cannot figure out what to do with.
Fun thought: if we get a full glaciation, all that sunken land comes back up. Rediscovering lost cities over 12,000 years old would be a mortal blow to normies' view of linear history.
A number of discoveries have been made in the last month or so, that points to ancient civilizations were active here a lot longer than realized. One of the most important being in Central America. A whole city was found in a cave system in Honduras that pre-date anything previously known with rather advanced evidence of a high level of technology.
>I was able to locate my friend from Georgia Tech and in my research discovered some disquieting things have happened over the years So I guess I will hang out with my business associates. Who knew? Guess shit happens. She is now a flaming Democrat who is all in for impeaching Trump.
Drag her ass back through your magic time machine and become 19 again if you succeed on preserving our country the way it should be.
Might not be a bad idea. I could share a picture I found but it is truly brutal. This thing has turned to absolute shit. Oh well since the world is probably going to end by the end of the year why not.
A bit more specific questions I hope you can answer to a topic you mentioned before:
Grand solar minimum. You mentioned 2 billion casualty figures through its duration. Did you manage to glean any info about how long it will last and the degree of severity?
Such as, drop is global temperature compared to last little ice age (-0.5C vs 2C maybe?).
Or if we can expect essentially to be covered by ice and tundra above canadian border?
Further details of that could be very useful, so let us know any specifics you have. Thanks.
Canada, England, and a good bit of Russia is toast. This is one of the reasons an effort is being made right now to introduce certain technologies that maybe of some help in reducing the effects. The report I glanced at indicates the duration will be well over 50 years and could be a lot longer. China is in a world of hurt because they cannot feed themselves and the world food market will become a free for all. This is going to be quite ugly. Two places I would think twice about being in. Canada long term and Southern California for at least another year.
Why dont you butt fuck some aids into that israelite you befriended?
She is a wonderful person that I would be happy spending the rest of my life with if a higher calling was not in play right now. Oh by the way, the President has decided to release information regarding alien visitation by year end and the vast technology associated with them.
Nothing ever happens. Fuck you.
Well that is pretty negative. Maybe some medication will help.
Just noticed a few other threads with this header. Wonder why? Oh well. Let`s see. Trump is happy as shit regarding the impeachment. With Barr fucking the Democrats from the rear he will be going head on with enough shit to bury the Democrats for a generation. Never forget Trump is a showman and the third act is the most important. We are now in the third act. Going to be a hoot watching Pelosi coke out on the floor of Congress and pass out.
That's all fake and gay. WWIII is for faggots.
Well maybe cuddle up with a pretty lady and have a few drinks while things go off the edge.
Have to say I have had a real tragedy this week. I was able to locate my friend from Georgia Tech and in my research discovered some disquieting things have happened over the years So I guess I will hang out with my business associates. Who knew? Guess shit happens. She is now a flaming Democrat who is all in for impeaching Trump.
12/3/19(Tue)22:01Bill Barr and the last round up before the hangings edition235109828
Good evening ladies, Just got home from putting my beautiful Israeli friend on a plane heading for Israel. Seems the plan is to attack Iran sometime between Christmas and New Year. This is a full bore attack aimed at decapitating the top leadership and destroying the Iranian nuclear program and is being coordinated with Saudi operatives who will be in Iran to assassinate top government officials. They have a real hard on for the top Iranian General who Israel has had on a hit list for years but Obama would not approve his assassination, but now the White House is under new management.Trump has requested him be given a souvenir of the event. I was thinking about a few fingers their dogs do not eat. So now that WW3 is going to kick off after Christmas. What else is new. Next week will be a galactic shit show. Durham already has multiple indictments under wraps that go nicely with additional indictments already under the Christmas Tree for McCabe, Comey, and other slime in the intelligence community and FBI. Barr is going to coordinate a press conference with the FISA release that will flesh out the limitations of the IG Report in terms of the validity of the FISA Warrants and the Flynn Business. The whole Flynn case will be thrown out of court by the end of next week. I do hope Carter Page is revealed as an FBI/CIA plant in the Trump Campaign. Page was working directly for Comey but his relationship was to Brennan in hopes of hiding his true relationship to the intelligence community. Page has been a rather low level spook forever. The Russians always thought he was an idiot with good cause. Well?
Russian hacking claims of DNC servers in the Spring of 2016 rely entirely on a report by CrowdStrike.[40] Despite repeated requests from the FBI, Crowdstrike and the DNC refused to turn over evidence.[41] The Obama administration never examined the DNC servers to determine if indeed they were hacked, or attempted to identify who the hacker might have been.[42] On July 25, 2019, President Trump requested President Zelensky of Ukraine to assist in recovering evidence from Crowdstrike, which contracts with the Ukrainian military.[43]
According to journalist and DNC activist Andrea Chalupa on her Facebook page “After Chalupa sent the email to Miranda (which mentions that she had invited this reporter to a meeting with Ukrainian journalists in Washington),[44] it triggered high-level concerns within the DNC, given the sensitive nature of her work. “That’s when we knew it was the Russians,” said a Democratic Party source who has been directly involved in the internal probe into the hacked emails. In order to stem the damage, the source said, “we told her to stop her research.”” July 25, 2016
If she was that close to the investigation Crowdstrike did how credible is she? Her sister Alexandra was named one of 16 people that shaped the election by Yahoo news. The DNC hacking investigation done by Crowdstrike concluded hacking was done by Russian actors based on the work done by Alexandra Chalupa? That is the conclusion of her sister Andrea Chalupa and obviously enough for Crowdstrike to make the Russian government connection.
How close is Dimitri Alperovitch to DNC officials? Close enough professionally he should have stepped down from an investigation that had the chance of throwing a presidential election in a new direction. According to Esquire.com, Alperovitch has vetted speeches for Hillary Clinton about cyber security issues in the past. Because of his work on the Sony hack, President Barrack Obama personally called and said the measures taken were directly because of his work.
Alperovitch’s relationships with the Chalupas, radical groups, think tanks, Ukrainian propagandists, and Ukrainian state supported hackers [show a conflict of interest]. When it all adds up and you see it together, we have found a Russian that tried hard to influence the outcome of the US presidential election in 2016.
Alexandra Chalupa, a member of the Ukrainian Diaspora community and co-convener of the National Democratic Ethnic Coordinating Council (NDECC),[36] is a strident neo-Nazi Bandera and UPA apologist.[37] Alexandra Chalupa was paid $71,000 by the Democratic National Committee to collude with the government of Ukraine and Ukrainian Inrtelligence to dig up dirt on Paul Manafort and the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election. Alexandra Chalupa hired the hacking terrorist group named "Fancy Bear" by Dimitry Alperovich and Crowdstrike at the latest in 2015. While the Ukrainian hackers worked for the DNC, Fancy Bear had to send in progress reports, turn in research, and communicate on the state of the projects they were working on.
CrowdStrike is an Irvine, California cyber security company founded in 2011. Crowdstrike was founded by Dimitry Alperovitch, a Ukrainian oligarch and senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. Another owner and senior manager of Crowdstrike is an NBC News contributor and former senior FBI man Shawn Henry, who was promoted by Robert Mueller to be the FBI's Head of Cyber Security in the 2000s.
Crowdstrike is funded by Google,[38] the arms industry, NATO, the US Military, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and another Ukrainian oligarch who donated $10 million to the Clinton Foundation named Victor Pinchuk.[39] Pichuk hosted the September 2013 confabulation in Yalta, Crimea attended by Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Tony Blair to discuss how Ukraine's assets would be carved up after the forthcoming Ukrainian coup.
Russian hacking claims of DNC servers in the Spring of 2016 rely entirely on a report by CrowdStrike.[40] Despite repeated requests from the FBI, Crowdstrike and the DNC refused to turn over evidence.[41] The Obama administration never examined the DNC servers to determine if indeed they were hacked, or attempted to identify who the hacker might have been.[42] On July 25, 2019, President Trump requested President Zelensky of Ukraine to assist in recovering evidence from Crowdstrike, which contracts with the Ukrainian military.[43]
According to journalist and DNC activist Andrea Chalupa on her Facebook page “After Chalupa sent the email to Miranda (which mentions that she had invited this reporter to a meeting with Ukrainian journalists in Washington),[44] it triggered high-level concerns within the DNC, given the sensitive nature of her work. “That’s when we knew it was the Russians,” said a Democratic Party source who has been directly involved in the internal probe into the hacked emails. In order to stem the damage, the source said, “we told her to stop her research.”” July 25, 2016
If she was that close to the investigation Crowdstrike did how credible is she? Her sister Alexandra was named one of 16 people that shaped the election by Yahoo news. The DNC hacking investigation done by Crowdstrike concluded hacking was done by Russian actors based on the work done by Alexandra Chalupa? That is the conclusion of her sister Andrea Chalupa and obviously enough for Crowdstrike to make the Russian government connection.
Alexandra Chalupa, a member of the Ukrainian Diaspora community and co-convener of the National Democratic Ethnic Coordinating Council (NDECC),[36] is a strident neo-Nazi Bandera and UPA apologist.[37] Alexandra Chalupa was paid $71,000 by the Democratic National Committee to collude with the government of Ukraine and Ukrainian Inrtelligence to dig up dirt on Paul Manafort and the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election. Alexandra Chalupa hired the hacking terrorist group named "Fancy Bear" by Dimitry Alperovich and Crowdstrike at the latest in 2015. While the Ukrainian hackers worked for the DNC, Fancy Bear had to send in progress reports, turn in research, and communicate on the state of the projects they were working on.
CrowdStrike is an Irvine, California cyber security company founded in 2011. Crowdstrike was founded by Dimitry Alperovitch, a Ukrainian oligarch and senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. Another owner and senior manager of Crowdstrike is an NBC News contributor and former senior FBI man Shawn Henry, who was promoted by Robert Mueller to be the FBI's Head of Cyber Security in the 2000s.
Crowdstrike is funded by Google,[38] the arms industry, NATO, the US Military, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and another Ukrainian oligarch who donated $10 million to the Clinton Foundation named Victor Pinchuk.[39] Pichuk hosted the September 2013 confabulation in Yalta, Crimea attended by Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Tony Blair to discuss how Ukraine's assets would be carved up after the forthcoming Ukrainian coup.
12/3/19(Tue)20:49There are [17] Days between Dec 9th and the 25th235103754
The 17 Days of Christmas.. If Durham is Santa, do we leave handcuffs and flashlight out for him on Christmas eve?
> Chalupa 27 visits to WH
> Misfud's audio confession and 2 Blackbeeries
> OverStock CEO admitting FBI setting up politicians with Russian lures
> Italy IC gave evidence to Durham
> Bursima PrivatBank was raided when Durham was in IT, so was the Vatican, both involved in missing $2B IMF Obama funds
> CrowdStrike infused with $100M by Obama pal in 2015
> CrowdStrike provided FBI image "copy" of the DNC server, no investigation ever took place
> 5 Carter Page FISAs when he was never charged
> Admiral Rogers 2016 FISA Court ruling FBI used contractors to access NSA networks without permission or clearance
This is the only reason why I'm open to the idea that he has flipped against the deep state. The problem with genius people like Barr is that they're so good at playing the role of whatever character they need to earn someone's trust. That's what espionage is all about.
I really hope hes on our side and not larping tho
And yea I know all about it. Expect a news conference next week by Barr before the IG Report is issued to point to what I have said out. Good luck.
This is the only reason why I'm open to the idea that he has flipped against the deep state. The problem with genius people like Barr is that they're so good at playing the role of whatever character they need to earn someone's trust. That's what espionage is all about.
I really hope hes on our side and not larping tho
When Barr went to Italy that tells you a lot. He found that the whole shit show was set up by Brennan and Russian Intelligence and with Comey`s buy in this shit was shoveled to the FBI to investigate with shit scattered everywhere that the CIA and foreign intelligence agencies were leaving for the FBI to find.
You're a slimey kike whose jig is up. Comey is a witness and had all the dirt on Loretta Lynch. You stupid fuckers thought you could frame Trump. You've failed.
Are you really this stupid or are you a Democrat?
Barr is a really likeable guy if youve only ever seen him talk. Keep digging into him and his family's past and there are way too many fucked up coincidences like that.
Add on the fact that any criticism of Barr summons an army of shills calling you a desperate kike makes me trust him even less. I recommended doing some more digging into him and share any more odd coincidences that you find
The main thing to keep in mind about Barr and if you llistened to his speech at the Federalist Society is he is disgusted with what the Democrats are doing to the institution of the Presidency and he knows what Comey and Brennan did. Both of those bastards should hang.
>Comey and Brennan are the masterminds
Hey kike you're not gonna be able to protect anyone so stop trying.
Well since I am in the intelligence business I know this is true. Yea fuck Brennan and Comey. And well fuck you too you idiot.
Since the scope of the IG Report is the FBI Horowitz was limited in how far upstream he could look. The CIA fed information into the FBI that was bull shit to trigger the investigation. That is what Barr and Durham has found. Also Barr knows that Comey and Brennan sat the whole thing up using Russian Intelligence assets not loyal to Putin. Where Comey and Brennan fucked up they did not think anyone would look into what the CIA did.
Folks we are calling it a night. Stay safe.
BD - thanks for taking the time.
Question: biggest surprises for yourself / lady-friend this year?
Guessing you see quite a lot in your line of working and wondering if anything did catch you off guard.
Destroying the nuclear weapon in Haifa. Also the trading of several Iranian nukes for a wonderful coin collection that came from Saddam Hussein. We are both surprised we hit it off so well. Some of our bedtime stories are totally crazy.
If it doesn't matter... why bother leaking? What do you want from this?
I have been watching your "insider" info...just can't believe it. There is no hard proof you work for potus or have a TSC...
All the guys near potus are constantly surveillance by NSA now. Except the ones grandfathered by the previous administration...
What I am doing is communicating to folks both local an international. Is there hard proof. Guess not but if there was it would create a lot of problems. Who knows maybe my chain of command goes in several directions.The folks in the NSA are good people but well there is a higher power above all of this. That is why in a real sense I am a ghost.
Barr and Durham will fuck the deep state all the way to Canada before this is over. Manafort and Stone will both be pardoned. Stone will not serve a day.
You know what’s going on in Putnam county/ westchester NY were they( cia niggers) are setting up false flags to measure response and effectiveness and supposedly blacking out communications in this area and messing with anons?
Nope I don`t.
1. Is it possible to have a 9.9 earth quake? Did Tesla figure out how to shake the earth?
2. They come to you, you don't come to them.
3. Every person is accounted for. Everyone that ever lived was born into the system of overburden, everyone that has a heartbeat can be found. Even some dead people turn up alive. Did you know that it is absolutely possible to transfer a person's soul?
Telsa figured out how to destroy the whole thing. Souls are a fascinating topic. Sometimes I wonder what is really going on there. What happens to the souls of folks who come back from a black hole trip and they are just children?
>Some of the stuff you are talking about I cannot go into
Why not?
If I did we would all hide under our beds.
Any comments on secret gold transfer from eu to Poland
and deutchbank collapse?
Not close to that. But did have an interesting talk with a financial person who thinks the whole thing is going to blow up soon. Of course the fact Gold is being manufactured at area 51 will keep things going as long as folks do not realize the scam and the role of the N.Y. Fed in all of this. Amazing how the Gold is just slipped in and really helps keep things from getting to crazy. Understand this is in the trillions. Have heard Deutchbank has been hiding ISIS money for years.
Will she be watching Georgia--Georgia Tech with you tomorrow?
Yep she will. We are going to get destroyed.
Tell her I said thank you for the answer.
For you BD, I have three questions for you:
1. What should we Californians be doing to counteract or prepare for all the shit hitting the fan in SoCal?
2. How exactly does one go about getting the kind of job you have?
3. Do you or Barr know where Madeleine McCann is?
Personally I will not go near Los Angeles until this is dealt with. Spoke with a medical professional involved in all of that and they have found 2 new plague varieties they there is no antibiotic will work on. The shit is evolving faster than they can react because of the number of folks involved. Not sure what I do you would want to get involved in. Really screws your life up and the things you do have consequences for your soul. Let me say the folks who bring people into this will find you. Haven`t heard anything about McCain.
The shortcut through time is directly in the center of a black hole. The Secret Space Program went through the sun to the Mirror's Reflection.
Good post. Still have trouble fathoming the business of folks coming back the way they do though. The ships are set up to be piloted back automatically from this side. And the folks that do not come back, what in the hell happens to them?
Mint chocolate chip, I hope. Then put some good chocolate syrup over it. Yum.
Does she think that the recent change in the State Department legal opinion on the settlements will help or hurt any resolution of the Israel/West Bank issues?
She thinks the shit is too deep to be fixed and the solution is someone is going to die. A lot of someone`s. And if Israel loses they intend to nuke the entire middle east.
Is it just me or do all you knowing niggers have to be scientifically proficient as well as being highly trained militarily (specops+)?
Can you tell us a bit about how you got to your current role, a tap on the should when you least expect it, prior government service required? Did you have to have contact or at least familiarity with any kind of secret societies (a la masons or such)?
I know people get recruited early in their lives, plenty of people get invitations at least from masons or other gentlemen's clubs in their young adult years.
Why did you and that 70 year old fbi man early this year (link: https://archive.is/3BKoc) keep bringing up a certain place in NV not sure if local folks like having their oasis being exposed like that desu I thought that was a nono thing amongst you folks.
Well after I left Georgia Tech I went to Harvard for post graduate work and a individual seem to think I have a gift for well bad things and with my scientific training would add to their efforts in the field of Alien Technology and other things. Been quite the ride have to say. When I first saw the three craft at area 51 it just blew my mind. This stuff is so different than what we thught we knew. We are like cavemen trying to understand nuclear fusion. These things are still not really understood. The time business is still too much for me. Jarbridge Nevada is well known in various intelligence communities and is a favorite for folks on the run. Pretty much everyone keeps the peace and no one really outside of our tribes would believe it anyway. Hiding in plain view is sometimes the best way to go.
The insurance for humanity protocol, what happened September 23, 1999 that changed the course of history forever. What happened before that on October 29, 1997 that steered the course of history along the path of 9/23/1999?
Can`t help on that. Suspect you already have the answer.
I fucking hope BD learned not to be all "NNNOOOO israel dindu nuffin" and take this possibly unintentional bait.
Im still trying to think of more substantial question for the mossad wild west crack shot girl.
No one in the middle east is innocent. Everybody is a war criminal. If you are in the game just do what you think is right. A rough neighborhood.
I give him going down in the first quarter of 2020. He is a pedophile and has done horrific things.
Fuck you nigger I'm in the hills while our friend here is going around horse fucking ashkanazi khazar milkers reverse /pol style and barreling sandniggers in the middle east.
Yea im fucking legitimately jelly for the first time in my life.
>I am expecting Bibi to step down. Sad in a way the prosecutor is a fucking piece of work. Reminds me of Adam Schiff. My lady friend would hang the prosecutor happily if given the word.
This is the same bibi that said "we will make biggest welfare state out of america after we squeeze it dry and sell it off piece by piece...that's what we do to people we hate" (paraphrased).
I really hope you niggers know what you are doing.
>Her friends call her Annie.
Alright now you really are Frank wtf
are nanomachine technologies real? How much can you tell us about medical advances that are hidden from public to be released in the future (aside from obvious shit like cancer/HIV cures and clean vaccines)?
Sounds bout right.
One question I really need to know about. You once answered about grand solar minimum.
HOW bad is it going to be this time? x2 or x4 worse then maunder little ice age minimum?
Length, severity? You mentioned a lot of famlands will get smoked, so we can assume northern hemisphere will undergo massive changes. Little ice age was somewhere between -0.2 C and -0.5 C drop, so are we talking about up to - 2C drop globally?
Is this why (((elites))) were so keen on bolting out to southern pacific and south america because some projection models show little to no affects on parts of south america and AUS/NZ regions in case of such events.
Do you believe it will be bad enough to restore glacier plates on continental US or are we more or less safe up to the canadian border?
Well behind the green door is the cure for cancer and a host of other problems. They have the technology now to extend human life to about 150 years per person but really becomes an issue of why do it. The coming Ice Age is going to be horrific. Spoke with a friend close to this and they expect over 2 Billion folks to die before it is over. The worse times will commence in about 8 to 10 years. So much for global warming. Yea there are folks already bailing out to islands in the area of New Zealand and other places. The preparations are well underway. And these folks plan to survive. Guess I will be dead by then so let them knock themselves out.
who would be PM if BB goes down? Not that fukken Ehud Barrack I hope that man needs to be prosecuted for his role in 9 11 the fukken rat bastard.
If Bibi goes down who really knows. It will be a shit show.
Just ring me if bd anon arrives.
I’m out and not wasting my time.
You will be the first I call. My friend says Hi.
>it doesn`t matter.
Bullshit. War crimes fucking MATTER.
Well let those that a perfect well you know. Everyone in this business is a war criminal, some of us though are motivated by the good and there is a difference.
This craziness in the Middle East is not going to be settled till a lot of folks are dead. The legacy of Arafat is he could have made peace but being a piece of shit terrorist could not bring himself to be a man instead of a dickhead.
lady friend,
what's your favorite American movie/show?
She said tv show. Breaking Bad. Movie. Gone with the Wind. Favorite Actor Marlon Brando.
bd, you legend
what was huma's role in that Texas heart doctor's assassination?
will she see justice?
I think Huma will just disappear one day. There are folks in the middle east she and her family fucked over that well want to barrel her. Suspect they will succeed.
You are such a faggot boomer kike lover. Kys larper. You start these threads. You do this for attention. A little late in georgia you drunk dipshit
Well my lady friend is beautiful and can blow folks heads off with the best of them. And she can talk physics and quantum mechanics. My kind of girl.
so all these leaks about not being bad are false reports to setup and find leakers for prosecution or what. the NY Slimes is a disgrace and reports with zero sources or those familiar with the matter.
Is all this "Not that bad" stuff disinfo.
The leaks are coming from folks that all have a very limited amount of information. Some of the leakers have already been identified and their actions have already been handed over to Durham. Keep in mind what I said about Barr he is going around them with a narrative that is explosive. Never trust the Times. A ways back I was given the task to leak to the Times total bullshit just to embarrass them later.
Wholly shit here we go!!!!!!
Yep Nancy is staying on Coke and Stallions these day. She is back in the bottle. Not sure if she can keep her mind right. Know from phone conversations she is trying to get the democrats to censure Trump instead of impeachment. They are frightened about what will come out about Biden and his son in the Senate.
If you wouldn't mind asking your Mossad lady friend: How many different languages are Mossad agents required to know, how long does it take to learn them, and do they have a particular technique that makes them learn them faster? If that technique exists, then can you link it for us? Thanks in advance.
She says to tell you she is an expert in Farsi, and they need to know several languages but she can`t say more on that subject.
So we got a legit glow nigger in the thread, making threats with some shit about tidal waves.
KYS you fucking scum nigger.
>My Mossad lady friend will be happy to answer reasonable questions if you are nice.
One serious question then. From where she is, what does she know about where the country wants to go once US takes our hands away from the middle east?
What do they plan to do in order to cleanse their name from millennia of jewish crimes and still active jewish globalist type criminals who run operations in US and europe?
If she isn't too highly placed to know or guess this shit, what are her expertise aside from blowing off a sandnigger's head clean?
Honest answer only. Will be expecting some interesting answers.
Well she read your comments and says to tell you Israel can stand on its on and she would like America to look after themselves first. They have a huge military advantage and over 200 nuclear weapons that can be used. She wishes the Arabs and Jews could just live in peace. She reminded me one thing people forget is that Arafat was offered 99% of what he wanted and turned the best peace deal the Arabls have ever seen down. She is quite the assassin and is an expert in nuclear weapons and was instrumental in the development of a number of weapons the Israelis have in their stockpile. She also likes Breyer`s ice cream.
Does kike pussy smell?
What’s on wieners laptop?
Now. now is that nice. Weiner`s laptop just has the standard porn and a lot of files Huma was hiding and forwarding to the Muslim Brotherhood. Bitch was a spy for years. Her whole fucking family in the middle east was selling american secrets to the highest bidder for years.
So what do you know about it? In America, at least. The home breakins and nano-poisoning war crimes? The V2K/DEW TERRORISM? The garden variety TERRORISM? Happening to AMERICANS? WTF do you know about THAT SHIT?
Well there was the nuclear weapon ISIS tried to sneak in the country a few years ago, that came very close. Those boys knew about Yellowstone and were intent on detonating their package there. Some of the stuff you are talking about I cannot go into other than to say the world is really not safe anymore and it doesn`t matter.
Was about to ask about yellowstone too because last month had 200 something quakes.
>Tests are being run on the nuclear weapons quad at Yellowstone with particular emphasis on trigger points and yield curve
Does any other nation have similar options (aside from israel and 200 nukes)? Russia or china?
Do we have more than just yellowstone as 'final solution' in case everything goes south?
Imagine there could be more. Yellowstone is the only one I am aware of. There is a base in Antarctica that is being prepped in case things really head south
I will say this to you only once. You call me to sit at the table and yet you have never met me. There is a cup that has my name on it. You have waited on me always. I have always been here.
Not sure I understand. Anyway strangeness adds to the spice of life.
Dammit...wrong pic, wrong thread. I really shit the bed this time.
I think she is still hiding out in Brazil. If she opens up Bill Clinton should just blow his fucking brains out. Clinton was fucking everything that moved on Epstein`s island. Barr does have tapes of his actions.
God damnit you kike loving nigger what took you so long.
is bibi getting indicted our people's work?
is KJU a great actor and still onboard? I am guessing this rocket launch coinciding with HK bill signing by POTUS is china sending message about holding kim under pressure.
>My Mossad lady friend will be happy to answer reasonable questions if you are nice.
If she's actually your friend can she prove it by barrelling some jews in israel that keeps spamming BBC thread on the chans I am sure she doesn't want to wind up in a BLACKED.com world for her country.
Also ask her to answer honestly why the fuck is it these retards in israel are so damned gay and project loving interracial sex when everyone knows they are some of the biggest race mixers on the face of the planet.
I am expecting Bibi to step down. Sad in a way the prosecutor is a fucking piece of work. Reminds me of Adam Schiff. My lady friend would hang the prosecutor happily if given the word. N.Korea is all show and mirrors. An agreement has already been reached and Kim will be in the U.S. in early March to sign it. Trump and Kim will have a three day conference at Camp David. Will be quite the show. My lady friend here is more comfortable killing Arab terrorists and is quite the shot. Her friends call her Annie. She saved my life.
Who's behind the Targeted Individual Program?
Who isn`t might be a better question.
Posted from the Ritz Hotel in Jerusalem. I saw you there. I see you now. I can see where you are sitting.
Well, well good for you. One problem we had a queen bed and it was quite the night.
Just an aside on Yellowstone and Southern California. Tests are being run on the nuclear weapons quad at Yellowstone with particular emphasis on trigger points and yield curves. Hope they don`t blow the Caldera up. Seems the situation ins Southern California may become very public soon. Too much going on to hide.
Good Evening Ladies. Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. I am here with my Mossad lady friend so be nice. The Middle East is closer now to a major war than at anytime in the last 50 years. Iran is in a very bad way and still expect this to all blow up before year end. The FISA report coming out in early December will be explosive and something new. Barr is going to be framing a narrative either the day of the release or shortly before the release. Barr is going to take the same approach as he did with the Mueller probe with some juicy tidbits from the Durham probe thrown in. My Mossad lady friend will be happy to answer reasonable questions if you are nice. Well?
Just as an aside. I do not work for any particular agency. I just move around and do things my skill set dictate. Right now getting ready for thanksgiving with my Israeli friend. She had to come to the states for a spook meeting. Spooks are really active now. Who knows maybe something massive is up.
Back from the Dead. No ladies i have not joined the dear departed. My tasks here have been pretty much completed and really from here on it just follow my predictions for the next month or so. The Middle East is still a shit fest with the Mullahs plotting to blow up an American warship and deny responsibility. That shit will not fly and Trump will personally sign the Mullah`s death warrant if they follow through with this. Imagine a few hundred seaman dying will seal the deal. Israel has already lined up their actions by preparing to destroy the entire Iranian Nuclear Program and Saudi Arabia is still trying to kill the General who launched the attack on the Saudi Oil Facility. They have quite the reception planned for him in a certain Iranian city. My lady friend has moved her entire family to a safe part of Israel, so yea this shit is real. Southern California is still a mess. The Democrat snakes have slithered into Washington and are begging the administration to help with the outbreak of plague without alarming the public. Imagine the body count is on the rise and they are piling up. Pelosi has lost her mind and is heavy on Vodka, Coke and Stallions. She and Schiff are on the outs. She is blaming Schiff for the fuck up and his ass is in the sling for some little boys and girls. Seems a file was sent to local FBI folks in Southern California. Can`t imagine who did that. Barr and Durham have expanded the scope of the Criminal Investigation and guess who is now going to get the big dick. Glorious.
Thank god. Behead the motherfuckers and send pics to john brennan
Fuck that worthless piece of communist shit Brennan When they lock him up hope he gets raped every night by a gang of ms13 patriots.
He was in Israel in his last post with a girlfriend on the way the the U.S. He had already left Iran.
11/24/19(Sun)20:20Thelma and Louise Edition234244408
Sometimes the only rational decision is the decision that is totally devoid of logic and reason. During the next thirty days:
1. Ginsberg is dying. I gave her till the 15th of December but her recent visit just may accelerate that estimate. Her infections reflect the acceleration of her body being eaten alive by a pancreatic cancer that has ravaged what is left of her body
2. American and Israeli military forces are preparing for all out war with Iran here in the middle east. The conflict will occur by year end. So in a sense any rational action outside of that reality is really nonsensical. Thus the Thema and Louise Edition. My Israeli friend has moved her family to a safe location and well it has been fun boys.
3. The Schiff video has been made available to local law enforcement and the press. This may blow up sooner than expected.
4. The FISA Report will conclude that all 4 FISA Warrants were illegal and the Durham Investigation will put a number of deep state jackals in prison. The Media has been set up by planned leaks allowing them to believe the investigation is well nothing. The Media has quite the big dick waiting.
5. As I have mentioned for sometime the whole shit show in the House was started by Trump folks and it was planned that an impeachment would get through the House and move to the Senate where things will be revealed about the Democrats that will be devastating. In addition by this time the Durham arrests will be full steam ahead. Hillary is still planning to run and well her insanity knows no boundaries. Well that`s all folks it is time for me to go back to what I do best and that is behind the scenes. Good fortune to all. And by the way anyone knowing a good coke dealer should direct them to Pelosi. Her old dealer has disappeared.
>Oh and Nancy is so coked up she can`t take a shit without help. Well?
Faggot detected. Cocaine is diuretic like coffee or cigarettes. It makes you shit. Opiates like Heroin and Fentanyl are what clog you up. Retarded kike faggot
like i said. She can`t walk a straight line, that is the problem.
much more proof behind Q than BDanon. as far as im concerned BD is a mossad damage control op
Oh well it is what it is. Different lanes different goals.
Guys got to go. Later.
Q is absolutely connected to POTUS.
Is that to say he won't face justice for any of the illegal shit he did?
Afraid he will not.
Obama putting Deval Patrick out there might block Hillary. Biden just looked really old last night. How's his health?
Biden has been nuts for some time. He should just go home.
you said Mil. Intl from Virginia now some billionaire.. need to remember your web of lies yo
Location and financing are two different issues.
>Iran is a very young country
WTF are you talking about.
I mean the population, not the history.
so, maybe an answer for this left over questions from the last thread:
Setting aside your unsettling cukery, branding rightfully angry people as 'haters', and somehow overlooking you forgetting that kikes were biggest shitheads and anti-white scum in history of the world, let's get to other matters:
you said xi and china are looking at the ruination of their plan they hatched with globalists. Will there be further retaliation against them from us?
>a way was found to make them from elements found here by adding and subtracting from atomic structures of certain metals.
Partially the reason why gold manufacturing came into such vogue because you needed those metals for this and expanding on what you found there?
>hope Q doesn't change sides
now this is unsettling, you mean to say Q could change sides away from America and its people because they are that cut throat in answering to higher goals?
linking left over questions, BD.
China: Yes
Actually a whole slew of metals including gold.
The Q group has changed sides in the past and hopefully they will finish what they started. A lot of money is financing that group.
post proof you massive faggot i dont care if its a shoe on your fucking head or a Motel 6 pen show some kind of unique proof or fuck right the hell off you larping nigger
Well that is pretty negative.
What happened in Vegas?
A real fuck up. I posted on that in detail in a previous post. It is out there somewhere.
Hey BD, thanks for stopping by. What's the word on slick willy? How much time does he have left? While we're talking about former presidents, any word on what Obama is up to? I would imagine he's nervous as hell right now.
Don`t give Bill a year. The infection he got is pretty bad and not really under control. Obama has a lot to be worried about, but being the first black president he gets a pass.
You are a lying yid. You said two weeks ago that the ultimate happening concering indictment on deep state was going down the following week. You gave no specifics, of course as e choosing to be vague. Nothing happened. Nothing ever happens. You are a larping boomer who will ignore this post and continue to swindle newfag redditards
Nah, as I said. Some stuff goes through other folks and takes more time. They just have to do it differently than I would. The end point is the same.
Oh please mr totally an insider tell us what Q anon is
I have answered that before. Figure it out.
you make claims but you provide no argumentation to back it up
Q is shedding light on the mass-MKUltra deployment that had almost completely zombie-fied the populace in prep for NWO
the only actors with malevolent intent are ISRAEL and their pet FREEMASONS who worship the scum animal loser LUCIFER
Look the Q group is involved in a lot more than you know about, keep that in mind. I wish them well, let`s all stay in our lane.
>Q and his friends are not what you think.
Are they working for this guy?
No they are working for a Billionare, who finances that bunch and takes care of a lot of problems for them. Look they do good I just think they are unsound.
on behalf of ISRAEL
Whatever turns you on. You do understand Israel has enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire middle east. Maybe find some wisdom beyond the hate.
Any reply regarding the Schiff file sent?
Actually there has been. I understand it is on Christmas week. Heard Schiff was pretty angry today. Understand some of the pictures were shared with him and they asked for comments. We will see.
Q called out the mossad control structure of Western media multiple times, just give it up and go back to your retarded black hole babies and lead-god you Kojima tier hack
Q and his friends are not what you think. Maybe a bit of well understanding will get you there.
>Graham is like a fucking honey badger waiting on the kill.
Do you have any info on what changed for him after McCain`s death?
I think they were real real close. Took him a while to get over it. In a way Graham is a very lonely person.
this stupid jew larp is ridiculous
israel is the human trafficking capital of the world
they are poisoning our food, water and general living conditions and putting poison in the vaccines
collecting white genetic information to try and kill all Europeans
fuck you jew, you stabbed us in the back billions and billions of the times and now we've had enough
Man let if go. The world is a lot more complicated than Israel. Hell China is a whole new level of evil. Those bastards are cutting the organs out of living folks and selling them in the west for millions.
If the timer's up on John
Is there anyone else you'd like to say something to while you're here?
No really let the shit just happen. Everything I have pointed to is in the works, just a question of the attorneys putting it together.
you said
I asked if either was 'still functional' as in any communications or were they MIA
then you posted
>Both subs are missing
which kinda answers the question, but not completely, basically wondering if it's known if disabled or destroyed
Well they are getting communications from one of the subs, but don`t know if that is true or not. Will have to wait.
Wait, that was just a North Korean fuck-up? I thought that whole incident was from outside interference.
Just guessing and do not have many details. Hopefully things will surface soon.
kys MOSSAD asset
Nah but don`t turn down help. Particularly when the other side is trying to kill you.
Will then IG report be out before Horowitz testifies before Congress on December 11? Surely they can’t delay past that
Yes, Expect a lot of fireworks. Graham is like a fucking honey badger waiting on the kill.
Israel and Mossad are no good. If they are ignored then it doesn't matter how many pedos get brought to justice. You're only treating symptoms and ignoring the cancer itself.
Look I will work with anyone to help the country. And on a personal level they are some really great folks. My lady friend would murder for me and I find that impressive, and well she has.
any false flag chatter?
>FISA report released Dec. 9
>Mr. Horowitz's hearing Dec 11
deep state running out of time
Nothing here. Have a lot on my hands right now.
>Do not understand how a nuclear explosion could go off given the safeguards in play. Unless the N.Korean vessel was just a shit show.
Operating a nuclear powerplant, even a Cold War surplus, requires training and experience. Does it seem those involved have either?
Hard to say. Imagine if there was a fuck up it was with the N.Koreans. Hell their last bomb explosion was almost a real fuck up of biblical proportions
>The most dangerous people are that crowd that run Iran.
sooooooooooo the CIA acting as crypto kikes?
nah, the Iranian leadership is crazy. The Israelis at least have some sense. Actually I like working with the Saudi`s best. They are so clear.
are either of those still functional?
not sure i understand.
welcome back
you still the man
not looking forward to playing georgia in the sec championship
how long until the dnc splits formally? does it happen during the election? it seems the crazies have grabbed the wheel and think they represent the entire left.
God I really do not want to play Georgia. We are going to killed. The Democrats will be a Socalist Party by the election. Just my opinion.
How to confirm?
Imagine it will be out in a few days. Both subs are missing and should not be long before recovery efforts commence. This is not something you can keep quiet. Imaging our side is trying to get in there now if the radiation is not a danger. Standard stuff steal what you can, move on.
>anyone who doesn't worship Israel is a democrat
Ok boomer.
Nah just let go of the hate. People are people. The most dangerous people are that crowd that run Iran.
We’re not going to see anyone get the Big dick in 2019 are we.
I wanna believe BD, but I’m getting real fucking tired of Trump’s big plan being delayed over and over. His 1st term is almost over and shit still hasn’t gone down.
Nah the big dick cometh. Merry Christmas like I said before. Barr has a hard on for a few folks he personally wants to lock up.
Nah actually a southern baptist, a long time ago in a galaxy, far far away.
We don't take kindly to Zionists in these parts
Look a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. We have worked together in the past and would happily work with her in the future.
>will make my way to Israel
What is your mission there?
>Trump wants to be impeached so he can butt fuck the entire Democrat Party in the Senate
Prediction on his successor, then?
>Heard from one source the shit in the South China Sea is bad.
Kindly elaborate.
>Oh and Nancy is so coked up she can`t take a shit without help.
That's odd. Thought coke had a laxative effect. Not that I would personally know, ke.
Have you been drinking, BD?
Not sure Nancy`s problem is taking a shit or just walking a straight line to the toiled without passing out. Pretty early now but who knows maybe a few drinks would be a good thing. No mission in Israel. Just a good exit point and a really pretty lady I met there recently who has a helluva trigger finger. No Trump will not be convicted by the Senate. An impeachment vote in the house is just the start. The problem in the South China Sea is obviously the radiation leak but just what in the hell happened. Do not understand how a nuclear explosion could go off given the safeguards in play. Unless the N.Korean vessel was just a shit show.
>Heard from one source the shit in the South China Sea is bad.
How bad?
Seems a Chinese sub is involved, and surprisingly enough a N.Korean sub also. What this could mean is hard to fathom. Maybe a simple mistake, but that is a massive fuck up.
fuck off idiot.
Well that was a negative start. Seems the democrats are here.
11/21/19(Thu)20:47No Country for Old Men Edition233942343
Well ladies has your day and night been as good as mine? The Barrels are filling up and the hounds have been eating well. My Saudi friends have been giving out cash like candy and the locals can`t make molotov cocktails quickly enough. In a sense this is all tragic. Iran is a very young country with most folks just trying to survive and beneath the surface most hate the regime and just want to watch tv, eat pizzas, and raise their kids. Suprisingly enough a lot hate the religion here and if they ever get the upper hand they will hang the mullahs from lampposts cut out their entrails and feed the dogs with them. Lassie will not last long here. Seriously expect some serious shit over here soon. A lot of money being handed out to some serious folks to remove senior members of the government. My work here is close to wrapping up in a few days and will make my way to Israel and from there home. Let`s see. Remember when I told you folks this whole shit show was triggered by Trump folks and Trump wants to be impeached so he can butt fuck the entire Democrat Party in the Senate. Seems the scum bags in the FBI are leaking information on the FISA Report in an attempt to save their own worthless lives. No shit the FBI was altering documents on the FISA warrents, the dumb fucks did the same thing on the Flynn fuck up. Share a funny story. As you know Page was doing both Strozk and McCabe what is not known they did threesomes and one FBI person not known was also a party. What a shit show. Heard from one source the shit in the South China Sea is bad. Want to confirm that. Oh and Nancy is so coked up she can`t take a shit without help. Well?
OK folks there is a bit of gunfire close by. Have a good night, and pray for the folks of Iran. They do not deserve this shit.
Answer me, faggot.
Getting a bit sleepy here. What is your question again. And I prefer women I am not a democrat.
Frankfurt is home to the US's largest Consulate General, larger than most US embassies. The wikileaks vault 7 release showed that this consulate is used by the NSA and CIA for cyber operations.
>I think going through a black hole when you reach a certain age would be a hoot, as long as someone is here to help you along in a second life.
Hate to harp on this part a bit, but does this process allow for possibility of coming back with a younger/youthful body but with your memories and experiences more or less intact? We know memories and such are genetic, but still have there been cases coming back say early 20s without having your 70 something year old mind wiped?
>One thing I did not mention is a few folks did not come back and no one really knows what happened with them.
flattened and divided by zero. RIP.
So far everyone who has come back has there memory appropriate to the age they come back as. Who knows this stuff is still a bit Voodoo to me.
Are we getting ayy disclosure soon? Is blue beam a concern?
I think Trump will open up on a lot of the hidden technology if he survives.
Epstein island sold? To what shitskin?
Post the schitt video
How the fuck is jizzlaine Maxwell not arrested?
The Schiff video goes live at Christmas. I have made arrangements to just do it myself, although a well known journalist will get the credit. Not that bitch at the Washington Post. She will get murdered. That one will never be brought in. She has too much shit on too many people. Hope she has a file and published it.
Q posted D 1-6. I took that as IG report first week of December. Has to before Horowitz appears before Senate
That is a good as date as any. Hope Q does not change sides.
Is it true that oboma was active in afghanistan in the 80s as a substitute for a certain well known now 'terminated' jihadi figure?
We had an actor sitting in the WH all this time, and the entire raid was a sham - a fact later covered up by killing those 30 men?
Will this ever come out to full extent or are you folks really think of letting this scum get off because muh dindu nuffin he a gud boy dey racist crakaz
I told you his birth name and the fact he was born in Frankfurt. Be a hero.
BD, does Trump have the Tesla stuff from his uncle?
Yes he does. He showed me some stuff once that I still do not believe. Time Traveler, who knows.
When will Hillary announce?
Thought it would be by now. She is still ranting about getting in and has a boat load of money. Unless Barr fucks here suspect no later that early december.
What about the truth on God?
What did the ancient civilizations know?
Well I believe he does and he has a sense of humor. Several of the civilizations I am aware of speak about a reverence for the one who came from the dark place I wondered if that means a black hole or who really knows what this all means.
Hey BD! WtF is up with Vindman? His testimony today was a joke. Is he part of the set-up, or caught in the trap?
Vindman was set up. Look impeachment was going to happen anyway. By the way Vindman was secretly wired when he spoke with those asshole democrats before his testimony. He is a fucking piece of shit traitor. Spoke with him a few times. Comes across as a real dick head who is a damn pedophile. Fuck him. But I do know he is damn stupid.
>Assad is a survivor.
That he is, that he is. Since him keeping his head straight and asking for help in the right sector made globalist plan to kaput we should be happy he's survived.
just spill.
How technologically advanced was the per-extinction event civilization?
Are you allowed to talk about bioviva and longevity/reversing aging process issue yet?
Any hints on types of materials that got pulled out of roswell that helped 'fuel' the black hole gates?
The pre-extinction civilizations, and this is just my opinion, were about 200 years ahead of current technology. Anti-gravity, and technology that warps space/time to make faster that light travel possible. The materials were constructed from elements not found on earth and a way was found to make them from elements found here by adding and subtracting from atomic structures of certain metals. I think going through a black hole when you reach a certain age would be a hoot, as long as someone is here to help you along in a second life. One thing I did not mention is a few folks did not come back and no one really knows what happened with them.
BSD Anon here. Linux sucks and Trump is going to nuke Kyrgyzstan tomorrow because he can't spell it. Watch for it. Also, Eric Ciaramella was working for a British agent named Isaac Smallcox.
Good for you. Who knows.
You mentioned last thread that globalist puppet masters will not be getting off scot free from all this.
what the fuck actually happened at waddesdon manor - were we aiming for a particular big fish within the rothschild family that isn't publicly known?
Did we get him in the end?
Also, do you think those like pallavicini, rothschild, wallenbergs, etc etc will survive this current trend intact? How are their sentiments/status?
I don`t think any of them will survive what is on the horizon, and if our friends at Yellowstone go nuts none of us will.
Okay but what do we know about the past
The biggest takeaway for me that in the ancient world it seems there was contact with even older civilizations and it seems pretty clear to a lot of folks close to this that mankind did not come from planet earth.
Is there going to be a happening this week or can we count on more blue balls? This impeachment stuff is getting boring. Also, what do they have on drudge that’s made him into a lapdog so quickly?
Believe the FISA business will be in early December. I did hear the McCabe indicment will drop shortly as a prelude to the FISA.
>The Russians are not our enemy.
Yes, finally good to know we are getting back on sound footing. Now if they can somehow throw out all those muzzy shits infesting russia right now that would be something.
>the Federal Security Service worked directly with Brennan to create the Steele Dossier.
FSB largely compromised and they are supposed to protect putin lol
>Putin and Trump work a lot closer than folks realize. There is a back door that maintains regular communication between the two. A person they both trust.
sum of all fears, except the nationality is reversed and he is officially head of nothing?
So would I be correct in surmising that xi and chinese CCP scum are basically staring into ruination of their plan they hatched with globalist scum?
you are right about China.
How did you kill him?
Let`s just say he answered all of the questions and the dogs had a fine meal and later a barrel was filled and my Saudi friends secured 6 million in cash he was paid for Epstein by a well know Democrat.
So no more super sneaky poison eh
What happened to Trump btw
I have to leave the Trump stuff alone for now. One day it will come out. I got a call on that and offered someone to help with that situation.
Also, I’ve never read you talk at all about pizzagate, pedo satanism etc being exposed. I’m worried you boys are letting too much slide...
Glad you brought that up. Barry was born in Germany and I took a lot of ribbing for spelling his name Oboma. There was a point to that. That is the name his German birth certificate is listed as. And I would look in Frankfurt. Big world out there I try to stay in my lane.
>iran is ebil beecauze de jew man told me
Slit your own throat boomers.
Nah, the Iranian people are good folks. The people running Iran and just a bunch of Nazi`s who should all be barreled. I am doing my best to help that.
admit you are a larper. Its getting late in georgia
Actually I am working in Iran right now. Have a burger and go to bed.
show any kind of proof to backup what you say you are you reddit shill faggot
In a sense this issue is getting boring. A lot of what I have talked about has come true or is in the works. Take the time to figure it out.
he's worse than a LARPER he is Mossad. he only popped up on crip chan after Purple Anon drops BTFO'ed the kikes so they ran several shitty LARPs to deflect from his and spam the catalog and BDanon was the only one that caught on due to the massive amount of schizos that lurked on crip chan. Now this fucking cancer is here along with Q and eceleb worship.
Here are some Purple Anon drops so you midwits and fucktards can have an idea what a real anon dropping info looks like.
Well yes I have worked with Mossad, and those boys are good. Just folks doing a job in a bad neighborhood.
>a deal has already been worked out to hand all of that back to the Syrians after this Iranian business works out.
after your recent few threads, all of a sudden we had assad coming on interviews talking about epstein, etc and intel agency involvement in deaths of these puppets last 20 years.
Has he decided to cut ties to the heavily corrupt iranian regime in order to begin anew?
Good question. Assad is a survivor. He is tired of getting shit on by the Israelis and knows he needs peace, and that is the one thing the Iranians cannot deliver.
Not really. I am busy elsewhere.
This. So much disinformation gets spread about Antarctica. Please tell us everything you can about it, BD.
Antarctica. OK I take a lot of shit because of my comments on these subjects but what the hell. The Nazi`s were very active there even after the war. Currently the location of ancient civilization ha been found there in several locations under the ice with advanced technology being hauled out for testing. A number of things from there have been taken to Area 51. The folks in South Africa have a helluva treasure trove on all of that and hopefully one day they will come off of it. Other sites have been found based on the discovery of scrolls under the Pyramid and other places.
Where is the Epstein bs going to end up?
Well that is a good question. Epstein and Rich were murdered by the same person. A person who was later assassinated by a really good person. The Justice Department knows this, at least 2 officials do, so where this goes is anyone`s guess.
>The dogs are having a good time. Not exactly Lassie. They have been eating well and their Saudi handlers are doing their thing out killing officials of the government.
wait, are we talking about full on decapitation strike on critical elements of the clown nigger iranian IRGC types?
were these ones involved in the 'bad shit' you were talking about?
aside from the bioweapon smuggling into US, can you give us some more details about what they have been upto so that people here can be convinced about what you guys are doing honestly not many are too happy with this iran thing desu and nothing happening in israel (bibi getting thrown the fuck out would have convinced a lot of people you guys are playing fair here).
>several rogue elements of the Russian secret service.
how much control does putin really have over these jewish/eastern euro oligarchs and silovik types? Is he more or less with us in trying to clean house world wide?
>Expect Kim in the U.S. after the first of the year to sign a historic agreement.
Maybe give him a tour of annendale and centerville for the lulz
"korean food" there is something specially mutated like everything in DC.
Right now my Saudi friends are settling old scores and handling out buckets of cash to the locals for their rebellion. Yea we are close to all out war, and if the supreme leader gets the big dick we are probably there. Real shit show. the Federal Security Service worked directly with Brennan to create the Steele Dossier. The Dossier was handed off to Steele to get into the fbi. Can`t go there. Putin and Trump work a lot closer than folks realize. There is a back door that maintains regular communication between the two. A person they both trust. The Russians are not our enemy. The Kim thing again will make the Democrats look like a bunch of losers, which they are.
OANN is reporting that this op is all at the direction of Joey B, that John O, Lorretta, et al where under the direction of Joey B Pluggs
What say you sir
I am not sure what you are talking about.
Use another image for complete verification, this one was used by another ID yesterday.
>while we are making the middle east safe for American Oil Companies
hope you are trying to be funny yes?
Yea there is a bit of humor in all of this given what is going on in Syria. But a deal has already been worked out to hand all of that back to the Syrians after this Iranian business works out. N.Korea is on the verge of a historic agreement with the U.S. Expect Kim in the U.S. after the first of the year to sign a historic agreement.
I would not worry about this shit show in the Congress regarding impeachment. This was all a set up to begin with and Trump knew the democrats were going to impeach him from day one. He has chosen the battlefield to fight on. All this shit show does is keep the Democrats nuts while Trump does good things and the FISA and Durham work comes to a finish. Durham already has proof that Brennan started the whole Russiagate fiasco with several rogue elements of the Russian secret service.
So ladies I see you are keeping busy while we are making the middle east safe for American Oil Companies. A lot of money to be made over here and the Iranian women are hot and repressed. Today was a good day. Elements of the Iranian Military are turning on the government, several have been shot dead, and the cash funneling in from Saudi Arabia is impressive. Saudi assassins are hot of the trail of the Iranian General they have been trying to kill and they have a devious plan to blow his ass to the other side. That should bear fruit soon. Where I am is well a bit over the edge.and a few folks have been shot to death within eye shot of where we are. The dogs are having a good time. Not exactly Lassie. They have been eating well and their Saudi handlers are doing their thing out killing officials of the government. This feels different than previous flare ups over here. There is a real chance this will succeed. An element of the resistance is planning to murder the supreme leader soon, and we will see.
could you clarify the status of
what happened at walter reed?
Hopefully a certain fuck who use to be head of the CIA will hang. HI Jim
Have to go back to work. A revolution here in Iran would be a hoot. My Saudi friends and their two hounds say hi. They will eat well soon.
There was a post this afternoon with a link to a paper by an unnamed individual which is a compilation of some sociological studies that suggest very strongly that diversity is not our strength. I tend to agree at the immigration levels that we are seeing.
If Trump is re-elected will he continue to advocate for low immigration or will he cave like he sometimes does when he speaks?
Low immigration.
alright bdanon how real are space nazis
Hell who knows.
You do realize this isn't something to be non-challant about? This is shit that people really want to know about? Why a sentence if you know so much?
Actually just sort of matter of fact to me. What those boys did in Arizona is far more important than this. They carted out over 2000 gold/copper plates, put them on a fucking plane to South Africa and flew them out under our noses. Hell those plates were created by the folks from Atlantis and god knows what is on them.
Any insight on what really went down with Clinton's flight?
I did not hear anything.
Today, Pompeo announced that the legal department at State has reversed itself and now opines that the Israeli settlements on the West Bank are legal. This sounds like a bad idea to me, but is it a part of a strategy? If so, to what end?
Good Move. Make all of those fuckers sit down and figure it out instead of just pissing in the wind. One thing fuck the Palestine leadership. Those faggots could have had peace 20 years ago but they are a bunch of cowards. Fuck them all.
Roll for a date on Ginsberg. I’m going with December 9
She is eat up with cancer and is dying. I originally thought year end buy now I am betting mid december. Pelosi and a couple of democrats know she is dying.
Can you hook me up with a starship? I want to swashbuckle across the stars and fuck green, three tiddied space waifus. Seriously, hook a nigga up.
Be careful what you wish for. Who knows how many cavities those things have. I think so in the next 50 years.
Why has your story changed from this past spring when you were posting as a 70-something retired FBI?
Not me. But we have used the same person to post sometimes.
what was underneath the left foot of the sphinx?
Did we really have 'atlantis' like civilizations before the 12000 BC (approx) extinction event aka noah's flood?
Do you consider yourself conscious (fully awakened, aware) or still 'dead' like how freemason/elitist globalists like to think of the masses?
Yes Atlantis is real and remnants remain. In fact a library from the time of Atlantis was hidden in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona and is now stashed somewhere in South Africa by a group well that I have to say own them.
This if you dont answer dont bother larping anymore bc this country will be over
This Country is just beginning. We are an idea and nothing will destroy that.
'Splain, please. What do you mean by "unsound"?
Stuff that there is a high chance of blowing up in your face without success. If there is a high chance of success and controllable variables fine but control the risk. Some of the folks I know are just bat shit crazy and enjoy this stuff too much.
I don't think people in DC live in the same fucking world to the degree it is necessary to understand what people are feeling right now no matter what they think they are or what they have seen.
All people in the end hear from them is "we thin you are unworthy". If a father said this to daughters and sons who are being preyed upon, he would have been dragged out and shot in the back of the head before they go after anyone else.
There's a reason besides just chink drugs that young white men are being wiped out and being downgraded in their own fucking nation.
Look, you folks have different capabilities then average men and women. Great for you niggers.
Your kids, women and children have to live in this fucking hell world that is slowly basically turning them into rape targets with practically every non-white salivating at the thought of humiliating/degrading/raping them and think it's funny, with no push back from your fucking end.
If you cannot protect your people/BTFO these shitheads, it doesn't fucking matter what you do to get rid of any families or bad actors. You might as well pull the fucking trigger in the caldera now.
That's where people are at, and they need answers more then just "you are weak and deserve it" because that's what people hear from you niggers in DC in this matter. In the end, you are all just running away from this shit and it is killing people.
Not me. One day at a time. We will all know what to do when necessary.
>27 posts by this ID
for a secret agent you sure have a lot of time to post and reply to threads within minutes of posting.
Post one piece of proof that this isn't just a drunk larp.
Well right now I am on my time. Lets see, The three million in gold to Brazil. Check it out. I posted about that and the next day check out what happened there, and well the Iranian General attempted murder. A lot there but I will not do your homework. By the way posting sometimes while I work is very relaxing.
BDanon is a faggot boomer larp.
Well Mossad has a lot of good folks, and a lot of pretty women. You can`t imagine what you miss if you will not go there. Hell drop the hate and just get beyond it. Abound 15 years ago Israel saved our ass in an operation that revealed biological weapons being shipped into the U.S. from a terrorist group in Iran. So year I respect them.
>both sides of the street
human and alien street? they have alien tech/powers?
i seriously can't believe i'm asking this
No the Q folks I think are all human. They just have a capacity for mischief and that could hurt folks if they change sides.
Many of us really enjoy your "company." You will always be among friends here.
Thanks. Strange world right now.
Bd what combat training do you have if any?
Too much.
Alright, one question everyone wants to resolve, wants desperately to look for answers to:
Look what's causing the most demoralization and increasing shill effectiveness is how the shitskin/racial invasion/sexual aggession angle by non-whites and non-americans both in the media and in the streets is going unchecked in US and in europe and UK espeically.
If I or anyone on the boards had one fucking question we needed answered to put fire back, it is this: Is there a honest to Christ no bullshit plan to expel/neutralize this wave of foreign scum and BTFO permanently from the west and other white nations so that our nations remain our own to loyal citizens and natives?
You really believe when you were young and people in chrage were young, they could have tolerated the kind of sexual/open hostile shilling and demoralization campaigned aimed directly at the west with threats of rape/beta-ization and general objectification of whites the way they are doing now? No more ego or illusion on this. You are failing to provide safety and security/strength for your women and children. You are failing them, period.
Please, no more PC cuckery on this end. People are dying and being exploited/raped/preyed upon in their own nations. You fuckers really drop the ball on being cowards on this one. Sick shit.
You can crow about and harp about this being 'distraction' all until you are no longer the majority in your own fucking countries. "muh constitution" for christ sakes read what the fuck founding father said about this. They were wise men, you people apparently are too cowardly to fend this off.
Will you, or will you not keep your countries majority for your people or will you capitulate on this? We need a direct answer. An answer that is truthful and not schuck and jive bullshit for fuck's sake.
Immigration at the current levels is insane. Remember we are a young species and the answer is the technology behind the green door. From what I have seen earth can be a paradise and if you don`t like it here go somewhere else in the galaxy. By the way there is a colony already on Mars in case we blow the whole thing up here.
It looked a little like some of the areas around Flagstaff, where I spent time many years ago. Mountains, rivers in ravines--all gorgeous throughout the west, really.
The possibility of negative interest rates causes some people to head to the precious metals. I guess silver looks a bit better than gold!
What's going on with Trump's health? He met today with Mnuchin and Powell in the residence, not in the oval office. After his trip to Walter Reed on Saturday, some people are a little antsy.
Cannot go there.
Know anything about this Clinton Naomi Campbel drop here:
What is on weiners laptop?
What is in the assange insurance file?
Weiners laptop is like a porno website. Bad shit. Don`t really know much about Assange.
Is gold significant fuel/necessary material for this black hole tech and other mind blowing area 51 shit? What is its REAL significance as related to ancient customs of skin of the gods? Best conductor and all but still.
also what about bioviva and reversal of aging? Are these along with massive medical cures and treaments coming down the pipe line?
The business of converting lead to gold was really nothing but a way to scam the world, by creating something they think is of great value and is not. What the hell, better than a ICBM. The Black hole technology is driven by what was discovered in the three alien space ships at area 51. Just for the record those things have been going in and out of black holes it seem forever.
Do your middle east friends tell you what's under the pyramids and why it is secret?
Actually there was a discovery of a chamber beneath and in front of a pyramid that is well a library dating back to the time of Atlantis. That shit is well hidden and scientific teams have used the information and are all over Anarctica looking for things.
BD what's the deal here, are there several different info disclosure groups that are working independently? And are you deliberately placing certain timeframes to flush deepstate before time?
Well I have helped with a few plea deals and yes there are folks out there going in both directions sometimes at the same time. A lot of my comments about the middle east are aimed at letting some people know what is on the table.
If I had to put a number on my confidence that BDAnon is real, I'd say I'm at about 20%.
He said the last Trump rally in La was going to be special.
He said SA was given the green light to take out Iranian nuclear sites like a month ago.
IDK - I just get the feeling he's a larp. A good one, but a larp nonetheless.
It's too bad, he really had me going there for awhile.
No. I have too much on the plate to just come here and start shit. There are reasons that are a lot higher than my pay grade so be it. The Trump Rally was very special, you have to look at specific comments in context with the Barr statements to the Federalist Society, make the connections, and look at where this is going.
BD is a kike shil
nah but if that is where you are own it.
Because you're unsettled by the fact they're trying to do something artficially that should have happened naturally?
No just these folks have in the past played both sides of the street. Their sophistication allows them to shift too easily, and the AOC and Gabbard things is too dangerous.
>outside the universe
uh you mean solar system?
You mentioned CERN before - are there multiverses operating parallel to each other as we speak?
ARE WE ALONE or are there sentient beings watching us for future purposes?
Lastly, if you were to suggest a part of tesla's specific subjects to look into to get a head start on future developments, what would it be?
We are not alone. Not by a long shot. What they are is a different question. Too me this is as much a time issue as a space issue. ET`s come and go and most just melt into another time. Strange shit.
larp wars
Nah. I would prefer not to be here. But here I am for a while. This is probably unsound.
Where will Europe, South America and India align? They all want to be players, too.
I am not sure. It will a lot healthier than the shit show we have now.
Google says North Branch, but it looks good. When you get there, give us a yell and we'll join you.
When Ginsberg goes, it's going to be rough, especially when Trump goes forward to fill the slot.
I interpreted Barr's speech to mean that he will fight judicial review of coming executive actions and that perhaps Roberts needs to go along. Really, the Obama-appointed judges have gone too far in halting everything that Trump does on a nationwide basis from one judicial district. That really needs to be scaled back and I hope that the DOJ picks the right cases to bring to the Supreme Court to do it.
I like to stay at the Lure Resort, believe that is right. Next time I am there will post some pictures, Real nice country. A lot of Gold still there. Of course after what the boys at area 51 does it all seems a bit silly.
Q is the SSP right? the mission was disclosure
For me Q is unsound.
Hope yall can protect and help those around the world doing what POTUS is doing. czech republic has some strange things going on, same with good part of latin america.
>fascinated with saturn
good sign or bad? what is the significance of that planet which has been worshipped since antiquity?
You mentioned we have already been to jupiter in a presumable manned mission using the black hole tech. Have we gone manned outside of the solar system?
We know jewish religion and muslims are pretty much both continuing worship of the saturn in different form.
>When things shake out the big boys will be the U.S., Russia, China and Japan.
why include japan? significance of that nation?
are we still thinking of giving JP and SK nukes even if NK unifies with SK?
Is there a time table for unification (rough)?
N.Korea and S. Korea will be unified in a confederation before Trump`s second term. Japan is a economic powerhouse and in manufacturing more advanced that China or the U.S. Have no clue why Saturn. Yes we have been outside the universe and well back.
Is the IG report really not coming out until the after FISA renewal?
no it will come out before.
Name one thing BD had has would happen that did. In his first post he claimed Strozk would be indicted within 72 hours, and that post was from early September. BD has not made a single claim that has proven true. No credibility, and he claims to love Israel and Mossad. Worst LARP I’ve seen in a while, it then again they’re all full of shit because they all claim things will happen and yet nothing ever has happened.
Actually most of my comments have been proven true and a lot are in the oven. Look if you would be more comfortable with CNN fine.
Oddly enough doesn't begin to describe how kooky this sounds. Why take that trip with her when she might come back as a baby and you might be a 14 yr old boy. Sounds dumb.
Not really look at the alternative. Why not?
Oddly enough doesn't begin to describe how kooky this sounds. Why take that trip with her when she might come back as a baby and you might be a 14 yr old boy. Sounds dumb.
Well I got a lot of nice coins and one hell of a ride. And well I look at barrels differently.
Any chance a millennial will get to ride of these ships in his lifetime?
I think so. I am excited that this stuff comes out. Will change everything.
>They are so fucking repressed even Schiff could score over here.
Some questions for you, BDanon:
is AOC just an asset that was activated by Q team (aka working both sides of the street), or actually in the team herself?
Why tip off the iranian government like this with saudi involvement openly? Granted iranian people would take all the help they can get money wise to get rid of the mullahs, but still.
What is going on in south america and in EU regarding soros signaled push against likes of bolsonaro, other POTUS aligned political actors? You are aware of this of course.
Especially worrying is development in argentina, but SK also needs a mention. shill msm there and retarded see aye a asset level 'pastor' and all that. All taken into account?
Has chinese hand been lifted from NK a little more? What is the end game for HK?
Remember when AOC was activated this was a CIA operation by folks who are now actively involved in the Q stuff. What I have tried to tell folks is the Q operation is only visible in about 10% of what they do. Bolsonaro is a good guy, and Soros is a fucking demon. Mentioned a while back that the N.Korea deal is close and expect a big break through there. Sometimes Trump has to take things a bit slow. Hong Kong is just a shit show. Who knows.
So the puppets go down (maybe) but the puppet masters continue their global fuckery and absolutely nothing changes.
No, this really different. When things shake out the big boys will be the U.S., Russia, China and Japan. Really believe a lot of globalists are going to well go to the other side.
How are you going to procure margaritas with orange juice in Iran?
As to Hillary, is she still thinking of getting in? If she does, it will be an even more complete shitshow than it already is with Patrick and Bloomberg jumping in.
Actually you would be surprised. But that sweet young thing in Downieville on the believe it is the east branch of the Yuba River is the best. That is a beautiful little place. As far as I can tell she is still on to get in. Interesting considering Bill is dying. By the way Ginsburg is just about gone. Cancer has her by the well balls and she will not make the end of the year.
If that turns you on fine. Imagine some good stuff there, but at the end of the day what is out there right now is beyond the imagination of all of our writers. They are at least a 100 years behind.
is bannon involved with an alien group? hold on a sec BDanon... bannon. seems kinda similar
Not me. But know him. He does know about most of the shit at area 51 and so does Trump. I do believe Trump will let it out sooner than later. Hell he wants to take a ship to the edge of the galaxy. He is fascinated with Saturn.
so they come back as literal babies, doesn't matter how old they were, the black hole reverses their age exactly to newborn. Or do you mean they come back with their minds wiped in their adult state.
Both oddly enough some have come back with their memories appropriate for their age. One came back to the age of 14 and its like that age is where she is mentally. When I get a bit older my not be a bad thing, and take someone special with me.
Qanon is for boomer faggots
Look the Q folks have done so good. They are just not reliable.
What ever happened with the Barr press conference?
Good question. Barr and Trump decided to tag team folks with Trump`s rally comments and his speech to the Federalist Society. The basics of Barr`s press conference is buried in his presentation to the Federalist Society. He is laying the groundwork to blame the Democrats for all the damage done by the thugs in Justice and the FBI.
wait, are you saying that we don't have intergalactic spaceships with which people used to travel through black holes and came back as babies? He sounded so convincing!
Why yes we do. The technology works. No one really understand what is going on in a black hole. One scientist told me that black holes warp time and space in such a way that folks some how interchange with themselves and come back different. Actually Plato argued much the same in talking about how folks forget previous existences when they are born. Perhaps being born is something like going through a black hole. That is funny in a way.
bdanon has 100% accuracy when talking about his own shit and much less when talking about other people's. work the posts anon and stop expecting to be spoonfed like a kike baby.
Yep people forget it is a big world and others have a part to play in this shit show. Clinton is getting fucking wild. For some reason she has been screaming a lot at Bill about both of them going to prison. One fucked up person.
Well right now I am busy with barrels here in Iran. Damn if this shit keeps going the Mullah`s will be hanging from lampposts soon enough or we will be in WW 3 shortly. Hell why not just settle this shit now. On a side bar most of what I have said is right on with things I can control, when working through the pussy`s in Justice things take a bit longer because of all the political shit and the faggot attorney`s they have to work with. By the way I am hearing Pelosi is staying coked up and had 2 stallions on call for the weekend. These morons still don`t understand this has been a set up from day one. Hell Trump knew that piece of shit was a Brennan spy for at least two years. Bannon made a point to let him know. Questions?
By the way Iranian women are hot. They are so fucking repressed even Schiff could score over here. It really is wild.
11/18/19(Mon)15:43Summoning BDAnon233588916
all right faggot, this is the last straw, u got one last chance to keep patriotic anons on ur side and believing “in the plan” give us something that proves that this isn’t all just one huge Boomer LARP!
phone call. Got to go something is up.
Following up from before the speech, nice commitment. Is The Fed in on the plan or not?
no. they will be dealt with in Trump`s second term.
what is up with POTUS and Walter Reed?
I have been out of the loop today. Not sure.
Q larp
Nah the Q`s work a different side of the street and they tend to go back and forth. For now they are on the right side. Who knows in a year. But they have done a lot of good in some sense.
I really believe this q tier predictions this time.
Believe what you will but bring your popcorn and enjoy neverless.
Hello Ladies,
Back on the road again. Things here in the middle east are heating up again. The Saudi`s have gone full honey badger in Iran and have been responsible for several bombings and passing money around to the resistance. They brought so many suitcases here today the Iranians can now buy food and gasoline bombs. Someone just came in laughing about blowing up a bank but cannot confirm that. Oh well the Mullahs deserve every big dick they get up their ass. But on another subject did any of you folks take a moment and compare the Barr speech and the Trump speech in LA. They are in many ways the same speech just to different audiences. Barr`s presentation is an intellectual effort to lay the groundwork for what is coming and more importantly a heads up to members of the Judiciary their role in the coming indictments. The IG Report which will be out either next week or the next will show that all four of the FISA Warrants were illegal, and hopefully identify Carter Page as a deep state spy working for Comey. Think of the movie Seven. We are in the last few minutes of the movie and the head in the box is not Trump`s. And the head in the box is only one of many with the rest in the truck. One other thing Stone will not serve a day because by the sentencing day all of this will be out and Trump has already signaled through the pardons he handed out Friday what he is up to. As I said this will be biblical. Never forget what is coming and always tell your children of these days.
It is over.
Barr announces the greatest happening of our time.
Have to go.
Vegas is what 'redpilled' me, and open my eyes to a lot of the bullshit I thought I was nuts thinking about.
Any chance the real truth, or details, will come out on that?
no that will never surface. Too many people in the middle of that shit storm.
Care to expound on that?
Yea people did not get paid, and ISIS was involved. They were taken out by another group.
IF he gets a second term?
so elections are legit?
No they are not. All the elections are fixed by different groups and the winner is which group is well craftier than the other. My money is on Trump. Things in the works.
Is RGB dead or what?
Actually the cancer has spread all over her body. My new time line is dead by mid december.
Just wanted to give you some support & encouragement for what you're doing. Thank you a million times, and I hope you stay safe.
I probably met you at PJ Haley's in Decatur once upon a time.
Not sure I remember that. Remember Towers, Avondale, and Decatur. One was my home school.
But he kills and persecuted his own people and embezzled billions from turkey with his whole family. Guess that might not be so different from many world leaders. But the whole coup thing was fake and gay?
Actually the U.S. was behind the Turkish attempt to get Erdogen. Only a back down in the U.S. Government kept his plane from being shot down.
What color tie tonite?
Why Red of course. Are you going to rat me out. Would hate to be on the Cover of the Huffington Post.
What's going on with the Middle East? Israel still doesn't have a government and it looks like all Palestinians are ready to attack at once. It looks like Iran will be blamed. Your thoughts?
Pretty bad actually. Think Iran and Israel are teeing up the big one. One of the reasons Trump is meeting with Erdogen.
is hillary running or not? seeing her antics and non-answers on podcasts/interviews is annoying me to no end
Her phone intercepts continue to say yes, and god knows she has the money. Warren is doa. There are things that are coming out on her.
Anon brings up a good point is a Soros gonna be exorcised from this country and world. The freak is fucking cancer to everyone. Is Soros caught redhanded?
And what about all the corrupt ambassadors in employees of state, that agency has to decimated, what have you heard of the corruption there?
It seems like each one if them is on the take through Ukraine and USAId, is that true?
Soros is so evil it is off the charts. He makes Nazi`s look like a bunch of Democrats. We will see.
What shall we look for, any key words?
Was there an attempt on his life today?
No, just listen closely.
Tell us about Sophia and the Saudi citizenship post-assassination attempt in Vegas
Rumors were she was on Trump's tour of Asia in the November when Q showed up
Vegas was a lot worse than people know. That came close to being a real disaster.
What kind of meaning did I miss with Sessions? It sounded exactly like the same bullshit political promises no one ever follows through with my entire life.
Sessions and Barr are quite close and have been working behind the scenes on a lot of things. Sessions knows where things are going. But there are things about him I have to let go of.
Who’s they?
The Democrats who run things.
Trump should shut the Fed down and tell the shareholders to fuck off.
If he gets a second term believe he will.
The metastasis has grown far to strong, to unfuck anything. Kikes will just devalue the dollar and everybody is back on the goyimcide train.
It is not all about the Jews. The folks in Iran are far more dangerous. Afraid there will be a god awful war with Tehran and Haifa nuked. Actually a lot of the folks in Mossad are good professional people.
What was it like growing up with Betsy as a sister?
Not me. Don`t know any Betsy.
Personally I think Erdogan is a terrorist, he looked supremely uncomfortable IG the WH and around Trump. A real sour puss. What’s his deal? What do you know about him?
Actually Erdogan is not that bad. You can make deals with him and he is rightly pissed off about the way Turkey has been treated. A lot of the folks killing kurds were financed by us.
I hope you’re not just some guy who overdosed on Bill Cooper. And what about the guy spamming the Zyphr Pogo stuff.
Look I am just a guy working the street and try to answer what I can. Nothing more nothing less. Well maybe a bit more.
yeah sure
is it next week or next month this time? maybe next year even? let's just call it 2021 so you don't look like a larp again frank
Such negativity but understandable. This has not been a road for the faint of heart. The cancer is just too deep.
Care to give us a hint as to "more?"
Just let it happen. Promise you will see why this has taken so long. There is a lot of meaning in the Session thing and him crawling out of the bunker.
You were really sound upbeat, good. Any other happenings we need to know about?
Hope folks in California stay safe. That mess cannot get better till they get honest.
Admit you are a drunk larper. No one with security clearance would disclose top secret shit like you do. You are a drunk boomer in georgia that has never posted any real proof, just conjecture
Good question. Just doing my job and a lot has been accomplished by letting folks know what their option are. And some of the things I talk about are the first steps in things becoming public. Not sure about the Gold thing, but hey no will believe that anyway. It is a good thing to keep things rolling.
BDAnon, I’ve got a question about contingency plans in place by the ultra elite. What are the chances Hillary has a bunch of chlorine gas hidden in all the major population hubs?
Well from what I know some of the really, really folks have places to hide out and believe it or not the biggest is several islands in the South Seas not even on maps. Funny story.
Good God.
last chance WW
Have more faith in yourself. It will be ok.
Happy Thursday, BD! Are these plea deals related to the Horowitz, Durham or some other investigation?
That and more.
What have we won? Trump pushes globohomo, MIGA, Daca amnesty and still no election security. This isn't a win if anything it's a short term reprieve
Whatever you think of Trump look at the alternatives. A second term and he will go to the wall on everything. He has to balance things now. Trump gets people talking. The meeting today with Erdogen and the senators was a shit show but a necessary one to start things going. Trump is not afraid of shit shows.
How long did it take you to learn that knot?
never did.
muh next week
Well just watch tonight and enjoy. You have nothing to lose.
Hideous knot.
Actually I gave the picture to a friend to make the knot. I could not do it.
Yep... they waited too long.
It looks like a partisan attack.. whatever they have it better be so damming that there is no doubt about it.
You can`t spin Brennan making everything up and triggering the investigation. Durham already has testimony, signed statements and tapes from the folks who Brennan used.
Not next week.
Well I am wearing that tie tonight. Just a different color. Good hunting.
When is McCabe being publicly indicted?
POTUS rallies are circle jerks, when are the perp walks?
This one is not a circle jerk, it is a lot more. Just watch and see me smiling in the corner. What better platform to blow the doors off the main stream media.
Hey BD what’s up, lots going on the faux media machine making things up about McCabe not being prosecuted! I don’t believe but what say you?
McCabe has more prosecutions lined up besides just lying. Like sedition and a few more.
Nice try but its too late. Its taken so long that now whatever Barr/Durham do will be spun as abuse of power and persecuting political opponents. The media will triple down and faggot republicans will run scared then fold like a cheap suit they always do
Nah. I was a bit upset about things taking this long but with a lot of moving parts it makes sense. I tend to prefer the direct route, and sometimes that is not the best way for results.
If nothing happens this week don’t come back.
Well details need to be worked out it will be clear by the end of next week, but enjoy the moment. Hopefully the plea deals I have triggered and coming events will mean I have no need to come back. This is not what I do best.
Hey BD, welcome back. Will POTUS have a message for us tonight?
We are going to win and keep on winning. The deep state is going down. Trump has won.
It can always be done.
11/14/19(Thu)17:50The Rally Edition233193373
I would watch the rally tonight and pick the winner.
The Skys of United.
11/13/19(Wed)12:22Ginsberg Death Train233055019
Just an update on Ginsberg. The cancer has spread through her body and according to a Clinton phone intercept she is coughing up blood as her body is being eaten alive. Thought she would be dead by the end of the year but it now looks like we are talking mid-December. One of the reasons for the impeachment push now is Pelosi and Schumer know this and are trying to get this done before she dies. With her dead the whole shit show enters a new stage. On another front Brennan has now flipped and Oboma is in the cross hairs on Durham`s investigation and expect the Huber investigation on the Clinton Foundation to produce fruit. Barr is going to prosecute this piece of shit. Later.
Guys have to go. A young women needs me and who am I to not respond.
2nd request - will Barr's actions stop the impeachment hearings?
In my opinion yes.
Did Bush Jr. flip?
Did Sr. get the firing squad?
Can I hang out with Trump someday?
I don’t want to be impatient but this shit has been going on for 4-1/2 years of the insane attacking our president every way possible. I honestly don’t know how he can deal with the unrestrained insanity, but man he’s like Hercules it something. Tell us something really funny he’s said recently please
Well he was talking recently about the day Pelosi rubbed up to him in the White House. I saw it from another room. Told him to close the door and take one for the team. He really is funny.
Would Israel do a false flag mini nuke in Haifa in order to clear the way for Greater Israel neutron bomber campaign?
Did you have a hand in Aldous Harding’s song “The Barrel” getting on the indie charts recently?
Good song. I think you’d like.
nope but will catch it. thanks.
Nuclear weapons - fake and gay
till one goes off.
Mr Biggus Dickus Anon, can you comment on any plans for the Republic of South Africa? Also, any more info you can give on the previous civilizations type of technology?
Not really. Had a chance to do some business in Rhodesia. Beautiful place and pretty women. Been a while. Technology of previous civilizations. Well that would take a book, but they were impressive and left some craft that were found.
When does the world find out that the Obama admin spied on a lot more domestic "enemies" than just Trump?
The FISA Report is quite the shit show. Got a chance to read it recently. There are comments there about other domestic spying.
So are we talking about a huge price drop or what? I’ve been collecting coins, myself for some time...
I really do not know. Rare coins will be fine.
Is the Fed going to get shutdown and if so when?
Well from what I am hearing yes. In Trump`s second term.
Speaking of numbers... does the name Chris Curtis (and his to-do with numbers) mean anything to you?
kek, then do more Prince magic to accelerate
will do. Prince is a word i like.
Will the arrests/FISA stop the Dems from calling the impeachment vote? Seems if anything drops, this scam impeachment may be called off.
Good question. I expect the shit shows of all shit shows in the Senate. Trump wants to speak in the Senate. God the ratings.
Hey BD. Were you involved in sneaking Assange out of the embassy in Oct 2016? How close was he to being rendered?
not me. He should have escaped from there years ago on his own.
Hey Ghost! I thought you’d be here tonight with the Israel news today. How are you doing?
Have a young lady with me. So things are good. need to retire to the bedroom soon. think she is impatient.
Who were the Awans working for?
everybody. they sold shit everywhere.
Any idea what's up with Cheryl Mills and Jean-Louis at BlackIvy Group?
Is Chelsea Clinton going down as well?
So what about Trump, AlfaBank/Group, and Paul Vixie, and servers?
Anything coming down the pipes related to that?
Do you know anything about election integrity? Voter ID coming?
Really does not matter. The CIA has the technology to flip any election they want. But since their are several diverse groups in the intelligence community it tends to even out.
All I am aware of is Gold. Why not?
Fuck Sally Yates! I wanna see the manchurian nightmare and the arkansas serial killer swing from a tall tree!
Just for the record one thing that came out of the taps is Chelesa does both men and women. One night when her husband was not around she was on the phone to someone she calls the Hungarian Hunk. What a call.
do we have monopoly on gold manufacturing or do other nations (russia or china) have it also?
massive LOL @ all the chinks and poos that were hoarding gold dumbasses
>Sort of neat to think how much paper currency is retired each year from this scam.
so this is "inflation" and other squeezing (((economic))) mechanisms. Their tool for culling the middle class.
Since we control gold manufacturng, fed is now meaningless.
thought we already had very good synthetic diamonds being produced.
nope we are the only ones. the development of this process should be the source of a lot of books.
Is Sally a man tranny?
Sounds good to me. Nah just a fucking traitor.
What about diamonds?
Do they use the production line stuff for Ormus?
never seen anything there.
Are you saying inflation is from massive gold production and not the federal reserve inventing ways for it to exist?
Not an economist, but the gold keeps going in and the cash keeps getting taken out. Good point. Remember nothing is what it seems, well most.
fag kaine or groper warner?
Warner. SOB is a fucking Soros puppet and traitor. Kaine is just a idiot.
>heavy alien larp
>little green men designed to shift curious eyes away from experimental aircraft/other sanctioned activities
> ISIS had more than just a few. The Iranians were damn sloppy.
more like allowed to possess? Not just by iranians either.
Is this why bibi was so quick to make peace overtures honestly jews sound pretty rattled right now.
Everything is crazy over there. My fear is Tel Aviv or Haifa going up in a nuclear blast and Israel takes out the whole middle east. They can do it. Those folks have a lot of nuclear weapons on three submarines they keep hidden in the Med.
numbers are compelling
Well it is the truth.
Btw, there's no way to confirm this, is there
Actually there is. The Federal Reserve in NY has a helluva stash of gold. Simply add gold and move the paper around and people don`t know they are paying cash for something that was not part of the system. Shit will hit the fan on this one day. The numbers the Reserve uses do not add up. I should know.
> but things are better served to wait a few days
nothing. will. happen.
Nah. Sometimes people are like turtles. Remember we are dealing with a coup of the american government. Real seven days in May stuff.
Are you saying we may have never actually left the gold standard? We just made more gold than was imaginable?
Wisdom. Really one of the biggest scams of the last 50 years. Impressive.
Yikes, guess MOSSAD really is pulling your strings huh?
Nah have worked with them on a few projects and just about everyone else. Prefer the Saudi`s. Their dogs are special.
Fucken checked! Never knew gold came out of area 51 at all. Hmmm. What do then? Where would you put your money since you know what is up? Please
Not sure I understand this business with numbers, but I play it straight as I can and that is most of the time. Well real estate is good and I have been a coin collector, gold, for years. My Gold coins are worth a lot more than their gold content. Have to say I do have a prized 1916D Mercury Dime. Beautiful.
Epic digits
Is that why there's such a heavy larp about aliens about area 51?
Look what happened at Roswell was real. There are three off world aircraft at area 51.
what is your position on silver and crypto?
Nothing is real anymore. Bitcoin can and has been scammed and god knows if they start making silver at area 51 who knows where that can go.
Yeah, that's easy enough to see.
What's going on with Jimmy Carter?
Think Jimmy is just getting old. Piece of shit created the mess we face in the middle east. That bastard should never have been elected governor of Georgia.
Yep tough. I know I have been wanting to see Sally Yates in chains for a while.
a few more days????? This is ridiculous!
Yep it is. Could not agree more.
nvm, the hash search updated now. A bit slow.
>Comey has flipped and he is trying to avoid Tyrone. That will not happen. He gets at least 10 years.
Welcome back anon. Maybe 'audio leaks' from the shared cell could make rounds on the internet.
If you have time between answering questions about imminent events, how about some of the Qs above?
>interstellar travel - it's extent and how far we have gone upto now
>why is gold dangerous/what is it really that you know?
>do we have more gold then the chinese
We make more gold each year than is mined. And can make a lot more. Sort of neat to think how much paper currency is retired each year from this scam. Let me see what I can do.
>Gold from lead
It's possible, just not cost (energy) effective with currently known (public) methods. There's little reason to make it when you can probably eventually just mine it in space, either, and if indeed you could make tons in a cost-effective way, basing a currency on it would be idiotic.
Well since I saw the production line at area 51 can tell you it is real. The Gold enters the system though the N.Y. Federal Reserve Gold store in N.Y.
this isn't remotely politics and this fag was outed as a larper the other day
not sure what this is about.
Can you quantify ugly? In economic terms and social terms?
Well locking up a U.S. Senator from Virginia for sedition puts in a whole different league. Some other things but let them play out.
Some good guys I meant.
What are the based Mossad operators working on now?
Mossad is still looking for a nuclear weapon. ISIS had more than just a few. The Iranians were damn sloppy. They are also actively involved in going after the Iranian General who hit Saudi Arabia. The Saudi`s are paying them 100 million for the hit.
There are some guys in Mossad right? Feels like they get blamed for everything here
Do you know George Webb?
Mossad is ok in my book. Do a lot of good work, and spoke with a friend over there today. Expect Israel to go hard into Gaza with massive attacks very soon, Iran may get hit also I hear.
What's shakin BD? Tell us about why we should be careful with gold.
Well since more Gold comes out of area 51 than all of the mines in the world I would shy away from it. The transmutation of lead to Gold has been ongoing for sometime.
Nigga, what's going on?
We've got Jimmy Carter with an Illuminate eye bruise, Barr arresting tons of crooks in New Mexico, FISA next week.tm, and a bunch of bored anons.
stay hard. Things are in two phases right now. First the FISA business and that will be devastating and then the Durham stuff will come out soon enough, and don`t forget Huber is very, very active. Clinton is getting closer to jumping in. Believe her phone taps were correct on that from a couple of months ago. She is nuts. Barr is going to put her ass in jail.
Welcome back
Thank you. Have been busy, was expecting a press conference today but things are better served to wait a few days. Comey has flipped and he is trying to avoid Tyrone. That will not happen. He gets at least 10 years.
Things were a bit disappointing today. But the barrels are ready and the plea bargains and a few other things are keeping the lid on for a few days. This is going to be ugly ladies, really ugly.
You rang?
Tyrone awaits.
Wonder who her source is. I don`t.
Too late Jim, John and company. You all fucked up.
11/11/19(Mon)17:24it is over232864723
Go to go folks. Call I have to take.
So the nuke went to Russia?
BD I know you're not a fan of Julian Assange from having been close to his case and seeing what he did get people killed. What's going to happen to him now?
Suspect he will not die. I recommended bringing him to the U.S. and let him tell his story and after that hang him.
>Start taking the universe apart
The universe cannot be divided.
It already has.
That's a serious question.
I'm an interested foreigner, in the area.
let thing settle down. I visit friends there from time to time. Good time to come is in August.
Bd wil this week finally convince a large number of leftards?
Hard to say. Think it will take months to sink in they are like drug addicts coming down. Will not be pretty.
Numismatists are curious about the coin collection. What did you get?
A complete set of Dahlonega Gold Coins. The collection originally belong to Hussein and when Iraq blew up it moved around and my Russian friend in Syria ended up with it. Fair trade. I enjoy gold coins particularly from the Charlotte Carson City and Dahlonega mints. Beautiful stuff. Use to placer mine on the Etowah River years ago. Nice.
so now we're talking about going through the looking glass and time traveling and shit. Another LARP jumps the SHARK
Indeed strange stuff. What is at area 51 is so far off the grid, I wish we would just make it all public and folks that want to get off this planet could just take a ticket.
Is GOLD in the future for the US?
What have you heard about our financial system in general. What are those-in-the-know investing in?
Things are pretty fucked up. But we will see. Be careful with Gold it is not what you think it is.
Will the US ever get it’s gold back?
Funny story about Gold. Remind me to share it one day. A way was found years ago to make it from lead. They have a production line at area 51.
Can I have an invitation?
Just go the the Red Dog Saloon and just listen.
What are the odds of everything going south? Better be low.
less than 5%
Now yer talkin'...
How close is Huma to Al Waleed bin Talal, in your estimation?
The recent twitter stuff shouldn't have surprised anyone.
As for "owe her money"... did it by any chance originate from the Clinton Foundation?
Calling in debts, perhaps?
Those fucks are so corrupt who really knows. Huma is bad. Her is a crazy one. Years ago she spent a weekend with him in Israel.
Folks I have to leave in a bit and am posting in the other area. Just too much jumping back and forth.
Are you talking about this?
Not sure quite how it works. No one is. And I have a good background in that stuff. Maybe.
What are we not asking you that we should?What's the juiciest most detailed thing you can give us?
The stuff in Southern California just keeps getting worse and worse.
Don't be rude.
If you're not interdasted in what BadDoganon has to say, then you may lurk.
Ooooh... a black hole... like on one of those ancient egyptian boats that the gods would ride?
Or are we talking more CERN and John Titor kind of stuff?
No the real thing. We have the technolgy. Those folks are CERN are dangerous. Start taking the universe apart you do not know what you will find.
Follow up question BD: when you become a child, do you have your memories intact? Or do you only keep your memories up until your apperant age?
One way seems worth it, the other would seem a tragedy to be buck rogered years into the future.
Remember I did not experience this. I have been told it is a clean slate, much like being bored. Very similar to Plato`s comments about the soul and being born. That is the past is simply forgotten.
Bd is the british swamp being drained of pedos?
not my shop.
BD is Trump playing Israel or vice versa?
What's the End Game with Israel?
Israel is complicated. Trump believe Israel can take care of themselves and we just need to get the hell out of there. There are some crazy military folks around him that want to start to fucking war because of the technology we possess. We would win.
Who is this Michelle you reference a lot. Give me one more clue.
The love of my life. Couldn`t do this with her around. Guess you could say I should go back I have done enough. Well she went to a Catholic School in Atlanta.
I question his deference to Israel and the Mossad an I don’t buy his story that the Chinese financed 911. Also he has committed crimes in the name of America that are unforgivable and lined his pockets with our gold. Other than that I believe he may be redeemable.
Not really. My money I made. The coin collection was a fair trade for a nuke. Yes the Chinese did finance 9/11 and I told you where to look for the money trail and the folks that did it are sleeping in New York.
Will the announcement next week just be that the jig is up and then we have to sit thru years of trials before these people face justice?>>232772491
A lot more.
Does china have 20k tons of gold or what? What's the status of unseating the swift/usd system by the east?
Interesting, Know a Chinese operative. Met him in the Middle East. He said most of their Gold has been stolen by the elites in the Communist Party and they stash it all over the world. Funny in a way.
I’ve read most of what you say and understand you think they are “unsound”, but elsewhere you’ve admitted you would be “unsound” if you had to deal with the pedoshit.
I don’t think they are unsound at all really - Unsound would have been if they released it all with no regard for the consequences. They obviously care that society isn’t destabilized
They are into a lot of things folks in this kind of work should stay out of. Just my opinion.
>I just think
Agree to disagree.
Prove me wrong otherwise.
Well AOC is one of them and activating her to destroy the Democrat Party to me is unsound. Check into her background. She was recruited during her College days. Her College was a hot spot for the CIA. Also rigging the election to make sure she won is a bit over the edge.
Does Obama's background get exposed? Apart from all of the obvious implications, ene of the central tenets of the media's gaslighting about Trump for the past 4+ years has been the narrative about his "birtherism." Would blow a lot of minds to have that flipped on his head, showing that he was right about this and more all along.
If this all goes south, my files will flood the internet and the news. I will go hide some where and stay drunk.
Yeah but that's all common knowledge.
What's she been up to LATELY?
Or... what WILL she be up to, soon?
Know some dudes from the middle east are looking for her. Do not know why? Maybe they owe her money, who knows.
What’s in the second Ukraine call (the first chronologically)? Also will they put RBG down to stall?
Hear RBG has got in a bad way recently. Still think she is gone by the end of the year. The Democrats know that and one reason they are trying to get Trump now. What they don`t know is this whole thing was a set up from day one. I have heard the second phone call and well Schiff will shit his pants. And by the way fuck him.
Hey BD you mentioned going through a black hole and coming out a child, and also trying to prevent a death after a spoon saw his immenent death.
Are the black hole kids expected to live a full life? Or will the fates for lack of a better term cut their lives short too?
Yes they are. Interesting no one talks about that more. Really strage stuff. Starting out and getting back before you left and the effects of the human body. Spooky stuff. God knows what is waiting out in the universe. Never went through one myself, but who knows get old might take a spin with Michelle, Maybe we can come back as two 18 year old engineer prospects. Miss her.
Bd, any non Americans been rounded up?
I’ve followed Q since the beginning here and to the exodus on infinity.. Q is unquestionably a patriot that loves America and God. Definitely not playing both sides and 100% without a doubt legit.
When I say play both sides for now they are here, tomorrow who knows. Not to say they are good or bad it is just intelligence folks need to get back to intelligence and stay out of domestic stuff. Northern Virginia is very pretty but it is not the country and all of Washington can screw with your head. They need to get away from the swamp.
I don’t really believe you on Q - but I can see how you’d have to disassociate.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Ephesians 6:10-12
The Q people are ex-intelligence folks who do a lot of things. There main work is no the Q stuff but other operations that you will not see. I just think they are unsound.
It'll be a trip to live in a world worth bringing children into...
Back to the topic, Brennan's a muslim... what's Huma been up to, recently?
Got any info on that?
Huma has been a spy for the muslim brotherhood for years, hell she was forwarding a lot of Clinton emails and other things to her family in the middle east who were selling the information to the highest bidder. If that bitch had made it to the White House the damage she would have done is not to be believed.
Is the chatter about next Thursday for the FISA IG report likely accurate?
Next week is very real. Would not worry about a specific day. Thrs. sounds good to me. just get the popcorn.
Are there going to be barrels for the Lawfare faggots and MSM seditionists -- i.e., not just the FBI/DOJ top dogs?
Maybe not barrels the elites will get Tyrone. They will pray for a barrel after a couple of years.
But are our kids going to actually be American? I watched that clip you posted, and most kids today don't have the mindset that Patton clearly refers to when he talked about kids. Do we still lose because our kids are being trained to be a bunch of pussies by the media?
Well we are their parents. That is up to us. If we fail then we get what we deserve.
BDAnon are you FBIANON, both are Georgia Tech supporters and also how deep are Schiff crimes, jail or barrel?
No I am not but will tell you this. There are more spooks from all over the world in and around Jarbridge, Nevada than you can imagine. I would not go there without an army or and invitation.
BDanon another Qaffilliated LARPing faggot to tell you idiots to keep plan trusting like Schlomo wants.
If you have two of your own brain cells to rub together read this shit instead:
Well the Q folks are interesting but unsound. They play both sides of the street.
How can we help BD?
When it is over never forget and tell your children what happened and what they almost lost. The children are the greatest gift and our legacy of what we are all about.
Look I’m still on th